This component release is part of MarvelClient 11.0


The Cloud Migration action now has new options to better deal with cases where the old mail file cannot be opened.

With this release, the action will do the following to find the path to the old mail file:

  • If the option "Use stored value from profile" is enabled, and it can find a mail database location that was stored in the profile by the Cloud Migration Preparation action, it will try to open the mail database at that path. If it opens, that path will be used.
  • If the option "Use stored value from notes.ini" is enabled, and it can find a mail database location that was stored in the notes.ini by the Cloud Migration Preparation action, it will try to open the mail database at that path. If it opens, that path will be used.
  • If the option "Use stored value from location" is enabled, and it can find a mail database location in the currently active location document that is not pointing to a new server (as indicated by the pattern), it will try to open the mail database at that path. If it opens, that path will be used.
  • If "Abort if old mail file cannot be found" is enabled, and none of the three options above could open the mail file, the action will abort here.
  • If the option is disabled, and "Skip/fail steps if old mail file cannot be opened" is enabled, the action will assume no old mail file can be found and further steps will behave accordingly. (This would match the behavior of the previous version).
  • If both options above are disabled, the action will try to use an old mail DB location without opening (and thereby verifying) it. It will use the first of the mail database locations that can be found by the first three steps.
  • If "Abort if old mail file location is unknown" is enabled, and none of the first three steps could find a mail DB location (or all three were disabled), the action will abort here.
  • If that last option is disabled, the action will assume no old mail file can be found and further steps will behave accordingly.

So with these new options, the action can be configured to require old mail database open (to ensure it is there for replication, and have a validated path for changing old icons/bookmarks/etc), to require at least the path to be known (replication fails, but changing old icons/bookmarks/etc will work), or to just work either way and skip/fail steps.

CHANGEImproved the sorting in the list of updated components displayed at the end of OnlineUpdate.

MC Upgrade-related Changes


The following four settings are automatically added to MCUpgrade.ini when performing a full client ICAA/HCAA install for possible coexistence with Notes 10/11, if:

NICE uninstall is set to "Do not uninstall" on the (Un)Install tab AND
(the new notesdatadirectory is set to (%MCU_NotesDataDirectoryOld%|%LocalAppData%\HCL\Notes\Data or %LocalAppData%\HCL\Notes\Data) for multiuser installations OR
the new notesdatadirectory is set to %MCU_NotesDataDirectoryOld%|%ProgramFiles(x86)%\HCL\HCAA\Data or %ProgramFiles(x86)%\HCL\HCAA\Data for single user installations)

(The same applies to ICAA and corresponding paths)

  • SkipNotesDataDirectoryMigration=1
  • SkipMultiUserDataDirectoryMigration=1
  • SkipNotesProgramDirectoryMigration=1
  • DeleteNotesINI=0

To make one aware of this special install option, preparing/publishing an upgrade still prompts whether one might want to adjust the new data directory to ICAA/HCAA\Data.


Indexing the Connections Plugin file ( seems to fail at recognizing the plugin. This is not true, the file is a 114MB zip file with Mac and Windows plugins. Simply extract the and index that. That will also save you 75 MB, since the windows plugin zip is only 39 MB ;-)

FIXFixed an issue when importing non-supported installers with an MCUpgrade Free license displayed an error "tag ...lb_mcu_908... does not exist" - the tag is now properly resolved.
FIXFixed an issue where in simple/fast track mode, the shared data directory was always %ProgramData%\IBM\Notes\Data\Shared instead of %ProgramData%\HCL\Notes\Data\Shared.
FIXFixed an issue where full client install instruction parameters for data migration tab synchronization did not support multiusercommondir= and multiuserbasedir=.
FIXFixed an issue where for full client multiuser installs the config wizard suggested to carry over datadir= instead of multiuserbasedir=.
FIXFixed an issue where full client install instruction parameters for data migration tab synchronization did not support \"...\" for datadir=, progdir=, multiusercommondir= and multiuserbasedir=.
FIXFixed an issue where language/MUI packs with < 3 languages were not detected properly (in this case G2s / dutch&swedish)
NEWAdded support for synchronizing full client install instructions containing multiuserbasedir= or multiusercommondir= with data migration tab
NEWAdded support for use of !...! environment variables in full client install instructions e.g., for multiuserbasedir= (NOTE: Any ! (exclamation marks) will be replaced with % (percent))
NEWAdded support for non-english HCAA 3.0.1 full installers
NEWAdded support for HCAA MUI packs (single/dual and multi-language)
NEWAdded support for default ICAA/HCAA data, program and shared data directories
CHANGE / ENHANCEMENTHCAA installers can now be selected for both full client and addon installation
CHANGEThe default install mode for ICAA/HCAA in new upgrade configurations from now on uses SETMULTIUSER=1
CHANGEThe previous messagebox "NOTE: Ignoring Shared Data Directory New." has been changed to a print/status bar message
ENHANCEMENTThe "do you want to adjust" message now also checks the shared data directory for multiuser installations
ENHANCEMENTThe "do you want to adjust" messages for data, program and shared data directory now also display the recommended change