These are the detailed release notes for the MarvelClient binary files (dll and dylib) for Windows, Mac, and Nomad.
For a high-level overview of all changes, please take a look the main document for this release: MarvelClient 11.0 |
Releases in reverse chronological order:
FIX | Fixed a rare (and hard to reproduce) problem at Notes startup with Notes 9 FP9 when MC_SyncAfterLogin was set. |
FIX | MarvelClient no longer logs to console.log. This was a regression bug introduced in 11.0.37. |
FIX | Fix for startup problems on Notes 12 Beta 1 client for Mac. |
CHANGE | Internal version for testing language settings. |
CHANGE | Internal version for testing language settings. |
FIX | Values for <os:device_type> and <os:device_readable> was sometimes wrong for rich clients. |
FIX | Changed logging output when we report finding a database/directory link, so it won't potentially write null characters to the log. |
ENHANCEMENT / NEW | Added support for managing replication priority for local databases. Requires Config template 20201216103500 or higher. |
ENHANCEMENT / NEW | Added support for managing the "send outgoing mail" and "send outgoing internet mail" entries on the system replicator page. Requires Config template 20201207161500 or higher. |
ENHANCEMENT / NEW | Added support for mail blocking based on time condition (days of week, start and end times). Requires Config template 20201207161500 or higher. |
ENHANCEMENT / NEW | Added option for doing a server lookup to find cluster members, when "Enforce Clustermembers" is checked for an Application/Mailfile action. Requires Config template 20201207161500 or higher. |
ENHANCEMENT | Locations and connections are now also considered managed if the action is set to 'add' and they already exist. Also improved logging when dealing with managed locations. |
ENHANCEMENT | Ignore linefeeds in single-value fields in location documents, which could cause inconsistencies in the Analyze database. |
FIX | Fixed a rare problem where the new <os:process_runtime_ms> variable could be incorrect and far too big. |
ENHANCEMENT | Add timestamps and thread ids to console log messages. |
FIX | Allow MacOS Big Sur to be detected as either version 10.16 or 11 (either might be used depending on compilation options, we will detect both). |
ENHANCEMENT | Allow new MC_LogIncludeStdOut variable to be set during 'before login init' runtime. |
ENHANCEMENT | New ini variable MC_LogIncludeStdOut, for use by support when troubleshooting very specific problems where we need to capture console messages. |
CHANGE | Nomad-only, changes for testing |
CHANGE/FIX | Better handling of Location documents when using limited names roaming. Workaround for an issue that could occur if roamed Location documents have exactly the same NoteID as documents from a previous installation, but a different name. |
ENHANCEMENT | New placeholder %NOTES_USER_COMMON_NAME% for use in backup and roaming actions - returns the common name portion (CN=) of the current Notes user |
FIX | Fix for roaming/rollback action if 'restoreregex' option was used and the regex matches multiple files. Prior to this fix, it was possible that files with multiple regex matches were restored using the wrong file name. |
FIX | Better detection of the Eclipse home and data directory for the new Mac 11.0.1FP1 Notarized client. The internal directory structure of the notarized client changed, and this had the side effect of causing MarvelClient Eclipse plugin updates to be installed incorrectly in specific situations (for the new Mac notarized client only). |
NEW | New MC config variables:
ENHANCEMENT | Add Big Sur to the list of known versions of MacOS. |
CHANGE | Improve error handling of the new action to manage JSON and XML files. |
FIX | The "remove" option of the new action to manage JSON and XML files was not working properly in the previous version. Now it does. |
FIX | Fix a problem where FSAC (first server access) actions might not be triggered if the MailServer in the location document or the notes.ini file has an old-style, non-hierarchical "flat" name. |
NEW | The ".ini & Variables" action can now manage:
Requires MarvelClient Config Template version 20200902 or higher. |
FIX | Fixed an issue where setting the replication formula didn't work for newly created replica stubs. |
