Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.



Week 50 40

ImprovementIn order to make the navigation more logical, the call list was  moved into the User Experience page and combined with the call metrics already there.Bug fixThe call metrics page was streamlined and certain obsolete graphs were removed.ImprovementOn the Call Live Details there is now a link available to the Streaming metrics page to quickly move between themImprovementThe Changes indicators on the Real Time Call data - Details page were moved to the top to make it more clear what happened during the callImprovementThe "Open list" link that will take you to see the calls was changed to point at the new call list on the User Experience page. In future this link will be removedImprovementThe User Experience page now gives you a time/date selector to indicate the period for which you want to see calls and call metrics. The default is 7 days but this can be increased up to 21 days or any specific range within that period




New Call List: The Call list has  been improved by combining insights and data about the call, the call quality  for the user as well as the call quality for the other participants.

Making it a robust and strong insight into what the call quality is for any user in your organization!

To see further details about a call quality for the participant or other participants, simply hover over the icons that indicate problems or click on the call to get to the call details.


If the user is in a call, a purple button will appear at the top of the call list on the User Experience page and allow you to switch immediately to the Real Time Call data - Details for that user & call as it is going on. This means that you now can see full call details even if the call is still ongoing.

Note! There is a processing delay of 3-5 minutes before the data is visible. The streaming metrics page is still available if you want to see the near real time values but keep in mind that the Real Time Call Data - Details page has a lot more data to show

ImprovementNew format of the Real Time Call data - Details page:This page has been changed and improved to highlight potential problems during the call.


  1. A graph was added to the top of the Call details page showing the distribution of detected issues and problems. Each measurement refers to a 30 seconds  block in which this problem was  detected. Multiple problems can occur within the same block.
  2. A timeline was added to show when consecutive problems with Audio, Video or Screen sharing are occuring. A Concurrent issue is when the issue persists for periods longer than one 30 second block.

Between these two graphs, you will be able to see the type of issues occuring for the user and whether it was momentary or consecutively having an impact.


User Experience page: Inconsistency in "locked" messages resolved if the user has a M365 core license only


User Experience page: Help Text 


User Experience page: Navigation fixed where it wouldn't work correctly with the browser back button 


User Experience Page: License Issued date corrected where it showed the wrong issue date


TrueDEM Agent Status: TrueDEM Manager versions didn't always match with the number of Agent Versions (note! There are situations in which this can be correct, in general though the numbers should be the same)


User Experience page - Call List: Some inconsistency in the KPI figures (total calls,etc..) could arise in certain situations. This has been resolved now


Teams Version Impact Analysis Page reflects new Teams versions


Real Time Call Data - Details page: The number of Internal vs total (internal & external) participants in the call were switched

Week 36




The MTR report button on the Home page will be fully hidden (previously visible but locked) if the organization does not have a MTR license


The App Status page is no longer in preview mode and is now fully part of the product (removed preview indicator)


On the User Search page, we now show the type of license that was assigned for the user (assigned license determines what monitoring information is collected and displayed)


The option to filter by Focus Group on the User Search page has been removed


On the TrueDEM Agent Status an indicator was added to show the page is loading


A new report was added to the TrueDEM Agent Status page under the deployment section called " Track deployment by Machine". This report allows you to search for a monitored device by name to see the deployment status of the TrueDEM agent and the history of updates. The overview allows for pivot table analyses


Removed obsolete "Agent Version Upgrade" report link (replace by new Track Deployent by Machine) report


Links from the TrueDEM Agent Status page now open the User Experience page instead of User Details


The user's license tier and assignment date of that license are now visible on the User Experience page


User details previously listed at the top are now shown on the User Details tab and also visible by clicking on the (i)  icon behind the users name in the header. The button to go to the User Details page was moved to the user Details tab.


On the Connectivity Journey tab of the User Experience, the warning text associated with the alert icon has been changed to "Certain Segments/Portions of the scan cannot be verified". Previous text suggested that the whole scan was incomplete, this is not the case, only parts of the journey cannot be verified.


On the Connectivity Journey tab of the User Experience the user can choose between Teams and Outlook to see the scan list for. Before only Teams scans were shown.


Previously, the Connectivity Journey tab on the User Experience page allowed you to see scans up to three weeks old. You can now see scans up to 90 days old


If opening the User Experience page results in an error, an error message will be shown to indicate it. Previously it would keep showing a 'Loading' message.


The navigation on the User Experience page (breadcrumb) will remain visibe at the top of the page (sticky) even when the user scrolls down.


