The Microsoft App Status page shows you how your users are experiencing the various apps of M365. Per app we perform multiple tests that give an indication of the performance of the app in relation to your user’s historical experience. Showing you what is going on specifically for your organization.
App – platform - functionality
Per app, we run one or more tests from the context of your users to measure the user experience and we run them against various platforms. In that way we can identify which functionalities of the app are or are not performing as well as on which platforms. It’s quite possible that certain functionalities are not giving an optimal experience on one platform but do on another.
The platforms we test are: Mac (iOS), mobile, Windows (desktop apps), web (online apps), programmatic access (integrated features like Exchange web services) and tokens (authentication).
It can vary per app which platforms and functionalities we test for and/or are available. The platforms and functionalities can and will be expanded going forward where needed.
There are three statuses an app, platform or functionality can have:
Note! In certain cases, it is possible that an individual functionality is scoring as “Degraded” (red) but the app/platform itself is only marked as “Impacted” (yellow). The reason for this is that we prioritize core functionalities. For example: “Presence” in Teams not functioning well, will render the app nearly inoperable as not knowing someone’s online status will make it hard to communicate with them. While the functionality of “Display Presence Badge” in Outlook can cause irritation but generally wouldn’t interfere with the core capabilities of Outlook to send/receive mail. That’s why in certain cases, even if an underlying functionality is impacted or degraded, the App status is different.
In the top of the Microsoft App Status page you have several options to optimize the view for you: