These are the detailed release notes for MC Upgrade.
For a high-level overview of all changes, please take a look the main document for this release: MarvelClient 11.0
Releases in reverse chronological order:

Release 2021-01-20 - 11.0.62
MCUpgrade |
FIX | Fixed a stupid error that made 11.0.61 useless |
Release 2021-01-20 - 11.0.61
MCUpgrade |
ENHANCEMENT | Added exit code 4751 (Whitelist signature mismatch or whitelist has been tampered with) |
CHANGE | Whitelisting is mandatory from now on, if a public key file exists in %ProgramFiles(x86)%\panagenda\MCUpgrade |
CHANGE | When directly executing MCUpgrade.exe via SYSTEM account AND from a fixed drive, the folder, from which MCUpgrade.exe is executed, overrides UpgradeDirectory |
Release 2021-01-15 - 11.0.60
MCUpgrade |
FIX | Fixed an issue where *RegistryKey* settings did not work with whitelisting |
Release 2021-01-12 - 11.0.59
MCUpgrade |
FIX | Fixed an issue where SetEnvValue could not be empty for deletion |
CHANGE | Shortcut removal is now no longer dependent on the /ignoredeferralfilemustexist switch, but on number of uninstall instructions (0=no shortcut removal) |
ENHANCEMENT | Elevation errors 1326 and 1327 are now passed into Analyze as "ELEVATION errors" |
Release 2021-01-12 - 11.0.58
MCUpgrade |
FIX | Fixed an issue where the shortcut preview added in 11.0.57 did not work, only showing a smaller "an upgrade is ready" message box |
FIX | Fixed an issue where Citrix Optimization reset the log file instead of adding to an existing one |
FIX | Fixed an issue where copying the public key file in conjunction with InstallService=1 did not create missing directories |
CHANGE | The default desktop shortcut name "MC Upgrade ReRun" is now automatically replaced with "Run Notes Client Upgrade" or "Rerun Notes Client Upgrade", depending on context |
CHANGE / ENHANCEMENT | SetEnvValue can now be left empty, resulting in deletion of the corresponding SetEnvName value |
ENHANCEMENT | When setting OS environment variables via SetEnv*, EnvUpdate is called at the end, which creates a similar effect as logoff/logon - changes to, for example, %path% should become effective immediately |
Release 2021-01-05 - 11.0.57
MCUpgrade |
FIX | Fixed an issue where DeferralAdmins were checked before opening .mcu file |
FIX | Fixed an issue where the shutdown notice windows could "vanish" when switching to a different window using ALT+TAB, or after switching to the windows desktop |
FIX | Fixed an issue where the GracefulShutdownNotice message did not always display a blue title message |
NEW | When creating a (re)run shortcut on the windows desktop, a dialogbox shows a preview of the newly created icon |
CHANGE / ENHANCEMENT | When a user defers an upgrade a shortcut is placed on desktop to run the upgrade on demand; this can be influenced by setting ini:DeferralNumberOfUpdatePromptsMaxShortcut=-1 |
ENHANCEMENT | The Deferral prompt now always shows the ReRun Icon as configured in the upgrade config wizard |
Release 2020-12-19 - 11.0.56
MCUpgrade |
FIX | Fixed an issue where LocalAdminFallback did not work in 11.0.5x releases |
FIX | Fixed an issue where /ignoredeferralfilesmustexist was not appended to re-run shortcut in 11.0.4x and 5x releases, leading to users being asked again whethere they want to defer an upgrade |
FIX | MCUpgrade now sends fewer tracking emails (4 at max, at 2, 25, 50 and 75 percent progress); previously it would send 6 or more |
FIX / CHANGE | Moved deletion of the re-run shortcut to after deferral (if applicable) / before Upgrade Init |
CHANGE | Changed the error message when launching MCUpgradeMain fails or returns an error from "ERROR: Could not launch program as current user with Admin rights ..." to "ERROR: Launching program as current user with Admin rights returned ..." |
CHANGE / ENHANCEMENT | Rather than just returning Error 1, MCUpgradeMain now returns the last error code from a failing (un)install, if applicable |
NEW / ENHANCEMENT | MCUpgrade now also accepts (typos) /smpttest and /smptinfo command line parameters in addition to /smtptest and smtpinfo ;-) |
ENHANCEMENT | MCShutdown will now exit immediately and re-run itself if run from Notes client, so as to detach itself from Notes |
ENHANCEMENT | If run from Notes client, MCShutdown now automatically closes itself after notes is closed (this is for when launching it together with Notes) |
ENHANCEMENT | MCShutdown now has a new option "/noautoterm" to disable automatic closing when run from Notes client and the Notes client is closed |