Tables shown on the User Experience will use all available screen space.


Real Time Call Data - Details page: The following new information has been added to the header section: Teams version


Real Time Call Data - Details page: The following new information has been added to the Network section:

1. "Inbound/Outbound Network Util %"

2. "Wifi Network and Access Point used (SSID/BSSID)"  -> Shows to which  wifi network and access point the user was connected during  the call and  if changes occurred.


Real Time Call Data - Details page: Under the Application section section the "Total CPU in %" graph now also includes an indicator for the priviliged CPU utilization as well


Real Time Call Data - Details page: The following new information has been added to the Audio Details Section:

1. "Audio Devices used" > Shows you which (third party) microphone & speakers were used during which part of the call


Real Time Call Data - Details page: The following new information has been added to the Video Details section:

1. "Video device used" -> Shows you which (third party) video device was used during which part of the call

2. "Video Send Bitrate"

3. "Video Receive Bitrate"

4. "Video Receive Loss Rates"

5. "Video Encoder Pauses"


Real Time Call Data - Details page: The following new information has been added to the Screensharing Details section:

1. "Does ScreenSharing transmission lags?"

2. "Screensharing Encoder Pauses"


Real Time Call Data - Details page: The Raw Call Data table at the bottom  now uses a new table design that allows for better and improved filtering, sorting, searching and exporting.

Week 22




The User Insights tab on User Experience has been updated to show an interactive timeline for the most crucial elements of Network, Device and Call insights. Allowing administrators immediate insights into network connectivity, device performance, updates and other factors that can the impact user experience as well as making potential interaction of these with bad calls visible.

The Event time line by default shows information for the last 7 days but users can zoom in and out (max 3 weeks) for more or less details as well as change the granularity of indicators from 15 minutes to one hour.

NewWe've added a Participant Count graph depicting the number of people in a call and how it develops during the call on the 'Real Time Call Data - Details' page. 
NewAdditionally, a list of TrueDEM monitored users was added to the 'Real Time Call Data - Details' page to allow you direct links to the call monitoring details of other users in the call.
NewThe Connectivity Journey tab on the User Experience page  has been updated to include also the partial and potentially inaccurate scans in the list. Before these were not included. Partial or potentially inaccurete scans are those where we do not have full end-to-end details or are unable to resolve results. An icon indication is shown if this is the case. 
NewThe Connectivity Journey  now shows DNS Server as well on Device Tile
NewAdded Information on User Details – Teams Call Expanded Detail and Users Network sections, highlighting that this section and certain visuals will be removed in a future release as they are replaced by the information on the User Experience Teams Call tab.
Improvement We continue to improve and updated the help documentation on various pages & graphs as well as in the knowledge base for TrueDEM® Portal.
ImprovementOutage Analysis Page & Closed Incidents page: Minor adjustments of the grid for consistency reasons
ImprovementOn the User Details page (in the header), we now show the type of Microsoft Teams license the user has. Either Standard or Premium.
ImprovementWe now also show the OfficeExpert TrueDEM Manager version a user has installed on the User Details page (header).
Bug FixOutage Analysis Page: Fixed bug to show "No Data to Show" in case no data is available

