NOTE: This feature is work in progress by HCL and panagenda. Stay tuned!

This document is exclusively for customers with a MarvelClient Simplified Installation!

The MarvelClient Nomad Web Migration Action in the Domino Directory performs a one-time migration of the latest client configuration of a non-Nomad Web client (from the MarvelClient Analyze database) upon initial launch of a Nomad Web client.

The MarvelClient Nomad Web Migration Action requires a saved and properly configured Upload Client Data Action and corresponding Client Uploads from Non-Nomad clients!


The Enabled field can be set to
Yes = Enable one-time migration
No = Disable

No Nomad Web Migration Action, or deleting the Action at any time results in No migration.

In line with the highlander principle, there can and must only be one document for each type of “Simplified Installation”, “Upload Client Data” and “Nomad Web Migration” in the MarvelClient view. If you ever have more than one of any of those documents (including replication conflicts), make sure you delete all but one for each. Otherwise, results are unpredictable.