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Since during an upgrade the Notes client is unavailable (or uninstalled, even) and most customers wish to be in the know about their upgrade progress, you can send progress and result messages during an upgrade via SMTP:

Send STMP Progress Emails:

  • Send interim progress messages (default): Sends progress emails for 0%, 25%, 50%, 75%, as well as waiting states and final result / summary emails.
    Waiting states are, for example: Waiting for file(s) to fully download, waiting for user to confirm UAC request, and similar.
  • Send final results and waiting states only: Only sends waiting states and final result / summary emails.
  • Do not send any messages: Does not send any emails during or at end of an upgrade.

Email format:

  • Format interim messages for automatic processing in MarvelClient Analyze database
    Messages in this format are smaller, but not as nice to read for human beings.
    It is highly recommended that you send all progress emails (interim and final) into a MarvelClient Analyze database!
    The MarvelClient Analyze database has various advantages for tracking your upgrades through the views in the MarvelClient Upgrade section.
    All you need to do is create a person or mail-in-database document in your public addressbook, use that email address for the "To (Email) Address" on this (Tracking) tab and enable the following agent in your MarvelClient Analyze database:
  • Format interim messages for humans
    Messages in this format can be perfectly processed by MarvelClient Analyze, too - they are just larger.

Only attach installer logs in case Upgrade fails

Highly recommended to check for production, once your upgrades work as desired.
During testing you may want to also collect successful install logs to better compare them with clients that run into errors.

Send SMTP info mail on deferral: If you wish to also get progress emails when users defer/postpone an upgrade, check this option.

SMTP Settings

  • SMTP Server DNS Name: The DNS name of your SMTP server
  • From Name: The From name used for sending the email
  • From (Email) Address: The From email address used for sending the email - can be one address for all users
  • To (Email) Address: The email address to send progress emails to e.g.,
  • Use SSL: Check, if you want to send all progress emails using SSL.
  • SMTP Port: If you need to use a special port, enter it here. Otherwise 0 (=default) will adjust to SSL/no SLL automatically as described below the field.