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This component release is part of MarvelClient 14.0

Config DB - General

CHANGEWindows/64 is now also enabled by default for new Mailbased Install documents 
CHANGENomad Web was added as a valid platform (for versions >= 1.0.15) for the "view attachments" App Restriction
CHANGEAdded "Missing Only" as a restore type in the Roaming/Rollback action, to prevent overwriting of existing files
FIXFixed an issue where the mailbased install form did not show Citrix options when only selecting Windows/64 = Notes 64-Bit clients as target
FIXRemoved unused function in Online Update library

Config DB - MC Upgrade UI

MCUpgrade history documents now open the view "OS / HW\by Computername" when clicking on the computer name at the top an opened history document. On Windows, the category is also automatically expanded, if the computername is found in the view.

MCUpgrade Prediction in the MarvelClient Config database has been updated to work with the updated MCUpgrade Progress Tracking


Processing of MCUpgrade SMTP Tracking and final result emails has been largely rewritten:

  • MarvelClient Upgrade customers are advised to update to the latest MCUpgrade release 14.3.1 as it now also contains the previously missing PackageName for progress emails and other SMTP tracking fixes
  • MarvelClient Upgrade customers are advised to run the action "MarvelClient Upgrade: Fix links and cleanup" once, AFTER upgrading to this new release. Whilst cleaning out any previous display issues will happen automatically with future incoming tracking mails, running the agent does so for all pre-existing documents. The agent will categorize and consolidate all previous final result emails into corresponding upgrade history documents in line with the following changes:
    • Tracking emails are now processed by PostedDate instead of DeliveredDate.
    • Previous releases allowed for an infinite number of history log entries - this has been changed to a maximum number of 40.
    • Running the action "MarvelClient Upgrade: Fix links and cleanup" will remove tracking details (e.g. waiting for user, waiting for files, progress percentages) for all history documents with a final result attached. Any upgrades in progress will naturally further extend the history after consolidation.
    • Automatic processing of tracking emails (e.g. waiting for user, waiting for files, progress percentages = all but final upgrade results) are from now on removed from history for all but the latest upgrade.
Fixed a display issue where 64-bit language packs were displayed at the end of the list of installers, instead of in front of 32-bit language packs

Fixed an issue where validation of version numbers on the Conditions tab was not always correct. When, for example, selecting a full client with fixpack and language pack, validation would suggest correcting the version number to the base version of the language pack. Validation now properly validates against the highest version number of all selected packages.


Fixed an issue where custom folders (e.g., PROGDIR, DATADIR, MULTIUSERBASEDIR, MULTIUSERCOMMONDIR) were not preserved when updating/validating instructions or publishing an upgrade. Valid parameters are now preserved and properly escaped depending on selected configuration.


Citrix=1 is now selectable on the Citrix tab independent of whether Workspace Optimization is enabled or disabled.

NOTE: When installing Full client packages (i.e. admin/designer), the setting is ignored.