ENHANCEMENT | MCShutdown will now exit if another instance of MCShutdown is already running; only another instance of MCShutdown /auto is allowed in parallel |
ENHANCEMENT | MCShutdown /auto will exit silently without logging if another instance if MCShutdown is executed |
Release 2020-12-17 - 11.0.55
MCUpgrade |
FIX | Fixed an issue where the newly improved checksum pre-calculation for the MarvelClient Configuration Wizard did not work |
Release 2020-12-16 - 11.0.54
MCUpgrade |
NEW | MCUpgrade now supports checkout trial licenses |
FIX | Fixed an issue where a full license with non-matching domain/computername/username restrictions would not search for a possible better license |
ENHANCEMENT | <,>,& are now escaped in html log files and result emails - this allows us to also properly display html content as a result from e.g. license checkout or http(s) downloads |
ENHANCEMENT | MCShutdown.exe now also supports actions.xml licenses |
Release 2020-12-09 - 11.0.53
MCUpgrade |
NEW | MCUpgrade now also checks for valid licenses in actions.xml NOTE: This requires MCUpgrade 11.0.53, a new updated license obained via Online Update, and that the updated license is present on the respective clients The search order for the first "best" (=full) license is as follows: MCUpgrade.ini:LicenseFilePath UpgradeDirectory\license_upgrade.xml notes.ini:MC_WorkingDirectory\actions.xml (NotesProgramDirectoryOld) notes.ini:MC_WorkingDirectory\actions.xml (NotesProgramDirectoryNew) notes.ini:MC_WorkingDirectory\actions.xml (NotesDataDirectoryOld) notes.ini:MC_WorkingDirectory\actions.xml (NotesDataDirectoryNew) %localappdata%\panagenda\marvel\actions.xml MCUpgrade.ini:SourceDirectoryInit\license_upgrade.xml registry:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\panagenda\MarvelClient\Upgrade\SourceDirectoryInit\license_upgrade.xml |
FIX / CHANGE | MCUpgrade.exe /coptim no longer sets hardcoded and provisioning.manifest.version |
ENHANCEMENT | MCShutdown.exe now also accepts a full filepath to a license.xml/actions.xml file via command line: MCShutdown /switch "f:ull\file.xml" "f:ull\file.log" MCShutdown /switch "f:ull\file.log" "f:ull\file.xml" MCShutdown /switch "f:ull\file.xml" MCShutdown /switch "f:ull\file.log" NOTE: the license filepath must contain ".xml" |
Release 2020-12-05 - 11.0.52
MCUpgrade |
NEW | This Release contains a number of enhancements for significantly faster and close to 1-click publishing of upgrades combined with better progress visualization. The duration of upgrades has also been improved. The latest MarvelClient Config database design and MCUpgrade >= 11.0.51 allow customers to enjoy these many new improvements. |
FIX | Removed log 0x08 (backspace) characters from MCUpgrade.log for when files are zipped (e.g. installer logs and MCUpgrade.log) |
CHANGE | UseComspec and LogonFlag are deprecated/have been removed entirely |
CHANGE / ENHANCEMENT | Together with the latest MarvelClient Config database design, publishing an upgrade is no longer dependent on Java |
CHANGE / ENHANCEMENT | Memorizing HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\IBM|HCL\Notes\Installer\PersonalFolder is now registry based and works across multiple runs / independent of MCUpgrade.ini |
CHANGE / ENHANCEMENT | Memorizing HKEY_USERS\$ConsoleSessionSID\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer\DisallowRun|RestrictRun is now registry based and works across multiple runs / independent of MCUpgrade.ini |
ENHANCEMENT | Finished enhancements for optimized indexing and packaging via MCUpgrade wizard |
ENHANCEMENT | KeyfileEditor will now automatically launch the Whitelist Editor when enabling "Use Whitelisting ..." |
ENHANCEMENT | KeyfileEditor will now automatically open MCUpgrade.ini if there is no other ini file in the directory where it is executed from; together with the previous enhancement, a single click now opens MCUpgrade.ini |
ENHANCEMENT | KeyfileEditor no longer displays an "All filepaths are valid" message when saving a changed whitelist |
ENHANCEMENT | KeyfileEditor no longer displays a "possibly invalid USER paths" message for files in %PUBLIC%\MCUpgrade\stage |
ENHANCEMENT | KeyfileEditor now saves and closes automatically when launched via MCUpgrade Config Wizard and there are no validation issues |
ENHANCEMENT | Together with the latest MarvelClient Config database design, KeyfileEditor will no longer re-compute already known file hashes |
ENHANCEMENT | Together with the latest MarvelClient Config database design, MCUpgrade.exe now also displays progress when copying installers to the %PUBLIC%\MCUpgrade\publish directory |
