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This component release is part of MarvelClient 11.0


Improved .html log file naming and reporting via SMTP emails by reporting WAITING states instead of ERROR states for the following exit reasons: AnotherInstallInProgress, missing DeferralFileMustExist file, UserCancelledGracefulShutdown, FailedToCloseAllWindows(forGracefulShutdown), UpgradeIsDeferred

These will now result in "WAITING for other installation", "WAITING for file(s)", "WAITING for user" emails, as well as .html log files.

CHANGEInstallFinished/Failed text will from now on be suppressed automatically if NotesDataDirectoryOld and NotesProgramDirectoryOld are not set; can be overriden using InstallTextAutoSuppress=0
ENHANCEMENTUserSwitch and Deferral runtimes are now substracted from total runtime for total runtime reporting in MCUpgrade.log, as well as result emails.