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This component release is part of MarvelClient 11.0


MarvelClient for Nomad!

MarvelClient is an integral part of the new HCL Nomad for iOS and Android devices. It is built-in and turned on from the start. This means you don't need to deploy a binary to any Nomad clients, or set any notes.ini variables.
During Nomad setup, and on every subsequent start: If MarvelClient finds a Config DB in one of the default paths on the user's homeserver, it will download actions and run them. Refer to the MarvelClient section in the official Nomad documentation on ways to direct MC to the Config DB if you do not have it at a default path or on a different server.

The available feature scope consists of most actions/functionalities in MC Basic (Analyze, Manage, Migrate). Some of these will not be supported due to technical limitations (e.g.: you cannot run programs on iOS). For a list, see platform limitations section in the main document for the 11.0 release.

Some functionalities are turned off by default and need to be manually activated (local replica and full text index management in Application/Mailfile action, and File Deployment actions). See Config DB release notes for details on how to turn them on.


HCL Notes 11 support!

This is the first release of MarvelClient to support Notes 11. Older binaries will not work, so make sure to update to MC 11 before deploying Notes 11.

NEWNomad: Added a Recent Apps action to manage the new Recent Apps page on Nomad.
NEWNomad: The Application/Mailfile action now has settings to also put the application on the new Recent Apps page on Nomad.
ENHANCEMENT / NEWThe Application/Mailfile action now can manage the replication formula (to a limited extent) and the option to limit documents by age.
ENHANCEMENTAdded new <ini:MC_SupportIDVault_SuppressInitialErrorMessage> (bool, defaults to 0). Set to 1 to suppress the first error message we get when looking for a match to the username from <ini:KeyFileName_Owner> or the config-file.
Also improved error messages to be clearer.
FIX / CHANGEReferences to the "filesystem" namespace that trigger an error will now properly honor default values instead of aborting the action which is using them.
CHANGENo longer reading the statusbar element in bookmarks for Notes releases > 7. The statusbar element hasn't been used by the client since then.
ENHANCEMENTLogging has been improved for regex actions and string conditions. They will now give more details on what is being matched and why to help with tracking down problems.
CHANGEChanged some logging to reduce the amount of wrongly classified error messages in the log.
FIXFixed an issue where Relocate and Restrict actions would not run on the very first client start due to not being able to read the actions.xml.
FIXFixed an issue where the Replicator Page (System) action would not properly add roaming entries.
FIXFixed an issue where the Replicator Page (System) action would not properly create/modify the entry for application templates. It now correctly sets the target server.
CHANGEThe config variable <os:mac_addresses> will no longer contain the same address multiple times.
ENHANCEMENTA new config variable <notes:initial_setup> is now available to indicate whether the current client start is an initial setup (first time start) or not.
FIXFixed an issue on macOS where loading an Essentials and Full MarvelClient binary at the same time could lead to a crash.