Week 7



NewMicrosoft Health page: A link was added to show you a fully exportable list of all recently closed incidents and advisories. Incidents and advisories shown in this list are those that occurred in the last 30 days and are relevant to the Microsoft tenant.
NewUser Search page: The user search page now remembers the users you've recently interacted with and shows them  as "Recently visited" items by default even before you have to do a search. Items on the recently visited page are personal and can be removed individually ('x' in the last column) or collectively "x Clear history" option in right upper corner. This feature allows you to quickly return to the user's you are currently or often interacting with.
New User Search page: An option was added below the search field to only include search results for users with the OfficeExpert agent installed. This feature allows you to eliminate finding results for whom now TrueDEM data is available because they do not have the agent installed. For example: System accounts, test accounts, etc. This feature is activated by default but can be deactivated to include those results if wanted.
NewUser Search page: A secondary option was added to only include "Focus Group" users. This feature allows organizations to search specifically for users specified by the organization as belonging to the focus group. More information about this feature can be found here:
Improvement User Search page: The requirement to enter at least 3 characters in the search box has been removed
ImprovementWe've added a link on the User Details page that allows you to switch to the user's User Experience page.
NewReal Time Call Data Details page: An indicator was added to the top of the page to indicate if the call represented is an ongoing call or has ended. This is important when the call is opened from the Live Teams call overview and can be ongoing.
ImprovementReal Time Call Data Details page: We've streamlined and optimized the top section where general info is shown about the equipment and codec used during the call 
ImprovementReal Time Call Data Details page: adjusted the coloring for the audio, video & screensharing diagram 
NewReal Time Call Data - Details page: A new section was added with a table containing the raw call data at the bottom of the Real Time Call Data Details page. To identify the exact changes and also to allow the customer to export the data for further analysis. 
ImprovementUser Search page: The link to "Call list" is only shown from now on if the user has the OfficeExpert TrueDEM agent installed and there is call data to be shown.
ImprovementThe obsolete column was hidden from The User Search page. 
ImprovementA column called 'Type' was added to the Microsoft Teams Version report to indicate if the Teams client is the classic Teams or new Teams client
Bug fixThe Microsoft Teams Version reports now also includes  the Microsoft Teams v2 versions
ImprovementTrueDEM Agent Status page: The indicator that shows Active Agents was changed to show the active agents seen in the last 21 instead of last 10 days. 
NewTrueDEM Agent Status page: A bar chart was added to  show the distribution of installed OfficeExpert TrueDEM Agent Manager versions. To see a table of the users having the installed version, click on the bar. This table can also be exported
Bug fixUser Search page: Corrected an issue where the information text to indicate that we only showed the first 50 search results did not appear in certain cases.
Bug fixWe've made several small textual changes to clarify where we talk about the OfficeExpert TrueDEM agent
PreviewHelp pages: We've started including context specific help pages on several of the interfaces and will continue expanding them in the coming weeks.

Week 4



Bug fixFix timezone issue in Connectivity Journey on User Experience 
Bug fixTeams Call List on User Experience shows now "No Rows To Show" if no call exists

Week 3



NewOn the User Experience page a new tab was added called "Connectivity Journey". Through this tab you can see the exact connectivity journey (hops) a user took to connect to the Microsoft Teams cloud during the day. By clicking on a scan line, you get the details consisting of information about the users local IP, local Wifi/network connection, their ISP (first & last) and connection to Microsoft Teams as well as a list of all the hops in between.
ImprovementOn User Details: The "Teams Version History and CPU Utilization" table will now also mention the Teams v2 version numbers
ImprovementOn User Details: ISPs Identified for this user panel has now a the option to click through to Final ISP details
ImprovementThe "Preview" indicator on tiles were moved to prevent accidentally clicking on them instead of the tile
ImprovementUser Experience is no longer in Preview status
ImprovementOn User Experience, the data is no longer limited to 7 days but now shows up to 21 days of data and is  configurable through the date/time picker


Week 50




New Call List: The Call list has  been improved by combining insights and data about the call, the call quality  for the user as well as the call quality for the other participants.

Making it a robust and strong insight into what the call quality is for any user in your organization!

To see further details about a call quality for the participant or other participants, simply hover over the icons that indicate problems or click on the call to get to the call details.


If the user is in a call, a purple button will appear at the top of the call list on the User Experience page and allow you to switch immediately to the Real Time Call data - Details for that user & call as it is going on. This means that you now can see full call details even if the call is still ongoing.

Note! There is a processing delay of 3-5 minutes before the data is visible. The streaming metrics page is still available if you want to see the near real time values but keep in mind that the Real Time Call Data - Details page has a lot more data to show


New format of the Real Time Call data - Details page:This page has been changed and improved to highlight potential problems during the call.


  1. A graph was added to the top of the Call details page showing the distribution of detected issues and problems. Each measurement refers to a 30 seconds  block in which this problem was  detected. Multiple problems can occur within the same block.
  2. A timeline was added to show when consecutive problems with Audio, Video or Screen sharing are occuring. A Concurrent issue is when the issue persists for periods longer than one 30 second block.

Between these two graphs, you will be able to see the type of issues occuring for the user and whether it was momentary or consecutively having an impact.

ImprovementIn order to make the navigation more logical, the call list was  moved into the User Experience page and combined with the call metrics already there.
Bug fixThe call metrics page was streamlined and certain obsolete graphs were removed.
ImprovementOn the Call Live Details there is now a link available to the Streaming metrics page to quickly move between them
ImprovementThe Changes indicators on the Real Time Call data - Details page were moved to the top to make it more clear what happened during the call
ImprovementThe "Open list" link that will take you to see the calls was changed to point at the new call list on the User Experience page. In future this link will be removed
ImprovementThe User Experience page now gives you a time/date selector to indicate the period for which you want to see calls and call metrics. The default is 7 days but this can be increased up to 21 days or any specific range within that period.

