In order to make iDNA Applications discoverable by applications like Service Now, this optional package can be installed on an Alma 9 appliance to set up an SNMP server to publish a set of configurable properties. Per default, a pre-defined set of properties will be published, but additional properties may be added by modifying snmpd.conf as described below.

The following properties are available per default:

Short NameOIDContentDescription
sysObjectId. Model OIDDefault value: "." (modification not recommended)
sysDescr. value: "iDNA Applications - HCL Domino Analytics by panagenda"
sysName. NameMachine network name
sysContact. ContactTypically an administrator email address
sysLocation. LocationLocation of the machine (e.g. data center, VMWare farm, ...)
entPhysicalSerialNum. Machine IDUnique identifier string (e.g. GUID generated by Linux command "uuidgen")
entPhysicalMfgName. value: "panagenda"
entPhysicalModelName. or software titleDefault value: "iDNA Applications 3"


Install SNMP Server

Configure SNMP Server