Streaming metrics is available with the OfficeExpert TrueDEM Advanced for Teams license.
During calls we collect additional information on the device’s performance. This information can be viewed real-time as the call is ongoing through the Streaming metrics page. The data collected during calls is also represented in the call details and on the user details page after the call.
The streaming metrics page can be used to view the situation while a call is ongoing and used to debug problems as they occur. It shows you what third party devices (headset, camera, etc) the user is using in the call, how they are connecting (Wi-Fi/LAN) and what the performance is. Use this page to immediately debug problems and to provide advise to users about potentially using another Wi-Fi network, closing the camera (when connected over a low bandwidth connection), reconnecting or closing other applications (in case the CPU is running low), etc.
Why is no data showing?
The streaming metrics page works only if the user is in a call and will stop showing data if the page is inactive for too long. In that case you can reconnect using the button in top right corner.
The [Scan now] button can be used by admins to trigger an additional collection between the regular intervals but will the data will not be noticeable on the streaming metrics page.