Release 2020-11-23 - 11.0.51
MCUpgrade |
FIX | Fixed an issue where when attempting to launch a non-existing executable, no error was logged/handled |
FIX | Fixed a (non)issue where progress logging would not log / visualize all log lines |
FIX | Fixed an issue where ProgressTracking emails were no longer sent |
ENHANCEMENT | Possibly reduced the time it takes to compute hashes |
ENHANCEMENT | First enhancements for optimized indexing and packaging via MCUpgrade wizard |
Release 2020-11-10 - 11.0.50
MCUpgrade |
FIX | SkipNotesDataDirectoryMigration is now automatically set to 1 (in memory) if at least one file is processed and all files copied/moved during single & multiuser data directory migration fail |
Release 2020-11-10 - 11.0.49
MCUpgrade |
FIX | Fixed an issue where - if enabled - cleanup was performed even if upgrade was unsuccessful |
Release 2020-11-03 - 11.0.48
MCUpgrade |
FIX / ENHANCEMENT | Added deletion of \.metadata\.plugins\org.eclipse.e4.workbench\ files to Citrix Workspace Optimizer |
Release 2020-11-01 - 11.0.47
MCUpgrade |
FIX | Fixed an issue where Initiator would log an error whilst trying to unzip MCUpgrade.exe over an already running MCUpgrade.exe |
NEW | The new feature "Initiator" allows automatically download of upgrade files or newer upgrades from central file (UNC or mounted) or web resources (https(s) and ftp(s)) |
NEW | The new feature Citrix Optimization allows specific optimization of deployments on Citrix and Windows Terminal Servers (WTS) Introduces ini:Coptim=1 (defaults to not set = Disabled; best enabled via the MarvelClient Upgrade Configuration wizard on the new Citrix tab as of template version 20201102) |
NEW | For when ini:Coptim=1, added an option ini:CoptimDisableService### to disable services (includes stopping them) at the end of an upgrade during Citrix Optimization |
NEW | For when ini:Coptim=1, added an option ini:CoptimDisableDEP, defaults to 1, set to 0 to not disable DataExecutionPrevention |
NEW | For when ini:Coptim=1, added an option ini:CoptimCompactTemplates, defaults to 1, set to 0 to not disable Compacting Templates |
NEW | For when ini:Coptim=1, added an option ini:CoptimGrantEveryoneAllAccessToXPDPLAT, defaults to 1, set to 0 to not grant Everyone, Administrators and SYSTEM All Access to xpdplat folder |
NEW / CHANGE | Added a new option ini:InstallChangePersonalFolder; defaults to 1, set to 0 to not adjust HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\HCL\Notes\Installer\PersonalFolder to UpgradeDirectory\temp |
NEW / CHANGE | Added a new option ini:NotesWorkspaceDirectoryNewSmartCleanup; defaults to 1, set to 0 to not delete a NotesDataDirectoryNew\workspace directory which was created during install instructions (=did not previously exist) |
Release 2020-10-30 - 11.0.46
MCUpgrade |
FIX | Fixed an issue with Initiator not working with an MCUpgrade.ini with only SourceDirectoryInit= entry |
ENHANCEMENT | Initiator now also logs initiating events |
CHANGE | Removed support for PreCheckWhitelistChecksums |
Release 2020-10-26 - 11.0.45
MCUpgrade |
FIX | Removed error logging from taskkill in MCShutdown(function&executable) |
FIX | Fixed an issue where log was closed and not reopened when running via service - MCUpgrade now supports closing and reopening log file for all run/runas/runasuser calls |
FIX / CHANGE | UnzipDone### is now also ignored when running as SYSTEM |
FIX / CHANGE | DeferralFileMustExist### will now also be searched for in the SAFE upgrade directory when RunAsService > 0 |
CHANGE | FOR DETAILS SEE ... log output is now only written, if ExecErrorSearchRegExp### pattern matched or exit code was <> 0 |
Release 2020-10-22 - 11.0.44
MCUpgrade |
FIX | Fixed "files copied" progress info for initiator |
FIX | Fixed broken ini section reading introduced in 11.0.42/43 |
Release 2020-10-21 - 11.0.43
MCUpgrade |
FIX | Fixed an issue with Initiator not working in 11.0.42 |
Release 2020-10-20 - 11.0.42
MCUpgrade |
FIX | Fixed an issue where when running MCUpgrade.exe via Service, CopyTo* Directories where not processed |
FIX | Fixed an issue where when calling MCUpgrade with relative or 8.3 parameters, Initiator was called |
NEW | Added an option ini:DisableService### to disable services (includes stopping them) at the end of an upgrade |
Release 2020-09-25 - 11.0.41
MCUpgrade.exe |
FIX | Fixed an issue where "package already installed" did not work as expected |
