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The Data Migration tab takes care of the neccessary settings to cleanup, move and complete the data directories, after processing all (un)install instructions.

Directories (only visible for upgrades of type Full Client):


Your upgrade will be much more successful, if you let MarvelClient for Notes deploy and configure your MCUpgrade.ini - that is because almost ALL our customers have clients that do not correspond to corporate standard.
Any client with different directories will either fail to upgrade or experience loss of data or functionality for the end user.
Together with MarvelClient Essentials/Basic/Upgrade, you do not have to worry about "what is out there" but can simply rely on MarvelClient to take care of it.

(Old and) New Data Directory:

Specifies the old and new directories for your upgrade. Supports any Windows environment variables.

(Old and) New Program Directory:

Specifies the old and new directories for your upgrade. Supports any Windows environment variables.

(Old and) New Shared Data Directory:

Specifies the old and new directories for your upgrade. Supports any Windows environment variables.

Good to know

The directories on the Data Migration tab are automatically updated to best practice settings whenever you choose a different full client package on the Distribution tab!


We strongly recommend to use the best practice settings = the manufacturer defaults for your future directories.
In other words: Do not keep Lotus or IBM directories, but switch to HCL directories. MarvelClient Upgrade takes care of all relevant data and configuration migration for you, automatically!

Existing Data:

notes.ini files in Multiuser Data Directories:

If during an upgrade, the old and new data directories differ AND reside under the Windows User root folder (usually C:\Users\), ALL data directories are automatically migrated.

For example, any previous C:\Users\...\Appdata\Local\IBM\Notes folders are migrated to C:\Users\...\Appdata\Local\HCL\Notes.

If during such a migration, MarvelClient Upgrade processes a notes.ini file, this is where you can choose whether MCUpgrade should change (default), rename or delete the previous notes.ini files.

"Change" means that MCUpgrade automatically adjusts any notes.ini entries pointing to old directories (Directory=, NotesProgram=, SharedDataDirectory=, FileDlgDirectory=, Keyfilename= any any other matching entries).
"Change" also means that notes.ini files are not just moved and changed, but actually first moved to MCUpgrade.ini:UpgradeDirectory\backup and then merged with the root notes.ini after processing all (un)install instructions!
This ensures that the resulting migrated notes.ini files are the best and right mix of the latest root notes.ini file and a user's previous custom settings.
Also see notes.ini Exclude entries   and   Old Notes Data Exclude(s) below.

notes.ini Exclude entries:

Specifies all notes.ini entries that are excluded during the data directory migration process. The default entries are:


Multiuser Shared Data Directory:

During a full client upgrade, we strongly recommend to delete your pre-existing shared data directory and RECREATE it with your desired settings.
This prevents carrying along historic baggage or wrong settings. See "New Data" below on how to merge your custom content into your upgrade.

Old Notes Data Exclude(s):

If, during a full client upgrade, data directories are migrated, the list of files in this field are left behind during and deleted after the migration process:


New Data:

Finally, the New Data section on the Data Migration tab allows you to easily merge custom content into your upgraded client.