
iDNA Applications collects design data in order to surface insights and complexity about the various applications in your environment. To determine if there are issues with design collections either

Here you will see a list with basic information about database instances and their design collection scan results. Scan results (column "Design Collection → Status") should be OK for most, but where it is not OK (or status "FAILED"), additional information can be found in the column "Design Collection → Message".

The three most common issues are:

Security and network issues should be relatively easy to solve. After troubleshooting, the databases need to be re-scanned manually using the re-scan options on the same page.

Troubleshooting DXL Exporter Issues

Sometimes, failures are caused by the DXL Exporter task that runs on the IBM/HCL Domino Server. iDNA depends on this separate task to gather design information from databases. It is not uncommon for the DXL Exporter to have problems with what it considers corrupt data in design elements.

Clean Abort

Normally that results in a clean abort of the scan on Domino side with an Error message like this:

Execution failed;
	at [ResourceIdentifier[server=NamedReference[name=server/acme], 
	<?xml version='1.0'?>
		<error id='7112'>Error occurred during processing of note ID 0x57A</error>
		<warning id='7034'>Inconsistent data encountered %s</warning>
		<error>DXL exporter operation failed</error>

Inconsistencies like that can usually be fixed by opening up the database in question and navigating to the document identified by its note ID in the XML (e.g. 0x57A in the error message above) and simply re-saving it. To find a document by note ID, several 3rd party development tools are available (e.g. Noteman by MartinScott).

DXL Crash

More severe issues during DXL export will lead to a crash of the DXL exporter. Even though it's not caused by iDNA, but the interaction between the DXL task and the Notes database, iDNA helps buffering the impact of such a crash with its multi-process scan architecture based on Docker.

In such a case, an error message would show up in the column "System Status" and provides additional information to the problem. Database compact and fixup with recovery options are recommended to approach solving these issues. If the problem persists, opening a PMR with HCL might be requried.

Initiating a Re-Scan

The best practice is to simply re-scan failed databases. Therefore:

  1. Click on the Status column to display its column/filter options
  2. Select the Filter tab
  3. Deselect OK so that only FAILED databases will be displayed
  4. Make sure that Filtered results is selected in the Re-scan Database Designs field and click on Start

Re-scanning databases is a multi-step process, that will take up to 2 days before the newly re-scanned databases will appear in the interface. Do not re-scan all databases unless absolutely necessary as it may run over several days and put significant strain on the appliance and infrastructure. In some cases several re-scans might be required.

You can make use of further filter options in this view to restrict the re-scan scope further down to DXL Exporter crashes.

Troubleshooting for Other Issues

Insufficient access rights are another frequent reason for the iDNA Applications Design Collection to fail. To troubleshoot these kinds of issues, the access rights of the corresponding databases or servers have to be adapted for the ID that is used by iDNA Applications.

Bad or hidden database design (often with third-party tools) will also cause failures in Design Collection. With tools like Noteman or Ytria scanEZ one can usually locate these design documents and determine what may be wrong with them. On the following websites you can search for details on the error codes that are shown in the Collection grid: 

Sometimes the iDNA Applications appliance cannot reach the server where the database resides due to network issues. In these cases a simple re-scan of the affected databases will fix the issue.

If you are not able to troubleshoot your database design issues with the means described in this article, please consult support.panagenda.com.