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With this Sensor Type you are able to monitor the replication between your domino servers.

Please do NOT use this sensor on any system relevant databases → do not specify names.nsf, catalog.nsf, a.s.o
Reason: This Sensor creates a document in the defined Database and would not remove it under certain conditions!

This article should demonstrate what kind of settings you need to specify in order to monitor the replication flow.



Before starting to configure the sensor itself you should create a dedicated Database which is only used by this sensor. You can create a Database with an empty design or with a mail design or whatever (up to you)
Make sure you add in the ACL of this App the greenLight notes user id with at least Editor access (incl.delete permission)

Replicate this Database across your servers (which you wan to monitor)

  • in this example my database is called replicatecheck.nsf



The Sensor config itself is almost the same compared to the Donino Mailflow sensor

    Deposit Server:      Server where the document in the deposit database should be put

    Deposit DB:            name of the app  (replicatecheck.nsf)

    Check Target DB:   file name + path of the application where it is being replicated   (Target Servers - next tab- represents the server)

    Delay Creation:      after how many seconds a new document should be put into the database

    Timeout:                 timeout for the measurement cycle

    Purge after run:       remove the document after successful measurement


    The Target tab represents all the server where you wanna check the replication.

    For example:    if you add two servers to the Targets list, then 2 Documents will be added to the Deposit DB.


This is an example where the schedule is set to 5min  (replicaton schedule in names is set to 5min as well)


What does this Configuration mean

        at t0         --> document is being created in the replicatecheck.nsf on server cronus

        at t5min        --> GreenLight checks on target db if the document is already there (if yes, measurement cycle is done- if not, GreenLight will continue with this cycle)

        at t10min    --> GreenLight checks again on target db if the document is there

        at t12 min (720 sec)    --> GreenLight creates a NEW document in deposit db

        at t18min (1080 sec)   --> GreenLight will Stop the FIRST measurement cycle   --> if the document is not there, GL will not check for this document anylonger 

(if the domino replication replicates this document after 18min, the document will be orphaned and stays in the NSF!)