These are the detailed release notes for the MarvelClient binary files (dll and dylib) for Windows, Mac, and Nomad.
For a high-level overview of all changes, please take a look the main document for this release: MarvelClient 12.0
Releases in reverse chronological order:

Release 2021-04-26 - 12.0.11
ENHANCEMENT | Added new config variables zip:ZipFileSaveHideUI and zip:ZipFileAttachHideUI, which can be used to disable the MarvelZip options in the File Attach and File Save dialogs. |
FIX | Restoring the backup of the local names.nsf file could fail if the original names.nsf didn't have a template defined, and "Data only" roaming was used. This issue was introduced in 12.0.6. |
Release 2021-04-01 - 12.0.10
ENHANCEMENT | Testing new Attachment Blocking feature for zipped attachments, more details and final functionality will be in a future release. |
Release 2021-03-29 - 12.0.9
FIX | Fixed a problem where the MarvelClient release string changed in such a way that it could no longer be parsed properly by the Analyze Database. This issue was introduced in 12.0.6. |
Release 2021-03-25 - 12.0.8
NEW / ENHANCEMENT | MarvelClient now supports NFL (Notes Federated Login) on MacOS, if MC_SyncAfterLogin=1 is set in the Notes Preferences file. |
ENHANCEMENT | New notes.ini setting: MC_WinFindFirstFileOptimization. When this is set to "1", it can improve performance reading files and directories from network shares on Windows, if the network connection is slow or unreliable. |
ENHANCEMENT | Improvements for Notes 12 Beta 2. |
Release 2021-03-22 - 12.0.7
ENHANCEMENT | Internal version for testing changes to network file access. |
Release 2021-03-11 - 12.0.6 - HCL Nomad 1.0.12
FIX | Fixed a problem where the console.log message reporting active MarvelClient version gets cut off if both MarvelClient Full and MarvelClient Essentials were active. |
FIX | Cleaned up some confusing log messages when a new Connection document was created by MarvelClient. |
Release 2021-03-04 - 12.0.5
NEW | Added <filesystem:size_kb> and <filesystem:size_bytes> as new options for filesystem references; previously only size_mb was available. |
NEW | New config variables for the age of the most recent action in a user's actions.xml: - mc:actions_last_timestamp, e.g. 20210330T132249Z - mc:actions_last_timestamp_age_ms, in milliseconds
The config variables will be updated when more recent actions become available (e.g. when MarvelClient reads new actions from the Config-Db) |
FIX | Proper detection of iMac Pro hardware. |
FIX | Fixed a potential timeout issue when opening local files and databases. |
Release 2021-02-24 - 12.0.4
FIX | Fixed an issue where recent contacts didn't roam properly if 'data only' was used for roaming the local address book. |
Release 2021-02-17 - 12.0.3
FIX | Fixed a rare (and hard to reproduce) problem at Notes startup with Notes 9 FP9 when MC_SyncAfterLogin was set. |
Release 2021-02-12 - 12.0.2
FIX | Fixes for Notes 12 beta startup issues on MacOS. |
Release 2021-02-03 - 12.0.1
ENHANCEMENT | Internal version for testing MarvelClient Essentials with the Notes 12 beta 1 client. |
Release 2021-02-02 - 12.0.0
NEW | Initial release for Notes 12, for testing with the Beta 1 client. |