Last updated on April 17, 2019, to fix suffixing of all progress bar messages with an exclamation mark

This page contains readily prepared language files for MarvelClient Upgrade.

For multilingual environments, messages are defined the default language (usually English) in MCUpgrade.ini itself (or the configuration document in the MarvelClient Config database).

MCUpgrade.ini:UpgradeLanguage= defines the language to be used for any messages to be displayed.

If a thereby defined language file does not exist, the client will fallback to the default messages in MCUpgrade.ini.

IMPORTANT: MarvelClient Upgrade works with ALL languages you may have or want to install. Below Language Files are for progress visualization only.


English language file - by Florian Vogler, panagenda
Only used for reference and translation purposes, if the default strings in MCUpgrade.ini / the configuration document itself are in English already.

MCUpgrade_de.iniDE - German language file (Deutsch) - by Florian Vogler, panagenda

ES - Spanish language file - by Luis Suarez, panagenda

MCUpgrade_ja.iniJA - Japanese language file - by Mitsuru Katoh (加藤 満), KTrick Co., LTD. (ケートリック株式会社)

MCUpgrade_nl.iniNL - Dutch language file - by Femke Goedhart, panagenda

MCUpgrade_ru.iniRU - Russian language file - by Vladislav Tatarincev, CYONE

MCUpgrade_it.iniIT - Italian language file - by Roberto Boccadoro, ELD Engineering

MCUpgrade_cs.iniCS - Czech language file - by Aleš Lichtenberg, Kaiser Data

MCUpgrade_no.iniNO - Norwegian language file - by Hogne Bø Pettersen, iSi

MCUpgrade_fr.iniFR - French language file - by Christophe Jost, TRACE

MCUpgrade_sv.iniSV - Swedish language file - by Göran Lindgren, nsf Solutions

MCUpgrade_pt-br.iniPT-BR - Portuguese, Brazilian language file - by Enio Basso

Should you add another language, send it to us and allow us to distribute it for free, we will happily feature you on this page!

Translation Instructions

It's only 67 short lines of text for a full translation!

Thank you!