You are just a few clicks away from using OfficeExpert TrueDEM. Please make sure to follow the instructions below.
Step 1: Azure AD App Consents
Before using OfficeExpert TrueDEM, you must add three Azure AD applications and give admin consent.
a) OfficeExpert TrueDEM Windows Agent
The first application is the Windows Agent App. This is required for the TrueDEM Client and contain only Delegated permissions.
To add it, please click the following URL:
TrueDEM Windows Agent Consent Link
b) OfficeExpert TrueDEM Call and Health Agent
This application retrieves call record data from your tenant using the official Call Records API.
To add this second application, please access the following URL:
TrueDEM Call and Health Agent Consent Link
The following dialog is displayed:
Click on Accept to add the TrueDEM Call and Health Agent to your Azure AD.
c) OfficeExpert TrueDEM Portal
This application is required to allow your admins access to the panagenda EPM Portal.
As soon as the panagenda internal provisioning process is complete, we will send you an email with the URL to your unique OfficeExpert EPM Portal.
With a global administrator account, accept the request below "on behalf of your organization" by ticking the corresponding checkbox:
The OfficeExpert TrueDEM Portal application will appear as Enterprise App in your tenant. You can adjust the user accesses accordingly in your Azure portal, see True DEM Portal - Restrict Access for further details.
Note: if you try to access the Portal App as a normal user the first time (instead of a global admin) you likely get the following message:
This message is displayed due to security restrictions you have in place in your Azure tenant, in which users are not allowed to register any applications.
Step 2: OfficeExpert TrueDEM Client Roll-Out
While the SaaS on-boarding process is in progress, you can already begin rolling out the OfficeExpert TrueDEM Manager in your organization. To do so, proceed as follows:
- Please make sure you follow the following Client Requirements: Client Requirements for OfficeExpert TrueDEM
The download link to the panagenda OfficeExpert TrueDEM Manager will be directly send to you by our team.
- Integrate and deploy the Installer with Intune, SCCM, or any other Software Deployment Tool. Install Guide will be shared with you.
Please make sure the Windows Agent Azure AD App is available and installed (Step1 from above) before you install and deploy the TrueDEM Client to all devices!
What are the names of the processes running on the computers after the installation?
The OfficeExpert TrueDEM client consists of two different parts
a) OfficeExpert EPM app(
Background => PerfraxAgent.exe; Foreground => PerfraxAgent.Exec.Net.exe)
b) OfficeExpert TrueDEM Manager
Optional: Start the client application in case you don't have any SSO in place
Now, everything is ready to proactively monitor and analyze your end points with OfficeExpert TrueDEM. For further information, please have a look at the TrueDEM articles in the panagenda knowledge base.