On the Real time Call Data - Details page in the Video section: Reorder Video Packets is no longer a cumulative curve


On the Real Time Call Data - Details page in the Screen sharing section: Reorder screen sharing packets is no longer a cumulative curve


On the Real time Call Data - Details page in the Screen sharing section:  Two new charts:  

  • Sharing Rtp Packets sent 
  • received added.
Bug fix

On the User Details page: Removed Media Relay list & geo map due to Microsoft changing the information


On the User Details page: Moved down the Teams version table to below the call list

Bug fix

On the User Details page: Bug fix on the connectivity journey (user details) where a connection of 100mb was shown instead of 1gb.

Week 43


On the User Experience page - Tab Microsoft Teams we added links to the numbers where we talk about calls. When clicked, these will take you to the Call list (full list, not filtered list)


On the same tab, we rewrote several tooltips to give more clarification on the numbers shown


On the Teams Versions report, an extra column was added to indicate if a device is 64bit 


We removed the preview flag from teams versions report as it is no longer preview


In the App Status overview we made it so that if you click on an app it opens the side bar with additional details and if you click again it closes it now (Toggle app tile)


In the Microsoft Status page, when you clicked on a service to see the incidents, These are now sorted by classification (incidents first, advisories second) and last update time


We reduced ingested and stored scan data (storage size and data ingestion impact) and improved performance when using the data





User Experience page received two new tabs Teams Call information & Device Information


The top section for the User Experience tab has been rearranged to show information about the user and location as the device information is now depicted on a separate tab.


Anew color scheme and other navigation enhancements have been implemented to make navigation more visible


 Datetime format and locale now match with the Grafana setting


A new report was added to show Outage information with the option to export a list of affected users.


A new report was added under the MS Teams section to open a report showing information about the OS & Teams versions running on devices equipped with our agent. The report can be used to get insights into version distribution and allows for pivoting the data.


Device Hardware Report:  The column DeviceType had a trim function that would only allow the first 19 characters to be visible. This has been altered to show up to 128 characters.


Environment status: The ISP list is now clickable. When clicked they will show the performance of the various workloads for the specific ISP. Note! Only the 6 ISP's with the most users at that moment are shown. In small organizations these subset numbers might be skewed if less than 100 users use the ISP.


Call List: Two columns were added showing the overall call quality for the call and a list of icons for the users. On mouse over the names can be seen and the column can also be used to filter for specific users. 


Call List: The Duration column was aligned right for better understanding


Call Quality Debug Level: A new section was added with two preview features:

1.  A Sankey diagram depicting the relevant duration of particular problems like audio, video or other issues occurring for users in either the upload or download streams.

2.  A table containing users with problems and the metrics that should be looked at for those users


Real Time Call Data - Details: We added a RAM usage graph and redesigned the CPU graph to a heatmap showing the top processes as well as a "Possible OS drivers" and "Other Processes" category. 

The 'crosshair' feature that allows you to mouse over one graph and will show an indication line now also works with the CPU and RAM graphs


Real Time Call Data - Details: Changes like a change in WiFi network, codec or audio/video device used during calls are now highlighted. Both as text indicators at the top of each section as well as indicators in each graph. Move over with your mouse to see the change.


A new Microsoft Teams Rooms view has been added to the navigation for easy identification and reporting on MTR's (Note! This feature requires separate licensing and will appear 'locked' if not licensed

Week 18




Fixed a problem with the Tenant Wide Overview page 


column sorting/filtering enabled on all ISP pages

Week 14






The new Real Time call page now can now also be opened from the user search page and fully replaces the previous page


User Details: Call List table now uses Real Time data for CPU & Memory usage


User Details: Through the button in the top right you now have direct links to detailed user reports which will open directly for the right user & device 

ImprovementUser Details: Windows update history table was removed. Individual updates to windows components will be listed in the Added software table instead

Agent Support page is renamed to TrueDEM Agent Status


Teams Version History & CPU  graph fixed by using real time data


Several old dashboards were moved to the Legacy folder and will in time be removed. These are obsolete or will be replaced soon


New Monitored services were added to the Environment Health status page. These include:

  • Delve
  • Forms
  • Lists
  • OneDrive
  • OneNote
  • Planner
  • ToDo
  • Yammer

Click on any of the services to see the status of monitored elements.

