Error rendering macro 'rw-search'



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This component release is part of MarvelClient 11.0

FIXFixed an issue where detection of <os:mobile> (and related variables) would sometimes fail for devices with more than one battery. Specifically, some hardware vendors seem to have faulty drivers who don't return the right values in cases where an additional battery bay is present, but empty.


Added new config variables for device type.

  • <os:device_type> - a string that can be used in paths and similar places
  • <os:device_readable> - a more human-readable string that sometimes contains more information.

These variables are read from operating system calls. Their content depends on whatever hardware and/or drivers return, so their value can be anything and might change.
For devices or operating systems, where no data is available (Windows, mostly), these will be set to the platform name and either Desktop or Laptop, for example: "Windows_Desktop", or "macOS_Laptop".

You can use <os:device_type> in backup-/roaming-keys with the new placeholder %OS_DEVICE_TYPE%


Added ini settings to control how Roaming actions unpack zipped files. Normally a standard temporary file name ( is used for storing zip files so they can be unpacked. In some situations, this file cannot be deleted because other processes lock it (indexer, anti-virus), meaning the next zip cannot be downloaded. The following options should only be changed/used, if there are problems of this nature.

  • <ini:MC_Roaming_ZIPTemp_UseRemoteName> (bool, defaults to false): instead of "", use the remote name from the backup set ( Will prefix it with "temp_".
  • <ini:MC_Roaming_ZIPTemp_PrefixRandomString> (bool, defaults to false): in addtion to other options, prefix a random string (and also "temp_").
  • <ini:MC_Roaming_ZIPTemp_CleanUp> (bool, defaults to true if any of the above MC_Roaming_ZIPTemp variables is true, is false otherwise). Delete the file after unzip.
  • <ini:MC_Roaming_ZIPTemp_RemoveBeforeDownload> (bool, defaults to true): make sure no file exists in the target temp path before downloading (was the case before, now we have an option to turn it off)