Config db ntf: 20090804201500
Analyze db ntf: 20090804201501
Windows Version: :: MAC OS X Version: :: Linux Version:
Eclipse Plugin:

Major Improvements: MarvelClient for Intel Mac, New Cleanup Action, ID File Backup option, Extended XML Export for additional local database details, Status Bar Management for Notes < 8

Configuration Database

NEWAdded a new action "Tasks\JCL. Cleanup" action for enabling the "temporarily disable replication"-flag on all local databases for which the date of last replication falls behind the cutoff date
(=for databases that have not been replicated within the cutoff interval) - requires DLL update
NEWA new action "Tasks\JID. ID-File" allows to make a copy of a users ID file after login during client startup with a random password automatically set in the copied ID file. The ID file and password are AES / RSA encrypted with a self-definable key and can then be uploaded into a central database. - requires DLL update.
For details on how to decrypt the ID files, please contact support.
NEWThe new action "Tasks\JXTX. Extended XML Export" allows to collect more details of ALL local databases an end user has - requires DLL update
NEWAn action "Config\CPREF. Status Bar" has been added allowing to configure the Lotus Notes Status Bar in Notes 6 and 7.
CHANGE / ENHANCEMENTLocation management actions now also set $LastMailRepiD and $LastMailPath in location documents, so as to ensure that the client immediately has the correct path and replica ID for the current users Mailfile upon client startup, too - requires DLL update
ENHANCEMENTThe action "Config\CPREF. User Preferences" has been extended with additional Basic and Mail Preferences.
ENHANCEMENTAdded a column "# of active documents" to various views
ENHANCEMENTThe existing notes.ini management action now also allows to delete notes.ini entries using wildcards, e.g. DYNCFG*, $* or similar.

Analyze Database

NEWAdded a new Mail tab to user upload documents
NOTE that for full details on this tab, a location management action must run for end users that updates at least one %LOOKUP_ field at every client startup
NEWAdded a new view "Lotus Notes\Mail Overview" which allows for a detailed overview of how Locations are configured for end users -
NOTE that for full details in this view, a location management action must run for end users that updates at least one %LOOKUP_ field at every client startup
NEWAdded a view "Local Databases\by Replica ID"
NEWThe newly added view "Maintenance / Administration\Cleanup Configuration" allows to configure on demand and optional scheduled Cleanup of the documents inside the analysis database.
(scheduled cleanup through enabling/scheduling the new Cleanup background agent in the Analysis database)
FIXFixed a problem where the scheduled Audit agent created eo*tm files in the OS temp directory
CHANGEAdded a Category YYYY\MM to the view "Users\by Date last uploaded"

.DLL Updates (Windows)

NEWMac releases of MarvelClient are now available upon request :) - MarvelClient now supports all IBM Lotus Notes client platforms: Windows, Citrix, Mac, and Linux
NEWMarvelClient is now also available as a batch file .exe file for Windows
NEWSupport for new "Tasks\JCL. Cleanup" action - see description in section "configuration database" above for details.
NEWSupport for new "Tasks\JID. ID-File" action - see description in section "configuration database" above for details.
NEWSupport for new "Tasks\XTX. Extended XML Export" action - see description in section "configuration database" above for details.
FIXFixed a problem with the creation of a FULL local replica from within desktop icons actions - in previous releases, the local replica was not created as we initiated a PULL-PUSH replication instead of just PULL
FIXFixed the problem that Realtime actions did not support <ini:variablename> references
FIXFixed a problem where a revision.xml of 0 bytes lead to backup actions targeted at filesets stopped working - now, if a revision.xml with 0 bytes is detected, the entire(!) target folder is cleared and a new backup is created
FIXFixed a problem with MarvelClient and Notes 8, where missed alarms did not display during client startup but kept hiding behind a then locked up main window
FIXIn previous releases, the Tasks\JDSK. Desktop Compact action did nothing in Notes 8.5 (= did not support desktop8.ndk). This is now fixed.
CHANGEPrior to this release, if concatinated %...% placeholders (e.g. by entering "<notes:user_common_name> <%LOOKUP_INTERNETMAILADDRESS%>" into the internet address field in location management) could not be resolved by location management, the result would be "Firstname Lastname <>". Now, the result for a field will be empty if any placeholder cannot be resolved.
ENHANCEMENTDesktop icon actions now support referencing the result/status of a corresponding local replica via the actions alias:
<alias:replica_exists> returns 1 if a local replica exists for the desktop icon settings given (0 if not)
<alias:replica_is_stub> returns 1 if an existing local replica is a stub only (0 if not)
<alias:replica_is_beyond_cutoff> returns 1 if an existing local replica has last been replicated beyond the cutoff date (0 if not)
<alias:replica_type> returns "none", "stub" or "full" for whether and what type of local replica exists for a given desktop icon configuration
ENHANCEMENTAdded several new references to config.xml: <notes:idfile_path>, <idfile_filename>, various <notes:userdetails...>-references for details of the current user and his/her mailfile, and various disk / drive details (e.g. <os:disk_c_free_mb>, <os:disk_data_free_mb> for free disk space on drive where the Notes data directory is, and more)

.dylib Updates (Mac OS X)

NEWNow available upon request!

.so Updates (Linux)

- No changes -- No changes -