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This page was moved to MC 11.0 - Upgrade Release Notes
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This component release is part of MarvelClient 11.0
FIXFixed an issue where LocalAdminFallback did not work in 11.0.5x releases
FIXFixed an issue where /ignoredeferralfilesmustexist was not appended to re-run shortcut in 11.0.4x and 5x releases, leading to users being asked again whethere they want to defer an upgrade
FIXMCUpgrade now sends fewer tracking emails (4 at max, at 2, 25, 50 and 75 percent progress); previously it would send 6 or more
FIX / CHANGEMoved deletion of the re-run shortcut to after deferral (if applicable) / before Upgrade Init
CHANGEChanged the error message when launching MCUpgradeMain fails or returns an error from "ERROR: Could not launch program as current user with Admin rights ..." to "ERROR: Launching program as current user with Admin rights returned ..."
CHANGE / ENHANCEMENTRather than just returning Error 1, MCUpgradeMain now returns the last error code from a failing (un)install, if applicable

MCUpgrade now also accepts (typos) /smpttest and /smptinfo command line parameters in addition to /smtptest and smtpinfo ;-)

ENHANCEMENTMCShutdown will now exit immediately and re-run itself if run from Notes client, so as to detach itself from Notes
ENHANCEMENTIf run from Notes client, MCShutdown now automatically closes itself after notes is closed (this is for when launching it together with Notes)
ENHANCEMENTMCShutdown now has a new option "/noautoterm" to disable automatic closing when run from Notes client and the Notes client is closed
ENHANCEMENTMCShutdown will now exit if another instance of MCShutdown is already running; only another instance of MCShutdown /auto is allowed in parallel
ENHANCEMENTMCShutdown /auto will exit silently without logging if another instance if MCShutdown is executed