In order to make iDNA Applications discoverable by applications like Service Now, this optional package can be installed on an Alma 9 appliance to set up an SNMP server to publish a set of configurable properties. Per default, a pre-defined set of properties will be published, but additional properties may be added by modifying snmpd.conf as described below.

The following properties are available per default:

Short NameOIDContentDescription
sysObjectId. Model OIDDefault value: "." (modification not recommended)
sysDescr. value: "iDNA Applications - HCL Domino Analytics by panagenda"
sysName. NameMachine network name
sysContact. ContactTypically an administrator email address
sysLocation. LocationLocation of the machine (e.g. data center, VMWare farm, ...)
entPhysicalSerialNum. Machine IDUnique identifier string (e.g. GUID generated by Linux command "uuidgen")
entPhysicalMfgName. value: "panagenda"
entPhysicalModelName. or software titleDefault value: "iDNA Applications 3"


  • Download the package :

  • Copy zip file to folder /root/ on the appliance (using WinScp)

  • Extract contents of zip file:

  • Check if SNMP is already installed:
    systemctl status snmpd.service

  • If the service answers, you can SKIP the next paragraph "Install SNMP Server"

Install SNMP Server

  • Enter directory "snmp":
    cd /root/snmp

  • Install packages in folder:
    rpm -ivh --force *.rpm

Configure SNMP Server

  • Enter directory "snmp":
    cd /root/snmp

  • Stop SNMP server:
    systemctl stop snmpd

  • Back up old snmp config file:
    mv /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf.orig

  • Generate new UUID for next step (copy to notepad for further use):

  • Edit snmpd.conf to enter newly generated GUID
    nano ./snmpd.conf

  • Replace string "GUID" in line . with new GUID
    Example: override . octet_str "6c422afb-b420-4f3b-84ff-cfb9e1431bde"

  • Check if hostname needs to be overridden (e.g. to show FQDN instead of CN)
    Uncomment and edit line . if necessary

  • Modify "syslocation" and "syscontact" as needed

  • Copy new config file to /etc:
    cp ./snmpd.conf /etc/snmp/

  • Restart SNMP server:
    systemctl restart snmpd

  • Make sure SNMP service starts at boot time:
    systemctl enable snmpd

  • Test configuration:
    snmpwalk -v2c -c public localhost
    snmpget -v1 -c public localhost .

  • In case of errors, check logs:
    systemctl status snmpd