FIX | Fixed an issue on MacOS where the Notes client would hang or crash when it was closed via the Notes app icon in the dock. |
ENHANCEMENT | The Application/Mailfile action now supports managing a Full Text Index (FTI) of a local database (e.g. the users names and address book) |
ENHANCEMENT | The Application/Mailfile acton now supports Managed Mail Replicas on Nomad. |
NEW | Added support for SafeLinx proxy authentication on Nomad. |
ENHANCEMENT | Implemented geolocation for Nomad clients running on Android devices. See release notes for MarvelClient 11.0.3 (below) for details on geolocation. |
FIX | The MarvelClient ServerAccessRestrictor now also works for tasks like the background replicator. |
FIX | Fix for MarvelClient roaming for customers who use NFL/SAML for authentication, when Location document fields are encrypted. |
ENHANCEMENT / NEW | Added new MC config values for the Eclipse version used by the Notes Standard client: <notes:eclipse_version_major>, <notes:eclipse_version_minor>, <notes:eclipse_version_step> and <notes:eclipse_version_number>. |
CHANGE / FIX | MarvelClient now handles the situation where a user has multiple shortnames more cleanly. If multiple shortnames have been defined in a user's Person document, only the first name in the field will be written to the <mc:userdetails_shortname> variable, and all names will be written to the new <mc:userdetails_shortname_all> variable as a comma-separated list. |
CHANGE | An action's return values are now written to log.xml for log level >= 2. This was only visible for log level 3 before. |
FIX | Notes client 9.0.1 FP10 (with no interim fixes) is now reported properly in the <notes:version_*> config variables. Previously it was reported as version 9.0.11 due to a bug in that version of the Notes client. |
FIX | Fix for MarvelClient ServerAccessRestrictor when running against older Notes clients. |
ENHANCEMENT / NEW | New MC config variables that indicate where the actions.xml file was downloaded from. <mc:actions_last_remote_source> will be set to "networkdirectory" or "backupset" depending on where it came from, and <mc:actions_downloaded_networkdirectory> or <mc:actions_downloaded_backupset> will be set to "1" if the downloaded actions.xml file from that location was newer than the local actions.xml file. |
FIX | MarvelClient on MacOS can now properly install and update the MarvelClient Eclipse plugin on Mac Notes 11 clients. Changes in the Notes 11 client caused this to stop working on MacOS only. |
NEW | Added support for new Eclipse actions that can modify items in the launcher bar of the Notes Standard client. Requires MarvelClient Eclipse Plugin 11.0.3 or higher, and MarvelClient Config Template 20200716 or higher. |
ENHANCEMENT / NEW | Added <sourcedb_updates> to actions.xml - it contains time of update, source db path, replicaid, last timestamp and number of actions removed/downloaded (if >0). You can set <mc:viewreader_logemptyupdates> to 1 to always write this even if nothing has changed. The list of actions is separated by semicolon and limited to 10kB. |
ENHANCEMENT | If MarvelClient deletes a managed mail replica, it now also deletes the notes.ini parameter ReplicateOnNewMail. |
CHANGE | The server lookup order for the Config DB has changed slightly. Previously the server specified by <mc:userdetails_lookup_server_fallback> was checked before any servers specified by the <mc:configdb_fb_*> variables. The order has been reversed so the <mc:configdb_fb_*> servers will now be checked before <mc:userdetails_lookup_server_fallback>. You can use the new <mc:userdetails_lookup_ignore_configdb_fb> variable (bool, defaults to false) to disable <mc:configdb_fb_*> server lookups. |
FIX | Fixed an issue where Notes could prompt for the password unexpectedly when using roaming and the notes.ini parameter MC_SyncAfterLogin=1. |
ENHANCEMENT / NEW | MarvelClient can now change the replication formula for existing replicas. Previously this was only possible for new replicas. Requires MarvelClient Config template version 20200608 or higher. |
CHANGE / FIX | Improved OS version and device detection for Android devices using Nomad. |
FIX | Updates to support the latest beta version of Nomad on Android. |
ENHANCEMENT | Customers using HTTP roaming with authentication can use the new MC_ActionXMLRoaming_AuthURL notes.ini variable to roam the actions.xml file. |
