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Call metrics are only available with the OfficeExpert TrueDEM Advanced for Teams license.

To open the call details you can either use the “Call List” link in the User Search page or the Issue to Source mapping table on the User Details page.

Call List

On the call list you will see all calls made by the user in the last thirty days. An indicator shows the experience of the call in general. This means that if two users had a call and for one it was excellent and for the other it was impacted, the status would be impacted, regardless of whether the call was opened from the user with the good experience or the user with the impacted experience.

Additionally, the call lists gives you details about the time, duration and number of participants of the call. To see more details, open the call by clicking on it.

Call Quality Debug Level

The Call quality Debug level page shows you information about a call and its participants. The information is derived from both Microsoft CQD and our own agent.

Key elements are:

The attendee and relay map shows you where people are located and what relays were used during the call.

The attendee list shows you the attendees with an indicator of the their worst experience segment during the call. If real time data was collected for the attendee (requires the EPM agent), there will be a link to “Real Time Data”. This will give you specific real time metrics for the user and their device during the call. For users with an internal account, you will also see a link in the “Open User Details”.

Impact of Issues:

To quickly identify potential problems and causes for bad call experiences, use the Impact of Issues section. It shows you two lists.

  1. A list of attendees who had problems with their ‘send’ stream(s)
  2. A list of attendees who had problems with their ‘receive’ stream(s)

As problems with the send stream mean that the data is already impacted even before Microsoft receives it and distributes it to the other participants, this generally has impact on all attendees. Whereas problems with receive stream generally mean that only the affected attendee is impacted. The number of packets gives an indication of the duration of the problem.

Other sections:

The other sections show you the specific metrics from SQD for the call as well as a general option to export all data in once.

Real Time Call Data – Details

This page shows you the real time metrics collected by our agent during a call for a specific user. To see this page, first open a call from the call list and then click on the link “Real Time Data” behind the user you want to inspect.

At the top you will have insight into the third party devices used, Codec and network type. Below you’ll find a timeline to show you exactly what the user utilized (Audio, Video, Screensharing) during the call and in what form.

The page is further divided into multiple sections for Applications, Audio, Video and Screensharing with specific metrics for each. For information on individual graphs & metrics, click the little ‘I’ in the top left-hand corner of the graph you’re interested in.

Per section there is also an indicator of changes. Changes can be anything, like changes in the codec used or switches from network or Wi-Fi network. These also appear as grey time indicators in the graph.

Apart from the change indicators there are also warning thresholds for when a device goes over 90% CPU utilization and when the Audio Packet Loss is greater than 3%. These appear as red line indicators when they occur.

Visibility of warnings and changes can be enabled/disabled using the toggles in the top.