Page History
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Info |
This component release is part of MarvelClient 11.0 |
FIX | Fixed an issue where LocalAdminFallback did not work in 11.0.5x releases |
FIX | Fixed an issue where /ignoredeferralfilesmustexist was not appended to re-run shortcut in 11.0.4x and 5x releases, leading to users being asked again whethere they want to defer an upgrade |
FIX | MCUpgrade now sends fewer tracking emails (4 at max, at 2, 25, 50 and 75 percent progress); previously it would send 6 or more |
FIX / CHANGE | Moved deletion of the re-run shortcut to after deferral (if applicable) / before Upgrade Init |
CHANGE | Changed the error message when launching MCUpgradeMain fails or returns an error from "ERROR: Could not launch program as current user with Admin rights ..." to "ERROR: Launching program as current user with Admin rights returned ..." |
CHANGE / ENHANCEMENT | Rather than just returning Error 1, MCUpgradeMain now returns the last error code from a failing (un)install, if applicable |
NEW / ENHANCEMENT | MCUpgrade now also accepts (typos) /smpttest and /smptinfo command line parameters in addition to /smtptest and smtpinfo ;-) |
ENHANCEMENT | MCShutdown will now exit immediately and re-run itself if run from Notes client, so as to detach itself from Notes |
ENHANCEMENT | If run from Notes client, MCShutdown now automatically closes itself after notes is closed (this is for when launching it together with Notes) |
ENHANCEMENT | MCShutdown now has a new option "/noautoterm" to disable automatic closing when run from Notes client and the Notes client is closed |
ENHANCEMENT | MCShutdown will now exit if another instance of MCShutdown is already running; only another instance of MCShutdown /auto is allowed in parallel |
ENHANCEMENT | MCShutdown /auto will exit silently without logging if another instance if MCShutdown is executed |