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This component release is part of MarvelClient 12.0
ENHANCEMENTThe "X. Addon PERNAB: Collect LocalNamesDetails" agent now also collects mail template details as <notes:userdetails_mailtemplate>, this makes the agent "(Get MailDB Template Name)" obsolete
ENHANCEMENTImproved the categorization for Nomad clients in the "Notes - by Notes and MC Release" view
FIXFixed a problem where the text in the error dialog from a failed "Open HW/SW Inventory" attempt can be truncated if the upload key is long
FIXAudit logs will no longer report "Warning processing XML File names.xml.zip: empty file" for users who have Location documents with no Replicator Page information
FIXFixed a problem where XPages charts and detail documents would not be displayed if the Domino server common name contains dots