ImprovementThe Application processes - Real Time Call Data - Details shows the top 5 CPU using processes. All other processes are now summarized into "Other User Processes" and "Possible OS & Drivers".

Week 11




Fix on  Call Quality Debug Level page  to avoid Errors on the User Details page. The open User Details drill down link will now only appear if  a pguid is available meaning that it will only show a link to the user details if the users device contains an EPM agent. 

ImprovementUser Details page: Added new table to Software Related Metrics Section with Information of which Software got added/removed
ImprovementUser Details page: Realtime Monitoring Link (right top corner) will open liveV2
ImprovementUser Details page: The Call list now shows a new date/time column, representing the time a user joined the meeting. The exisiting meeting start time column was moved to the end of the table but is still available.

The default homepage will from now on open the AppPlugin whenever you login to TrueDEM Portal or click the Grafana logo in the left bar

Week 4




Grafana was updated to version 9.3.1


Fix applied to home page to fix missing data element


Fix applied to Call Quality Debug page to fix problem with links that do not show for people in certain situations 


New pages were added to show Environment Status and Microsoft Health for your environment


Week 51




Performance improvements to the Call Quality Debug page


Restructured the collection of data to minimize impact on the agent/user

Week 49



ImprovementOn user details the existing graphs for CPU usage Over Time and Memory Usage Over Time now are filled by data coming from the  Streaming Metrics data. This means that we now have data points at a much shorter interval. You can even zoom in to see more details.

We added two new graphs on the User Details page in the Users' Network section to show Network traffic - Sent kbits /Sec & Network Traffic - Received kbits/Sec. These are also based on streaming metrics data.


we added a table in the Teams Call Expanded Details section on the user details page to show 'Teams Voice Endpoint Latency' that shows you which endpoints are performing best or worst.

Week 40




Fixed issue with data not showing in Direct Routing optimization


Version 2 of the new Real Time metrics page is released. The page can be accessed by changing the URL of the existing real time metrics page to include V2: ( .../live/... to .../liveV2/...)

Week 37



ImprovementUser Details page: Fixed problem with hover over on bar charts not showing a legend.
ImprovementUser Details page: Adjusted the process tables to show only significant processes. A significant process is any process that was in the top 10 of processes consuming CPU at the scan interval plus any of a predefined list of processes we will always monitor (Teams, Chrome, etc).

Remove empty lines in Hardware report


Routing map: We enhanced and added maps for all three tested workloads (Teams, Presence, Outlook). This changes the layout for the page but also now gives you the option to see the different routes your data is taking for different workloads


On the Corporate Network Call Quality Report (Reports folder) Microsoft was removed as an ISP as it was confusing and could lead to inaccurate conclusions.

Week 36




Fixed several errors that could cause red errors in certain dashboards

ImprovementUser Details page: We moved the OneDrive info into a separate section at the bottom of the page and changed the graphs.

Fixed a problem on the call list where sometimes calls were shown more than once.

Week 34



FixThe User Search page only requires search strings of 3 or more characters

User Details page:  In the section "Teams Calls Expanded Details", the calls in the list are now clickable and will take you to the call details page for that call.


Interface improvements for consistency

Week 33




Removed obsolete graph panels on the Microsoft Services dashboard


The New portal homepage is now dynamic. Meaning that we can  release new pages to customers more quickly (this will happen soon!)

ImprovementUser Details page:  The values for Last Reboot Time and Device Model were added tot the page header.

Week 30




On the Agent Support page, the bar charts are now clickable & exportable


Real Time metrics page:

  • KPI boxes times have been unified on date format
  • KPI boxes units have been unified

in the Exports of lists from the new App:

  • Dates now export correctly
  • Additional identifier (Userid/PGUID) columns are added for debugging purposes

Agent History Report:

  • is now grouped by device
  • Agent version column is added

Real Time metrics page:

  • KPI boxes times have been unified on date format
  • KPI boxes units have been unified

Tabs in the portal app now show the name of the page


Logo on all app pages is clickable and takes you back to home page


We removed some icons from links and show only an icon if we open that link outside the current tab ('jump out')


Improved ISP Overview page renders the ISP Overview by ASN page obsolete. The obsolete page was archived

Week 28




The Real Time Metrics page showing metrics during calls now shows pre-loaded historical data from earlier in the call


The number of "failures to connect" and "mid-call drops" on the Tenantwide Overview page was corrected as it showed incorrect values in certain cases.