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This page was moved to MC 12.0 - Database Release Notes
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This component release is part of MarvelClient 12.0

Config DB - General

ENHANCEMENTNew section in the Sametime Autostatus action form for meetings found in calendar. Requires Plugin version 12.0.0 or higher.

Better calculation of release notes links for new dlls, plugins, and templates downloaded by OnlineUpdate (some of the new MC 12 links were being calculated incorrectly).

FIXFixed a problem where setting all fields in a Location action to "only if new" still left a few fields set to "always". This didn't cause any reported problems, but it shouldn't have happened.

Config DB - MC Upgrade UI

ENHANCEMENTMCUpgrade now supports 64-bit installers.
ENHANCEMENTAdded a confirmation prompt if someone tries to delete an upgrade configuration.
FIXFixed a problem where MCUpgrade emails were sometimes delivered in a different order than expected.
FIXFixed a problem where the Upgrade Config Wizard could fail silently if there are multiple installers with the same name.