ENHANCEMENT | reg:SourceDirectoryInit now also supports pointing to yet another registry key |
Release 2020-09-25 - 11.0.40
MCUpgrade.exe |
FIX | Fixed an issue with double line feeds in unzip, admin check and std logging |
FIX | Fixed an issue where merging of files without sections would rewrite entries without an equal sign with an equal sign appended (e.g. env.unset.JAVA_HOME --> env.unset.JAVA_HOME=) |
FIX | Fixed an issue introduced in 11.0.39, where CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER was set to 1 by default, instead of 0 |
FIX | Fixed an issue where Gracefulshutdown would not kill processes after 60 seconds / ini:GracefulShutdownNoWindowsButProcessesTimeout |
FIX | Fixed an issue where Gracefulshutdown would not respond fast enough to buttons clicked (OK or cancel, if applicable) |
CHANGE | Changed exit code from 1 to 0 for already installed packages |
CHANGE / ENHANCEMENT | File source Initiator now only downloads files matching SourceDirectoryInitURL### entries |
CHANGE / ENHANCEMENT | File source Initiator now also supports * (wildcard matches) for SourceDirectoryInitURL### entries |
ENHANCEMENT | Added logging for Gracefulshutdown for when timeout starts |
ENHANCEMENT | Improved Console session detection and logging |
ENHANCEMENT | MarvelClient Upgrade will now automatically switch to UAC prompts, if applicable |
Release 2020-09-14 - 11.0.39
MCUpgrade.exe |
FIX | The Preloader animation is no longer displayed when launching MCUpgrade.exe via SYSTEM. |
FIX | Fixed an issue where GracefulShutdown would erroneously stop after the first timeout with "1 windows left, but 2 processes (7484|notes2.exe,9128|nlnotes.exe) found - exiting due timeout exceeded" (issue was introduced in 11.0.36). |
FIX | Fixed an issue with Parent Process Detection, where the log would occasionaly state that parent process detection failed natively. |
FIX | Fixed an issue where notes.ini roaming was not safeguarded against empty target directory settings. |
CHANGE / ENHANCEMENT | MCUpgradeMain now also returns error_occured. |
ENHANCEMENT | MCUpgrade.exe is now only copied via Initiator if newer. |
NEW | Initiator now also supports HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\panagenda\MarvelClient\Upgrade\SourceDirectoryInitLocalFallback |
NEW | When exiting silently, MCUpgrade.exe will now return 0 (for possible use in Software Deployment Tools). |
NEW | All successful installations will now be memorized in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\panagenda\MarvelClient\Upgrade\SuccessfulUpgrades\PackageNameWithoutBackslashes |
NEW | Initiator will not repeat a successful installation anymore (unless ini:SourceDirectoryInitRepeat is set to 1 or a file MCURepeat.txt exists in the directory where the upgrade is executed or in %PUBLIC%). |
NEW | Added a messagebox (when not running as system) if remote Initator package has already been installed. |
NEW | Added elevation type info in the "Me: / Command line: " log info section. |
NEW | Added two new ini options: CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST (defaults to not set = 2) and CURLMOPT_CAINFO (defaults to not set; set to .pem filename for use with VERIFYHOST and VERIFYPEER). |
NEW / CHANGE | If a user denies elevation request (which s/he ideally never sees anyway), upgrade exits silently and reports "WAITING for user" instead of "ERROR". |
Release 2020-09-07 - 11.0.38
MCUpgrade.exe |
FIX | Fixed a possible wrong invalid license result introduced in 11.0.36 |
FIX | Fixed an issue where the copy progress was not always visualized within Initiator. |
FIX | Fixed an issue where initiator could run more than once in parallel. |
FIX | Fixed an issue where the newly computed upgrade duration excluding deferral and, where applicable, UAC elevation dialog interaction time was only written to the log file, but not reported back via SMTP emails. |
FIX | Upon change of UpgradeDirectory (i.e. MCUpgrade.exe is launched from different directory), the progress bar is now launched in the correct UpgradeDirectory. |
FIX / CHANGE | After unzipping MCUpgrade.ini, if missing upon start, MCUpgrade.ini will be deleted again; furthermore, MCUpgrade.ini is temporarily unzipped into and read from OS temp directory. |
ENHANCEMENT | Removed all MsgStream: Open failed messages from logging. |
ENHANCEMENT | Added logging for when using https with a pre-existing .partial file, which does not support resume. |
ENHANCEMENT | Added an Initiator animation for display during the first wait time. |
ENHANCEMENT | Web URL download speed is now approx. 5-10 times faster. |
