Error rendering macro 'rw-search'



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This component release is part of MarvelClient 11.0

FIXFixed an issue where Application actions would not create an MMR replica on rich clients.
NEWAdded new Clean Workbench Files action - it removes some unneeded information to keep the Eclipse workspace directory small and improve performance. See Config DB release notes for more detail.
CHANGE / ENHANCEMENTImproved limited Names roaming for some rare cases that are related to older templates leaving "multi language"-related fields in the design. In these cases the design refresh during roaming might fail because of the error "Not all specified languages were found in design template". If it encounters this error, MarvelClient will then try to repair this by removing the outdated fields and attempting another design refresh.
FIXFixed an issue where in rare cases <notes:eclipse_data_directory> would be set incorrectly.