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This component release is part of MarvelClient 12.0

Nomad Web Migration action. This action can be used to enable a one-time desktop migration on a first-time setup of Nomad Web.

Requires HCL Nomad Web 1.0.2 or higher (available in December 2021).

ENHANCEMENTNew example ini action for roaming DXLExport agent
ENHANCEMENTAnalyze DB path now defaults to <ini:MC_UploadDB=panagenda\mc_analyze.nsf> on Backup, Roaming/Rollback, ID-File, and Application Usage actions (previously the default value was simply "panagenda\mc_analyze.nsf")

Platform selector on Generic action form now enabled for all platforms

CHANGE / FIXFixed some translation issues in JP and RU
CHANGE / FIXChanged example action "Configure HW and SW Inventory" to exclude Nomad Web
FIXFixed OnlineUpdate Error (ESCAPEHANDLELOCATION) 184 in Line 66: Variant does not contain a container 
FIXSMTP Test in Upgrade wizard creates "could not get file handle" errors
FIXFix for OnlineUpdate in multi-tenant mode, when using the same license key for the tenant DB and the base Config DB
FIXFixed a problem where Online Update sometimes did not remove all deselected languages, if multiple languages were chosen to be removed after the update 
FIXExclude MCUpgradeConfig docs from the SI sync view, to prevent MYRESOLVEGROUPSFROMSI errors in the SI sync logs