ENHANCEMENT / NEW | The notes.ini variables MC_DoNotLoadForProcesses and MC_LoadOnlyForProcesses can be used to control which executable processes will cause MarvelClient to be loaded. This is used for debugging purposes by consulting and development, and normally should not be used by customers. |
CHANGE / FIX | Logging improvements: removed extra logging of empty paths when locating config database, fixed misleading log message about timestamp comparisons. |
CHANGE / FIX | MacOS Catalina is now correctly identified by the <os:version_string> variable. |
FIX | Updates to support the latest beta version of Nomad. |
ENHANCEMENT | Added new options to the Cloud Migration action. It is now possible to use the stored location of the old mail file without requiring it to be opened. This allows the "Change all links" and "Clean up old links" steps to run if the old mail file is no longer accessible. |
ENHANCEMENT / NEW | Added functionality to detect the new HCAA client (HCL version of ICAA). In older versions of MC, the following config variables will be incorrect if used with HCAA: <notes:mode_running>, <notes:icaa_version>, and <notes:is_icaa> |
FIX | Fixed an issue where Server Access Restrictor would not work if <ini:MC_ServerAccessRestrictorSetClientVersion> did not include a fix pack. |
FIX | Fixed an issue where the the Sametime Cloud Migration action would not work if only the Cloud Migration module was licensed without any of the Eclipse modules. |
NEW | New feature: Server Access Restrictor Allows you to prevent Domino server access for Notes clients without active MarvelClient. This works through a combination of 2 things:
Now, the server will deny access to any client without MarvelClient active, since its version is too low. Note: The ini variable must be present before login. So it has to be ensured that all clients have it turned on before activating the server-side setting. Also, newly set up clients must have MC enabled and have the setting in their notes.ini (or a pre-deployed actions.xml with an INI action in it). |
FIX | Fixed an issue where the support data collection feature would not work on iOS. |
ENHANCEMENT | Improved Analyze DB upload performance slightly by adding a new field with just the primary key to the documents we create. |
CHANGE | Improved the way we store data for the Cloud Migration status view to prevent old values from persisting in the Analyze DB. |
CHANGE | The Cloud Migration action will now also validate that a local replica is reasonably current before replicating. This is done based on replication cutoff. |
FIX / CHANGE | In the Cloud Migration action, a missing local replica will no longer count as a failed local replication (and if the step is marked as mandatory, it will be set to done). |
FIX / CHANGE | Mandatory steps in the Cloud Migration that are excluded due to preconditions (like Mass Delete action for cases where the mail replica ID changes) will now count as completed. |
CHANGE | The ini variables for Cloud Migration status now get read into config variables for easier use in the Analyze DB. |
ENHANCEMENT / CHANGE | In the Cloud Migration action, for "Change all links", the "Also change locations" option will now better work for offline locations. |
NEW | Added the actions for the new Cloud Migration module: Cloud Migration Preparation, Cloud Migration, Sametime Cloud Migration. |
CHANGE | IBM Cloud Onboarding has been deprecated for a while, the actions for it will not be supported any more starting with this release. |
NEW | Added support for the new local database encryption option "AES" that was added to Notes 11.0.1. If the new option is selected for a database and the action runs on an older version of Notes, it will use strong encryption instead. |
FIX | Fixed an issue with Notes 11 where during roaming a small password prompt would sometimes appear before login. |
CHANGE | Improved performance of http-based roaming via Notes-DB by reducing the number of requests sent. |
ENHANCEMENT | Improved logging for evaluation of conditions. Each action will now give a better indication of how conditions were evaluated and what lead to the action running or not running. |
ENHANCEMENT | Actions will now log the last time of execution and total number of previous executions before (and after) they run. |
FIX | Fixed an issue where references to <notes:version_major> before login would return the wrong value: "10" instead of "11" for Notes 11 Clients. |