NEW | Added a new option ini:SourceDirectoryInitLocalFallback - defaults to 1, set to 0 to disable fallback to local upgrade config in case SourceDirectoryInit is set. |
NEW | Initiator now compares remote packagename with local packagename; if the same, all files are copied from local, otherwise from remote. |
Release 2020-09-02 - 11.0.37
MCUpgrade.exe |
CHANGE / ENHANCEMENT | Improved .html log file naming and reporting via SMTP emails by reporting WAITING states instead of ERROR states for the following exit reasons: AnotherInstallInProgress, missing DeferralFileMustExist file, UserCancelledGracefulShutdown, FailedToCloseAllWindows(forGracefulShutdown), UpgradeIsDeferred These will now result in "WAITING for other installation", "WAITING for file(s)", "WAITING for user" emails, as well as .html log files. |
CHANGE | InstallFinished/Failed text will from now on be suppressed automatically if NotesDataDirectoryOld and NotesProgramDirectoryOld are not set; can be overriden using InstallTextAutoSuppress=0 |
ENHANCEMENT | UserSwitch and Deferral runtimes are now substracted from total runtime for total runtime reporting in MCUpgrade.log, as well as result emails. |
Release 2020-08-27 - 11.0.36
MCUpgrade.exe |
FIX | Fixed an issue where Graceful shutdown would display @LF@ instead of a line break in the default retry message. |
CHANGE | Auto/Graceful Shutdown will no longer log messagebox elements that are not of type button. |
CHANGE | For customers with an expired full license, MCUpgrade will no longer fall back to Upgrade Free. |
ENHANCEMENT | Auto/Graceful Shutdown will now also auto-terminate processes if no windows are left open according to GracefulShutdownNoWindowsButProcessesTimeout (defaults to 60). |
ENHANCEMENT | Auto/Graceful Shutdown will now also auto-terminate processes if according to GracefulShutdownNoWindowsButProcessesTimeout (defaults to 60), the same window without buttons is always displayed more than once. |
Release 2020-08-20 - 11.0.35
MCUpgrade.exe |
FIX | Fixed an issue where when using SourceDirectoryInit without, MCUpgrade.ini and license_upgrade.xml were deleted. |
FIX | Fixed an issue where cleaning up the shared data directory via all user root could result in an infinite loop in case of circular junction points/symlinks. |
NEW | At the end of a single user data directory migration, the following entries will be merged into the Security descriptor of the target data directory: ConsoleSession user, Administrators and SYSTEM, recursively. |
NEW | Added a new ini setting ExitOnOtherInstallationInProgress: Waits the specified number of seconds in case another Windows installation is already in progress (defaults to 120, set to 0 to disable). Other then ExitProcess###, this does not check for a running process like msiexec, for example, but queries the Global\_MSIExecute mutex (see MSDN for details). |
Release 2020-07-20 - 11.0.34
MCUpgrade.exe |
FIX | Fixed an issue where a user's desktop folder was not scanned for shortcuts if no user switch took place (i.e. user is admin). |
FIX | Fixed an issue where ini:NotesProgramDirectoryOldCopy* did not work in combination with NICE (as nice remove pretty much everything, whereas an msiexec /x GUID does not). |
NEW | MCUpgrade will now also migrate %DATA%\..\*.BIN files during both Single and Multiuser Data directory migration from old to new path accordingly. |
Release 2020-07-16 - 11.0.33
MCUpgrade.exe |
NEW | Added support for http(s):// and ftp(s):// to Initiator, including pause and resume (https:// does not support resume). |
NEW | Added two new ini options: CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER and CURLMOPT_MAX_TOTAL_CONNECTIONS; both default to 0. |
NEW | Added a new option ini:CURLLogHeader; defaults to 0, set to 1 to log HTTP headers. |
NEW | Added support for ini:SourceDirectoryInitURL### (001-999) relative or absolute http(s) or ftp(s) filenames to download. Also supports the use of | to specify multiple filenames/URLs in one single value. NOTE: Do *not* add to list of files to download as this is done before starting the actual download. |
NEW | MCUpgrade will now also automatically unzip and unzip it, when executed without SourceDirectoryInit AND exists, but MCUpgrade.ini does not. |
ENHANCEMENT | MCUpgrade.log now always includes last known exit reason (if any). |
CHANGE | A deferred upgrade no longer leads to an error result email; set DeferralNumberOfUpdatePromptsMaxEmail to 1 if you want Deferral INFO emails. |
