Config db ntf: 20140115151500
Analyze db ntf: 20140115151500
Help db ntf: 20140115151500 / Content: 20140115151500
Windows Version: 4.0.12 :: MAC OS X Version: 2.0.45 :: Linux Version: 2.0.42
Eclipse Plugin: 2.0.2

Major Improvements: Public release of MarvelClient 4.0!

General Notes

Supported IBM Lotus Notes releases: 5.x, 6.x, 7.x, 8.x, up to 9.0.1 including the IBM Notes Browser Plugin
(Administrators need at least IBM Lotus Notes 8.x, preferably Windows)
Supported client-side operating systems: Microsoft Windows XP, 2003, 2008, Vista, 7, 8, and Citrix/WTS, Apple Intel Mac OS X 10.5-10.8 (Leopard, Snow Leopard, Lion and Mountain Lion), Linux
Supported server-side operating systems: any supported by IBM (operating system independent)
NOTE: Support is limited for platform and release combinations not supported by IBM
Linux & Mac OS X: Eclipse Management, Skinning, Realtime, Zip/Unzip and Attachment Blocking are not available on Linux or Mac OS X;
Citrix, Linux & Mac OS X: the MarvelClient Upgrade module is only available on Windows (=not on Citrix, Linux or Mac OS X)
MarvelClient on Mac OS X and Linux does not support the runtypes "After Login - Before Sync", "After Login - After Write", "On first server access", "Background - Init" and "Background" - any such actions must be set to run at a different supported runtype, e.g. "After Login"
IMPORTANT NOTESThis release contains select important updates highlighted in red

Configuration Database

FIXGroupExplorer (GE) Automate: Once again, various fixes and improvements have been added for the integration of GroupExplorer Automate and the MarvelClient Configuration database
FIXFixed a problem where the GroupExplorer Sync agent could inhale readers in abbreviated instead of canonicalized format
FIXFixed a problem where online update repeatedly prompted that the URL of the help database should be checked
FIXFixed a bad xml tag <localreplicasizeftpercentage> in desktop icon actions
ENHANCEMENTCustomized feedback strings for mail blocking conditions now support multiple lines by splitting them with \n - requires MC "DLL" >= 4.0.8
(the MC Configuration database automatically replaces newlines with \n)
ENHANCEMENTAdded a navigator entry Avanced\All by Form (categ.)
NEWAdded a new Navigator entry Advanced\Logs - in future releases, background agents will be changed to maintain the last five logs for each server they run on
NEWAdded support for managing the "do not mark modified documents as unread" design option property for local replicas in desktop icon actions - requires MC "DLL" >= 4.0.12

Analyze Database

FIXAdded an agent to run audit selected on Mac in foreground - in previous releases, Audit selected could crash on Mac (this is an IBM issue)
FIXFixed a problem where the audit config exclude would compute "^$" instead of "" which broke the exclude all = default code in the audit agent
ENHANCEMENTThe Cleanup code has been enhanced to better cope with potentially corrupt view entries
NEWAdded a new Navigator entry Advanced\Logs - the Audit agent now maintains the last five logs for each server it runs on in that view;
in future releases, additional background agents will be enhanced similarly
NEWAdded a view Users by Mailserver and corresponding Navigator entry

MarvelClient Help

- No Changes -- No Changes (except for updated Release Notes) -

MarvelClient Upgrade

SURunAs.au3 ( an option to launch programs through Comspec or directly
SURunAs.au3 ( an option to switch to an Administrator account with different Windows user profile logon settings
MCUpgrade.exe ( following MCUpgrade.ini entries now support operating system environment variables (e.g. %TEMP% or similar):

Eclipse Plugin

FIX (2.0.1)Fixed a rare potential Sametime password loss problem after changing the community hostname
FIX (2.0.1)Fixed errors at startup with Notes 8.0.x clients without Activities installed
FIX (2.0.2)Fixed a typo in "Could not register action" log message
ENHANCEMENT (2.0.1)Additional logging for "Error updating Sametime config" errors
ENHANCEMENT (2.0.2)Added support for setting the TOGGLE_EDITING_TOOLBAR_ENABLEMENT preference in Notes 9

.DLL Updates (Windows)

FIX (4.0.8)Fixed a problem where MarvelZip did not recursively check subdirectories
FIX (4.0.10)Fixed a problem where multi-line mail blocking notifications did not display properly
FIX (4.0.10)Fixed a problem where the combination of zip_enabled == true and attachmentblocking == false caused issues with attaching files
FIX (4.0.11)Fixed a problem where (MarvelClient) roaming onto a Notes 9.01 Client could display "security package" related error message during client startup
CHANGE (4.0.10)The Mail Blocking notifications window title has been changed to "MarvelClient"
ENHANCEMENT (4.0.8)Customized feedback strings for mail blocking conditions now support multiple lines by splitting them with \n
(the MC Configuration database automatically replaces newlines with \n)
ENHANCEMENT (4.0.12)localfeedcontent.nsf is now automatically created if it is missing
Only happens if ini:MC_CheckCreateMissing is set to true (default), can be turned off via ini:MC_CheckCreateMissing_NoLocalFeedcontent.
NEW (4.0.12)Added support for managing the "do not mark modified documents as unread" design option property for local replicas in desktop icon actions

.dylib Updates (Mac OS X)

.dylib (2.0.45)- No Changes -

.so Updates (Linux)

.so (2.0.42)- No Changes -