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This page was moved to MC 11.0 - Upgrade Release Notes
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This component release is part of MarvelClient 11.0

This Release contains a number of enhancements for significantly faster and close to 1-click publishing of upgrades combined with better progress visualization.

The duration of upgrades has also been improved.

The latest MarvelClient Config database design and MCUpgrade >= 11.0.51 allow customers to enjoy these many new improvements.

FIXRemoved log 0x08 (backspace) characters from MCUpgrade.log for when files are zipped (e.g. installer logs and MCUpgrade.log)
CHANGEUseComspec and LogonFlag are deprecated/have been removed entirely
CHANGE / ENHANCEMENTTogether with the latest MarvelClient Config database design, publishing an upgrade is no longer dependent on Java
CHANGE / ENHANCEMENTMemorizing HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\IBM|HCL\Notes\Installer\PersonalFolder is now registry based and works across multiple runs / independent of MCUpgrade.ini
CHANGE / ENHANCEMENTMemorizing HKEY_USERS\$ConsoleSessionSID\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer\DisallowRun|RestrictRun is now registry based and works across multiple runs / independent of MCUpgrade.ini
ENHANCEMENTFinished enhancements for optimized indexing and packaging via MCUpgrade wizard
ENHANCEMENTKeyfileEditor will now automatically launch the Whitelist Editor when enabling "Use Whitelisting ..."
ENHANCEMENTKeyfileEditor will now automatically open MCUpgrade.ini if there is no other ini file in the directory where it is executed from; together with the previous enhancement, a single click now opens MCUpgrade.ini
ENHANCEMENTKeyfileEditor no longer displays an "All filepaths are valid" message when saving a changed whitelist
ENHANCEMENTKeyfileEditor no longer displays a "possibly invalid USER paths" message for files in %PUBLIC%\MCUpgrade\stage
ENHANCEMENTKeyfileEditor now saves and closes automatically when launched via MCUpgrade Config Wizard and there are no validation issues
ENHANCEMENTTogether with the latest MarvelClient Config database design, KeyfileEditor will no longer re-compute already known file hashes
ENHANCEMENTTogether with the latest MarvelClient Config database design, MCUpgrade.exe now also displays progress when copying installers to the %PUBLIC%\MCUpgrade\publish directory