CHANGE | Deferral INFO emails are now sent if DeferralNumberOfUpdatePromptsMaxEmail > 0 (defaults to 0) and Deferral count >= ini:DeferralNumberOfUpdatePromptsMaxEmail (previous check was for > only). |
CHANGE | A re-run shortcut is now created if DeferralNumberOfUpdatePromptsMaxShortcut > 0 (defaults to 0) and Deferral count >= ini:DeferralNumberOfUpdatePromptsMaxShortcut (previous check was for > only). |
Release 2020-07-03 - 11.0.32
MCUpgrade.exe |
NEW | The Initiator Process can now be paused via right-click on the tray icon and toggle of the Pause menu option. |
FIX | Fixed an issue where the log file created/used during Initiator/SourceDirectoryInit was in SourceDirectoryInit instead of SourceDirectoryInit:ini:UpgradeDirectory |
FIX | Fixed an issue where the dedicated progress bar was possibly launched twice (the second one did not show and exited immediately, but not launching it when it's already running is just better ). |
Release 2020-07-02 - 11.0.31
MCUpgrade.exe |
NEW | MCUpgrade now also resolves registry entries matching %(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE | HKLM | HKEY_USERS | HKU | HKEY_CURRENT_USER | HKCU | HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT | HKCR | HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG | HKCC)(32 | 64)?\... Note: Simply append the name of the registry entry to the end of the registry key path, e.g. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE32\SOFTWARE\Lotus\Notes\Description Note: HKCU / HKEY_CURRENT_USER is automatically redirected to the registry hive of the current console user. |
NEW | Added a new MCUpgrade.ini option SourceDirector to copy all files including subdirectories and files therein to ini:UpgradeDirectory and then start MCUpgrade.exe from there. |
NEW | Added support for HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE64\SOFTWARE\panagenda\MarvelClient\Upgrade\SourceDirectory; ini:SourceDirectory wins, if specified. |
NEW | Added checking of license_upgrade.xml in ini:SourceDirectory |
NEW | Added checking of license_upgrade.xml in directory of MCUpgrade.exe (if different from UpgradeDirectory). |
FIX | Fixed display of multiple panagenda windows tray icons introduced in 11.0.29. |
Release 2020-06-19 - 11.0.30
MCUpgrade.exe |
FIX | Fixed an undeclared variable error when license file or MCUpgrade.ini did not exist. |
FIX | The "panagenda Upgrade Help" dialog shown if MCUpgradeMain is launched and MCUpgrade.ini cannot be found, is now displayed topmost. |
CHANGE | Invalid/insufficient licensing will now fail silently (and send an SMTPEmail if so configured). |
CHANGE | Removed DisallowRunMethod and DisallowRunDebugEnable |
CHANGE | MCUpgradeMain will now return 42 if MCUpgrade.ini cannot be found. |
Release 2020-06-06 - 11.0.29
MCUpgrade.exe |
FIX / CHANGE | A taskkill return code of 128 will no longer be handled as an error. |
NEW | The progress bar can now be hidden/unhidden by double clicking on the tray icon. |
NEW | The tray icon shown now also displays overall progress in percent. |
Release 2020-06-04 - 11.0.28
MCUpgrade.exe |
FIX | Added support for long filenames when scanning folders with subfolders. |
Release 2020-05-29 - 11.0.27
MCUpgrade.exe |
FIX | Fixed an issue where upgrade result emails contained twice. |
FIX | Fixed an issue where SMTPEmails could not be sent with certain region settings on Windows 10. |
NEW | MCUpgrade now supports sending emails via CDO, Blat and mailsend-go. By default, CDO.Message object is used - if it cannot be created/used, OR fails due to before mentioned regional settings in Windows, fallback is attempted to Blat. Blat does not support SSL; in such a case, fallback to mailsend-go.exe in the upgrade directory is attempted (must be deployed via config wizard/package). |
NEW | Added a new option SMTPEmailer=cdo|blat|mailsend-go - defaults to not set leading to auto-detection of what works; if set, will exclusively (try to) use the specified emailer. |
Release 2020-05-26 - 11.0.26
MCUpgrade.exe |
FIX | Fixed a possible error "The requested body part was not found in this message." |
FIX | Fixed an issue where email from address was not filled in smtpinfo (progress tracking) emails. |
Release 2020-05-26 - 11.0.25
MCUpgrade.exe |
FIX | Fixed an issue where the executables were not signed in 11.0.24. |
Release 2020-05-25 - 11.0.24
MCUpgrade.exe |
FIX | Fixed an issue where shortcuts were removed after installing instead of as usual (introduced in 11.0.23). |
Release 2020-05-25 - 11.0.23
MCUpgrade.exe |
