Welcome to MarvelClient 11.0!

Thank you for taking your time to read our release notes.
Here you will find all information about MC 11.0.0, as well as any subsequent MC 11.0.x releases, as they become available.

Lastest Versions

Config: 20210401115600
Analyze: 20210401115600
dll/dylib: 11.0.46
Upgrade: 11.0.78
Eclipse plugin: 11.0.3

What's new?

An overview of some of the more prominent changes; for more in-depth information consult the other sections further down, especially the detailed release notes.

MarvelClient for Nomad!

Starting with the HCL Nomad 1.0.4, MarvelClient Basic is included with Nomad on mobile devices, for free! Anyone who has Nomad can use it. Read the details about what that means on our MarvelClient and HCL Nomad FAQ, and on the HCL blog, as well as in the MarvelClient section of the official HCL Nomad documentation.

Of course this also includes additions of features related to Nomad, like actions to manage the new Recent Apps page and reporting about Nomad in the Analyze database. Read the template release notes for Config & Analyze DB, and 11.0.0 DLL to learn more.

MarvelClient Essentials for Notes/Domino 11 and 11.0.1

As with Notes/Domino 10, MarvelClient is also included in V11. The installer can be found on the Domino server, and the client part is already present on your Notes clients. 11.0.1 will have updated versions of MarvelClient as well.

Extensive Action UI Overhaul

With all the new devices and operating systems we now support, we thought the good old "When" tab is not good enough any more. So we reworked the UI on top of all actions. Runtype selection, repeat options, licensing info, and the new platform selector, all in one neat package.

Especially important is the new devices and platform selector, which allows to easily control where each action should run. Read the release notes for more details.


Starting with 11.0.3, MarvelClient can now determine the current geographic location, consisting of longitude/latitude and address. Availability and accuracy of each of the data points fully depends on operating system settings and/or hardware availability. Generally, Windows devices tend to be pretty bad in providing information, mobile devices are usually better. Naturally, if location services are disabled, no data is available at all.
This feature is still a bit experimental, and has privacy implications, so it is turned off by default. See the linked release notes for 11.0.3 on how to turn it on.

A main use of this data is the new Geolocation condition (available starting with Config DB version 20200204).
It allows you to limit action execution based on where users currently are. You can limit based on distance to a coordinate-pair, based on position within a coordinate-rectangle, or by matching parts of an address.

Set Workspace Background

You can now use an action to set the new workspace background. Requires binary 11.0.4 and Config DB version 20200204.

You can either directly attach a file that gets distributed by MarvelClient, or you can point to an already existing image on the target machine. Alternatively, you can reset it to the default.

Cloud Migration Module

New MarvelClient module and actions that help move users from or into any cloud offerings. It can take care of all aspects on the client - including a final replication server-to-server. 

For more information, see the Config DB 20200415 Release Notes. Requires binary 11.0.14

Server Access Restrictor

New feature that allows you to prevent Notes clients from accessing a Domino server if they don't have MarvelClient active and configured. Requires binary 11.0.17.

Additional UI Languages

Config and Analyze DB are now also available in Japanese and Russian.

Attention - Action Required

These are changes that might require you to pay attention, and/or do something after updating to this version.

You'll find all these in the detailed release notes as well.

New Platform Selection UI

The new UI works in addition to existing conditions you might be using to limit actions to platforms. We recommend you retire those and start using the new UI instead.

Nomad Management

If you want to manage Nomad on mobile devices, you can do so from your existing databases.

MarvelClient for Nomad will look for a Config DB in the two default locations: "%notes_homeserver%!!panagenda\mc_config.nsf" and "%notes_homeserver%!!panagenda\panagenda.nsf". If it finds one of them, it will run the actions it finds.

If your Config DB is in a custom location, you have to set MC_DB by using HCL's App Config via your MDM system, or via policies. Read this HCL documentation to learn how.

Nomad-related Actions

If you have a device running Nomad, and it finds a Config DB in one of the default locations, it will automatically run all the actions that apply, just like any other Notes client running MarvelClient. However, to prevent any unwanted download or waste of limited storage, some actions will not run, or only run in limited capacity.

  • Existing File Deployment actions will only start running on Nomad after being re-saved.
  • Application/Mailfile actions will not create local replicas or full text indices on Nomad by default. You can enable it for each action via an option.

HCL Notes 11 support

MarvelClient versions older than 11 will not work on Notes 11, so make sure to update MarvelClient before upgrading Notes.

IBM Cloud Onboarding is being deprecated

If you are using it, you can continue to do so, but you might need to give yourself the role [CloudOnboarding] so the menu entries become visible again.

System Requirements


Rich client:
Version: 6.x, 7.x, 8.x, 9.x, 10.x, 11.0.0, 11.0.1. This includes Basic, Standard and ICAA/HCAA clients (note: HCAA requires MC 11.0.18+ to work properly).
Operating system: Windows 2012 R2, 2016, 7, 8, 10, and Citrix/WTS. Apple macOS 10.10-10.15. Linux.
Note: Support is limited for platform and release combinations not supported by HCL.

Version: 1.0.4 - 1.0.7
Operating system: all iOS/iPadOS versions that are also supported by above versions of Nomad.


For certain administrative tasks, such as OnlineUpdate, administrators are required to use at least Notes 9.0.1 FP8 and are limited to Notes clients running on Windows.
The Config and Analyze databases will have some additional limitations when used from Nomad. No XPages for content display, no Java limiting several features like manually starting the audit agent or performing OnlineUpdate.


Any Domino and OS version supported by HCL.

Platform-specific limitations

Some functionality is not available on all Notes client operating systems.


Generally, we support most functionalities of the Manage, Migrate and Analyze modules (= MarvelClient Basic), as well as Automate. Some features will behave differently, and some functionalities are absent due to technical platform limitations:

  • The runtypes "Shutdown" and "Exit Notes" are not supported
  • The runtype "First Server Access" is there, but simply runs one minute after start, regardless of a successful server access
  • No Rollback
  • No Run Program actions
  • No Recent Contacts management
  • No Smart File Downloader
  • Extended XML Export: No keyfile export
  • .ini Management is limited to notes.ini and MC variables - no other .ini files
  • No DLL Update (not needed; MarvelClient is built into HCL Nomad)
  • A few Analyze features are limited as well


Our support for Linux is generally limited, newer features will not be available. A list of major functionality that is absent:

  • Eclipse Management
  • Skinning
  • Realtime
  • Zip/Unzip
  • Attachment Blocking 
  • Runtypes: "Before Login - Init", "After Login - After Write", "On first server access", "Background - Init" and "Background"


  • Skinning
  • Realtime
  • Zip/Unzip
  • Attachment Blocking

Detailed Release Notes

There is one document per component, each document contains all 11.0.x releases in reverse chronological order.