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This page was moved to MC 12.0 - Upgrade Release Notes
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This component release is part of MarvelClient 12.0
FIXFixed an issue where all rcplauncher, jvmpatcher and similar files were all attached / stored as rcplauncher_datetime.log, instead of filename_datetime.log
FIXFixed an issue where, when running via SYSTEM outside of %ProgramFiles(x86)%\panagenda\MCUpgrade, the MCUpgrade.dll would not be deployed to UpgradeDirectory (if not present in %ProgramFiles(x86)%\panagenda\MCUpgrade)
FIXFixed an issue where, when running via SYSTEM without console session, the first migrated notes.ini during multiuser migration had the wrong Directory= entry
FIXFixed a minor issue where we would scan %ProgramData% twice during MultiUser Shared Data Cleanup
FIXFixed an issue where, when upgrading using the panagenda Installer Service, old MCUpgrade*.dll files were not updated
FIX / CHANGE / ENHANCEMENTbackup\index.txt (re)creation has been enhanced to better/properly memorize a non-existent/not specified/not auto detected NotesIniFileOld
In addition, backup\index.txt will be preserved unchanged across runs - any missing files (whether source or index) will be handled during roamback