ENHANCEMENT | The Roaming/Rollback action now has a new option to add an additional authentication URL for http-based roaming via Notes-DB. This URL will be opened before the main URL and can be used to force proper authentication. |
FIX | Fixed an issue where the Application/Mailfile action would throw an error when trying to create a managed mail replica (MMR). |
FIX | Fixed an issue where some manually created bookmarks would lose a view-reference. This would happen in the case where a user would create a bookmark by drag&drop-ing a tab to the bookmark bar. It would only occur for database designs that use a frameset, and only in newer Notes Client versions. The effect was that the bookmark would open the frameset, but not automatically display the right view. |
ENHANCEMENT | For managed mail replicas (MMRs), the Application/Mailfile action will now also allow to enforce the local path, if the "Enforce" option is set in the action. |
FIX | Fixed an issue where Notes would sometimes crash when used in combination with certain tools that use UI Automation - like accessibility (SuperNova) and Citrix receivers for iOS/macOS. |
FIX | Fixed a rare issue where using drag & drop in combination with MarvelZip could lead to parts of the Notes client turn grey. |
FIX / ENHANCEMENT | Added new MC config setting <mc:replpage_create_option> to control how Application/Mailfile actions and Replicator Page (System) actions will create missing Replicator Pages. Replicator Pages are stored in each Location document and are only created by the Notes client when the Location is active and its Replicator Page is first opened by the user. Now you can set <mc:replpage_create_option> to enable these actions to automatically create a new Replicator Page.
FIX | Fixed an issue where Application actions would not create an MMR replica on rich clients. |
NEW | Added new Clean Workbench Files action - it removes some unneeded information to keep the Eclipse workspace directory small and improve performance. See Config DB release notes for more detail. |
CHANGE / ENHANCEMENT | Improved limited Names roaming for some rare cases that are related to older templates leaving "multi language"-related fields in the design. In these cases the design refresh during roaming might fail because of the error "Not all specified languages were found in design template". If it encounters this error, MarvelClient will then try to repair this by removing the outdated fields and attempting another design refresh. |
FIX | Fixed an issue where in rare cases <notes:eclipse_data_directory> would be set incorrectly. |
FIX / CHANGE | <os:version_string> on iOS will now show "iPadOS" for tables with iOS version >= 13. |
CHANGE | Removed some unnecessary warnings in log (they did not indicate a problem). |
ENHANCEMENT | MarvelClient will now sanitize <ini:MailServer> in cases where it contains the server in the syntax>CN=server/O=acme. These will be treated as if they contained only the canonicalized name. |
FIX | Nomad: Fixed an issue where MarvelClient would try to open the same location twice when attempting to locate a Config DB. |
FIX | Nomad: Fixed a rare issue where earlier versions of Nomad would run into MC setup issues due to missing <ini:ExtConfigServer> when updated to a newer version. |
FIX | Fixed an issue where detection of <os:mobile> (and related variables) would sometimes fail for devices with more than one battery. Specifically, some hardware vendors seem to have faulty drivers who don't return the right values in cases where an additional battery bay is present, but empty. |
ENHANCEMENT / NEW | Added new config variables for device type.
These variables are read from operating system calls. Their content depends on whatever hardware and/or drivers return, so their value can be anything and might change. You can use <os:device_type> in backup-/roaming-keys with the new placeholder %OS_DEVICE_TYPE% |
CHANGE | Added ini settings to control how Roaming actions unpack zipped files. Normally a standard temporary file name ( is used for storing zip files so they can be unpacked. In some situations, this file cannot be deleted because other processes lock it (indexer, anti-virus), meaning the next zip cannot be downloaded. The following options should only be changed/used, if there are problems of this nature.
