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This page was moved to MC 12.0 - Database Release Notes
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This component release is part of MarvelClient 12.0

Config DB - General

ENHANCEMENTBetter "What's New" release notes links for newly downloaded templates and binaries
FIXLocation action wasn't setting some of the hidden fields to "onlynew" if you used the option to set all fields to "onlynew"
FIXFixed a potential "Type mismatch" error in Online Update if only MCUpgrade was being updated
FIXFixed a problem where the Japanese language translation option could become unchecked on the OnlineUpdate form when the form was refreshed

Config DB - MC Upgrade UI


Improvements to the Upgrade Wizard:

  • Now allows for filepaths with spaces
  • Easier shortcut icon selection
  • Deploying MarvelClient Essentials will now consistently use pmc.dll as the deployed filename
ENHANCEMENTAdded CREATE_R12_Databases to coptim notes.ini
ENHANCEMENTUpdated nice.exe for Notes 12
ENHANCEMENTUpgrade packages are now published to publish\packagename (instead of just the publish folder) to make sure older packages don't get overwritten, and to make sure packages are easier to identify
FIXFixed the Spanish translation for ProgressSuffix
FIXFixed a problem where the whitelist parameters from the wizard might not be published properly if they weren't in quotes