Table of Contents

Access an Appliance Using Different Tools in panagenda iDNA Applications

In this video, COO Henning Kunz will show you three tools to open an iDNA Applications appliance:

  1. You can open up a terminal session using PUTTY. With it, you can either access the machine via the host name or its IP address. You can also save the configuration and give it a name for future use.
    Summary WIP

Open a Support Ticket for panagenda iDNA Applications

In this video, COO Henning Kunz will show you three simple steps to open a support ticket for panagenda iDNA Applications.

Summary 2DO

Change Your Passwords in panagenda iDNA Applications

In this video panagenda COO Henning Kunz shows you how to change several default passwords for specific accounts in iDNA Applications appliances.

Summary 2DO

Reinstate the Session Data Collection in panagenda iDNA Applications

In this video, COO Henning Kunz will show you how to get a session up and running after you’ve had a collection pause in iDNA Applications.

Summary 2DO