Thank you for taking your time to read our release notes.
Here you will find all information about MC 12.0.0, as well as any subsequent MC 12.0.x releases, as they become available.
Config: 20210401115600
Analyze: 20210401115600
dll/dylib: 12.0.11
Upgrade: 12.0.1
Eclipse plugin: 11.0.3
An overview of some of the more prominent changes; for more in-depth information consult the other sections further down, especially the detailed release notes.
As soon as Notes/Domino 12 is officially released we will have a few great new features to tell you about. Until then, stay tuned!
As with Notes/Domino 10 and 11, MarvelClient is also included in V12. The installer can be found on the Domino server, and the client part is already present on your Notes clients.
The MarvelClient Config database has a new Change Logging feature, that logs all the changes you make to actions. If something seems different when your MarvelClient actions run, go to the Advanced - Logs view and see what changed! Requires template version 20210122121100 or higher.
Is your Analyze database getting too large? Try the new Cleanup Configuration options in the Administration section and get rid of those old or duplicate documents.
These are changes that might require you to pay attention, and/or do something after updating to this version. |
You'll find all these in the detailed release notes as well.
MarvelClient versions older than 12 will not work on Notes 12, so make sure to update MarvelClient before upgrading Notes.
Rich client:
Version: 6.x, 7.x, 8.x, 9.x, 10.x, 11.0.0, 11.0.1, 12.0.0. This includes Basic, Standard and ICAA/HCAA clients (note: HCAA requires MC 11.0.18+ to work properly).
Operating system: Windows 2012 R2, 2016, 2019, 7, 8, 10, and Citrix/WTS. Apple macOS Catalina and BigSur. Linux.
Note: Support is limited for platform and release combinations not supported by HCL.
Version: 1.0.4 and higher
Operating system: all iOS/iPadOS and Android versions that are also supported by above versions of Nomad.
For certain administrative tasks, such as OnlineUpdate, administrators are required to use at least Notes 9.0.1 FP8 and are limited to Notes clients running on Windows.
The Config and Analyze databases will have some additional limitations when used from Nomad. No XPages for content display, no Java limiting several features like manually starting the audit agent or performing OnlineUpdate.
Any Domino and OS version supported by HCL.
Some functionality is not available on all Notes client operating systems.
Generally, we support most functionalities of the Manage, Migrate and Analyze modules (= MarvelClient Basic), as well as Automate. Some features will behave differently, and some functionalities are absent due to technical platform limitations:
Our support for Linux is generally limited, newer features will not be available. A list of major functionality that is absent:
There is one document per component, each document contains all 12.0.x releases in reverse chronological order.