NEW | MCUpgrade.exe now exits with $error_occurred exit code (0 = success, 1 = error). This is useful when launched via other software deployment tools to check for errors. |
FIX | Fixed an issue with the progress bar possibly displaying text with "green shadows". |
FIX | Fixed a rare issue where Upgrade would continue if the last checked hash was whitelisted, but previous ones were not. |
FIX | Fixed an issue introduced in 11.0.22, where (MCU_)MultiUserCommonDir was computed including \shared. |
FIX | Fixed an issue where old program directory was not cleaned up if it was empty. |
FIX | Removed the "cannot open log file" messagebox for /smtpinfo option due to the possibility for parallel info mails. |
ENHANCEMENT | Added logging of how many (un)install instructions were found. |
MCShutdown.exe |
NEW | MCShutdown/Gracefulshutdown will now exit if no windows left, but processes run longer than GracefulShutdownNoWindowsButProcessesTimeout; defaults to 60. |
MCKeyfileEditor.exe |
ENHANCEMENT | IniWriting and Deleting now also supports large MCUpgrade.ini sections or overall filesize. |
Release 2020-05-19 - 11.0.22
MCUpgrade.exe |
NEW | Added a new option SkipNotesProgramDirectoryMigration=1 |
NEW | Added a new option SkipMultiUserDataDirectoryMigration=1 |
NEW | Added support to prefix NotesDataDirectoryNew with "%MCU_NotesDataDirectoryOld|" (case insensitive) for adding a second fallback value. |
NEW | Added support to prefix NotesProgramDirectoryNew with "%MCU_NotesprogramDirectoryOld|" (case insensitive) for adding a second fallback value. |
NEW | Added support to prefix MultiUserSharedDataNew with "%MCU_MultiUserSharedDataOld|" (case insensitive) for adding a second fallback value. |
NEW | IniWriting and Deleting now also supports large MCUpgrade.ini sections or overall filesize. |
NEW | Added support for %MCU_MultiUserBaseDir% and %MCU_MultiUserCommonDir% |
Release 2020-04-22 - 11.0.21
MCUpgrade.exe |
FIX | Fixed an issue where all unzip logs were limited to 32,768 bytes - this did not affect any upgrade but could potentially lead to an issue in the MCUpgrade wizard, as well as missing information in MCUpgrade.log (related to unzipping). The limit is now 524,288 bytes. |
Release 2020-04-07 - 11.0.20
MCUpgrade.exe |
FIX | Fixed an undeclared variable error when merging non-ini files / files without a section via CopyTo... directories. |
Release 2020-04-01 - 11.0.19
MCUpgrade.exe |
FIX | %ProgramFiles(x86)% is now always resolved as %ProgramFiles% on Windows 32 Bit. |
Release 2020-03-11 - 11.0.18
MCUpgrade.exe |
FIX | Fixed an "undeclared variable" error for when starting but not stopping any services. |
FIX | Fixed an issue with restoring pre-existing DisallowRun and RestrictRun entries. |
FIX | Fixed an issue where InstallFinished and ...Failed Messageboxes were not displayed on top of the Splash Screen. |
NEW | Added a new ini option ProgressbarAnimatedGIF=filepath|XOffset|YOffset |
ENHANCEMENT | Improved caching of ini files. |
Release 2020-02-18 - 11.0.17
MCUpgrade.exe |
FIX | Fixed an issue where sending of STMP Emails could result in an error "The requested body part was not found in this message." |
Release 2020-02-18 - 11.0.16
MCUpgrade.exe |
FIX | Fixed a possible undeclared variable / variable must be of type object error for when CDO.Message object creation fails. |
Release 2020-02-14 - 11.0.15
MCUpgrade.exe |
FIX | Fixed an issue where the /shutdown* parameters did not honor UpgradeLanguage |
NEW | Added the following additional MCUpgrade.ini instructions: - Pre(Un)InstallSetRegistryKeyName
- Pre(Un)InstallSetRegistryKeyValue
- Post(Un)InstallSetRegistryKeyType
- Post(Un)InstallSetRegistryKeyTypeValue
This allows to set a registry value to TypeValue(s) of the following Types: - REG_SZ
Release 2020-01-15 - 11.0.14
MCUpgrade.exe |
FIX | Fixed an issue where notes.ini migration ate a backslash (\) out of replaced ini entries matching old data, program or shared data directories. |
FIX | Fixed an issue where notes.ini migration did not set a new shared datadirectory to .../shared, but the parent directory. |
CHANGE | DeferralPrompt will from now on be suppressed automatically if NotesDataDirectoryOld and NotesProgramDirectoryOld are not set; can be overriden using DeferralPromptAutoSuppress=0 |
Release 2020-01-14 - 11.0.12
MCUpgrade.exe |
FIX / CHANGE | In addition to 3010, Install & Uninstall now also ignore 1605 errors (ERROR_UNKNOWN_PRODUCT), specifically for msiexec /x usage. |
Release 2019-12-27 - 11.0.11
MCUpgrade.exe |