FIX | Fixed a critical issue where MarvelClient would reset the ECL to its default state on every client startup. This was introduced in dll version 11.0.1. |
NEW | Added an action to set the new Workspace background. The background image can be attached to the action and downloaded from there, or it can point to a file that already exists locally on the client. |
FIX | Non-English log messages related to file system operations will now be shown properly. |
NEW | Geolocation MarvelClient can now determine the current geographic location. This data consists of coordinates (<os:geo_location_*>) and address (<os:geo_address_*>). Which data is available, and how accurate it is, can vary significantly. Mostly it depends on settings in the operating system and available hardware features. If you intend to collect and use this data, make sure to turn on related features on the operating system level ("Allow programs to use location data" etc). You might also want to consider that some platforms will display a prompt to the user to allow the access to this data. This functionality is still experimental, and has some privacy considerations connected to it, so it is turned off by default. Set <mc:geo_data_enabled> (bool, defaults to 0) to 1 to enable it. Furthermore, since this functionality is depending on operating system calls that differ in reliability between platforms, it can be en-/disabled on each platform separately.
These variables will only be considered if the global flag is set to 1. Generally, this data will be available immediately. But in some cases it can take a few seconds, or rarely even longer. For that reason, there is a 10-second timeout on retrieving this data. Set <mc:geo_data_timeout_ms> (number in milliseconds, defaults to 10000) to change it Due to the potential delay, geolocation data will only be collected in background (first server access, and other background run times). If you want to make sure that you have this data collected for analytics purposes, you can set <mc:geo_data_scan_in_shutdown> (bool, defaults to 0) to 1. This will force a read of the data during shutdown. |
NEW | Added a new Geolocation condition to only execute Actions based on geolocation data. It allows checking for location based on address, distance to a coordinate-pair, or position within a coordinate rectangle. Since reading the location can take a few seconds in some cases, it will re-use location data that has been recently read, with a 120-second limit (can be set in the action). The condition will fail, if location sharing is turned off. This means that any Action or reference using the condition will not run. Make sure to consider the points mentioned in the Geolocation section above. |
CHANGE / ENHANCEMENT | The DLL Update action will now clean up duplicate entries in the Extmgr_Addins notes.ini variable. Duplicate entries can happen through third-party tools, and cleaning them up is just nice. |
ENHANCEMENT | Nomad: during initial setup, MarvelClient will now also look for a Config DB on the server that is provided via <ini:ExtConfigServer> (in addition to the mail server from from namelookup and <ini:MailServer>). This is a new variable that Nomad sets to indicate the server that is being used for setting up Nomad. |
FIX | Fixed an issue where the Filesystem Operation action did not use the proper temp directory for zip operations. It now uses <notes:temp_directory>. |
FIX / ENHANCEMENT | Nomad: Changed behavior of MarvelClient during Nomad setup. If <ini:MC_DB> is not present, MarvelClient will now try to find its Config DB in one of the default paths on both the MailServer from namelookup and <ini:MailServer>. If a database can be found on the namelookup-based server, it will be used. If the server does not contain a Config DB, or cannot be reached, <ini:MailServer> is tried next. If the server does not contain a Config database, setup will continue and MC will be disabled. If the server cannot be reached, setup will fail (but in that case, Nomad setup will fail on its own as well). If <ini:MC_DB> is present, however, MarvelClient will behave more like on the Rich client, and use the <ini:MC_DB_*> variables to locate the config db. If any of the servers from those variables cannot be reached, setup will fail. A few more details: Before, MC would work the same as on a Rich client. If <ini:MC_DB> was missing, MC would try to find the Config database in one of its default locations. These default locations would oftentimes be on the user's homeserver, based on namelookup. If that server could not be reached, setup would fail. Since many customers have complex setup scenarios, where the homeserver is not necessarily the same as the server against which Nomad devices are being set up, this scenario could cause issues with failures happening in cases where they should not. The new behavior will prevent unwanted setup failures. |
