Config db ntf: 20081103171500
Analyze db ntf: 20081103171500
Windows Version: :: MAC OS X Version: :: Linux Version: 
Eclipse Plugin:

Major Improvements: Enhanced failover options for download new/changed Actions, support for file-/directory-links, black- and white-listing for Attachment Blocking

Configuration Database

FIXFixed a validation problem with excluding explicit connection names(Destinations) from deletion - previous validation always generated an error
ENHANCEMENTWhen documents are uploaded/updated into a Domino database by a backup job, the servername on which the target database resides is also added as a reader in addition to "[Admin]" and the enduser name.
(NOTE: if the target database is not on a server, but local, no servername is added)
ENHANCEMENTAttachment Blocking now also supports Black & Whitlisting (previously only blacklisting)

Analyze Database

FIXAdded form to display database details
ENHANCEMENTChanged the main upload document to directly display related detail data from within a tabbed table
ENHANCEMENTWhen running an audit, the servername on which the audit is run is added as a reader in the resulting detail documents
(NOTE: if the audit is run in a local replica, no servername is added)

.DLL Updates (Windows)

FIXFixed a problem with connection management where only RegExp matches worked properly (fullmatch and wildcard matches resulted in duplicate documents)
FIXConfig actions (notes.ini & Variables) now also work during client shutdown
FIXFixed a problem with backup tasks creating duplicate documents for same converted upload key but with different casing;
Existing documents will be reused regardless of casing now
ENHANCEMENTAutomatic failover of the update/download of new actions process has been enhanced as follows:
If MC_DB contains %notes_homeserver% which again cannot be resolved from the current location (due to e.g. no location, missing MailServer in location),
MarvelClient/ClientAdmin tries to resolve the homserver from notes.ini (MailServer=).
If this cannot be resolved, or the resulting config database cannot be opened, MC/CA tries to open MC_DB_LastReachable (if set).
MC_DB_LastReachable is automatically set during every successful connect to a configuration database, as to make sure that
even if all location documents and MailServer= in notes.ini do not allow for a successful config database connect, "clients are not lost".
For description completeness of the built in failover feature, if any of the above does not lead to a successful connect,
MC_DB_NotResolvable and MC_DB_Unavailable are processed according to the description below (see
ENHANCEMENTAdded support for new task "Process additional actions.xml" which allows for processing of 1-n additional (static) "actions.xml" files from a source directory and according to a file pattern of choice - "actions.xml" means a file which matches the format and contents of MC/CA's main actions.xml - its filename does not have to be "actions.xml"
ENHANCEMENTSignificantly increased the number of MassChanges (which contain a search and replace servername together with a replicaid)
MC/CA can process, if not relevant to a client's configuration - MC/CA can now process up to 3,000 such changes per second, if the client does not have a link to the specified replica-id
ENHANCEMENTFull support of file and directory links for databases.xml (monitoring local databases)
ENHANCEMENTDatabase links on an endusers desktop or in bookmarks which are not detected through the filescanner, are now also added to databases.xml
ENHANCEMENTAdded various new details to databases.xml
ENHANCEMENTAdditional logging for Backup and Roaming/Rollback tasks allows to spot problems more easily

.dylib Updates (Mac OS X)

not availablenot available

.so Updates (Linux)

not availablenot available