FIX | Fixed an issue where, when shortcut processing was passed an empty string (for whatever reason), the function would fail with an undeclared variable error message/dialog. |
ENHANCEMENT | Improved logging for shortcut processing. |
ENHANCEMENT | Ensured that the Desktop and Start Menu folders are only scanned once (e.g., when one or multiple previous user folder locations match current console session folder locations). |
Release 2019-12-19 - 11.0.10
MCUpgrade.exe |
FIX | Fixed an issue where the new \\ skipping feature for shortcuts did not work. |
FIX | Fixed an issue where a non existing shortcut directory lead to an error instead of proper skipping. |
Release 2019-12-17 - 11.0.9
MCUpgrade.exe |
FIX | Fixed an issue with RunAsService, where if moving of files to safe directory failed, upgrade would "finish successfully" - this now correctly reports a failed upgrade. |
FIX / CHANGE | Shortcuts will no longer be processed when running as system and the shortcut directory is on a network drive (= path begins with \\). |
Release 2019-12-16 - 11.0.8
MCUpgrade.exe |
FIX | Fixed an issue where whitelisting for a section > 32KB did not work in MCUpgrade.exe and MCUpgradeMain.exe. |
Release 2019-12-14 - 11.0.7
MCKeyfileEditor.exe, MCUpgrade.exe |
FIX | Fixed an issue where whitelisting did not work if the [Whitelisting] section exceeded 32KB |
FIX | Fixed an issue where the whitelist editor did not work for "msiexec /x ..." instructions |
Release 2019-11-27 - 11.0.6
MCUpgrade.exe |
NEW | Added a new MCUpgrade.ini option (Un)InstallExecDumpProcessListAfterEarly###=1 - dumps process list after execution of corresponding (un)installexec instruction (before waittime, if applicable). |
NEW | Added a new MCUpgrade.ini option (Un)InstallExecWaitForProcessAfter###=p1.exe|p2.exe ... - specify to wait for processes to close before continuing. |
NEW | Added a new MCUpgrade.ini option (Un)InstallExecWaitTimeForProcessAfter###=n - specify number of seconds to wait for processes to hopefully close before continuing; defaults to 60, only relevant if WaitForProcessAfter is specified. |
NEW | Added a new MCUpgrade.ini option (Un)InstallExecCheckProcessHandlesAfter###=p1.exe|p2.exe ... - specify to dump list of open file handles in use by the specified process(es). |
Release 2019-11-13 - 11.0.5
MCShutdown.exe |
FIX / CHANGE | MCShutdown no longer registers ThreadExecutionState registration which was previously preventing sleep mode. |
Release 2019-11-12 - 11.0.4
MCShutdown.exe |
FIX / CHANGE | MCShutdown.exe no longer registers / responds to WM_POWERBROADCAST messages, which lead to preventing hibernation/sleep mode. |
Release 2019-11-05 - 11.0.3
MCUpgrade.exe |
FIX | Fixed an undeclared variable error in case neither notes data old and new directories were specified in MCUpgrade.ini. |
ENHANCEMENT / CHANGE | MCUpgrade.ini is now updated in zip before sending final result email file to reflect all updates during run. |
Release 2019-10-29 - 11.0.2
MCUpgrade.exe |
FIX | Fixed an issue where running FREE MCUpgrade via Service would fail because of attempting to check and enforce the splash screen in the wrong directory. |
FIX | Fixed an issue where in case the splash screen could not be checked and/or enforced for FREE MCUpgrade, the progress bar would not be closed on exit. |
FIX | Fixed a log message stating that the free license supported upgrades to 10.0.1 fp1, where in fact it is fp2, too - this was only a visual/logging issue. |
ENHANCEMENT | Added additional logging for in case opening and setting read mode of progress bar pipe failed. |
ENHANCEMENT / CHANGE | UpgradeDirectory= will now always be set every time when an Upgrade is invoked via the panagenda Installer Service. |
CHANGE | Changed previous error message to info message for when attempting to start an already started Service. |
CHANGE | Changed previous error message to info message for when attempting to stop a Service which is not running. |
Release 2019-10-17 - 11.0.1
MCUpgrade.exe |
FIX | Added error handling in case CDO.Message object cannot be created. |
Release 2019-09-16 - 11.0.0
MCUpgrade.exe |
FIX / CHANGE | Known command line parameters (e.g. /smtp*, /sha, /pbartest etc.) will now exit silently - in other words, not send emails, nor execute SuRunAsExec* et al when exiting. |
MCUpgradeMain.exe |
CHANGE | KillProcessWaitTime now defaults to 1 instead of 0. |
ENHANCEMENT | Added searching for HCL subdirectories (in addition to the already searched for Lotus and IBM subdirectories) under localappdata for multiuser data directory migration (when applicable). |