FIX / CHANGE | On Nomad, if MarvelClient is disabled, it will now set <ini:ExtConfigDone>=1. This serves to prevent a future start with MC being enabled again from running into issue because MC would wrongly consider it a setup case. |
FIX / CHANGE | On *nix-derived operating systems (macOS, iOS, Android, ...) the config variable reporting scan duration did not contain a drive letter. Now it shows root instead: <os:db_scan_data_drive_root_duration> |
FIX | Fixed an issue on iOS, where detecting the battery and device type for the new Platform selector would fail on certain models. |
CHANGE | Nomad: Improved logging about how we find an MC Config DB during initial setup. |
NEW | On Nomad, if setup fails, MarvelClient will now create a zip file with important support information (MC working directory and the IBM_TECHNICAL_SUPPORT directory) and put it into the Documents directory on iOS (the data can then be picked up and sent to support via the Files app). |
CHANGE / ENHANCEMENT | Updated the ECL MarvelClient creates during client setup to match the one Notes 11 creates. |
CHANGE | Improved logging: Removed some warning messages about hooks that were unnecessary and did not indicate a problem. |
NEW | MarvelClient for Nomad! MarvelClient is an integral part of the new HCL Nomad for iOS and Android devices. It is built-in and turned on from the start. This means you don't need to deploy a binary to any Nomad clients, or set any notes.ini variables. The available feature scope consists of most actions/functionalities in MC Basic (Analyze, Manage, Migrate). Some of these will not be supported due to technical limitations (e.g.: you cannot run programs on iOS). For a list, see platform limitations section in the main document for the 11.0 release. Some functionalities are turned off by default and need to be manually activated (local replica and full text index management in Application/Mailfile action, and File Deployment actions). See Config DB release notes for details on how to turn them on. |
NEW | HCL Notes 11 support! This is the first release of MarvelClient to support Notes 11. Older binaries will not work, so make sure to update to MC 11 before deploying Notes 11. |
NEW | Nomad: Added a Recent Apps action to manage the new Recent Apps page on Nomad. |
NEW | Nomad: The Application/Mailfile action now has settings to also put the application on the new Recent Apps page on Nomad. |
ENHANCEMENT / NEW | The Application/Mailfile action now can manage the replication formula (to a limited extent) and the option to limit documents by age. |
ENHANCEMENT | Added new <ini:MC_SupportIDVault_SuppressInitialErrorMessage> (bool, defaults to 0). Set to 1 to suppress the first error message we get when looking for a match to the username from <ini:KeyFileName_Owner> or the config-file. Also improved error messages to be clearer. |
FIX / CHANGE | References to the "filesystem" namespace that trigger an error will now properly honor default values instead of aborting the action which is using them. |
CHANGE | No longer reading the statusbar element in bookmarks for Notes releases > 7. The statusbar element hasn't been used by the client since then. |
ENHANCEMENT | Logging has been improved for regex actions and string conditions. They will now give more details on what is being matched and why to help with tracking down problems. |
CHANGE | Changed some logging to reduce the amount of wrongly classified error messages in the log. |
FIX | Fixed an issue where Relocate and Restrict actions would not run on the very first client start due to not being able to read the actions.xml. |
FIX | Fixed an issue where the Replicator Page (System) action would not properly add roaming entries. |
FIX | Fixed an issue where the Replicator Page (System) action would not properly create/modify the entry for application templates. It now correctly sets the target server. |
CHANGE | The config variable <os:mac_addresses> will no longer contain the same address multiple times. |
ENHANCEMENT | A new config variable <notes:initial_setup> is now available to indicate whether the current client start is an initial setup (first time start) or not. |
FIX | Fixed an issue on macOS where loading an Essentials and Full MarvelClient binary at the same time could lead to a crash. |