By default, iDNA Applications automatically collects information about a user's organizational unit. This information is gathered from the Field "Department" in person documents in the Domino Directory. iDNA Applications aggregates this data and shows the results in the catalog:f
If you use another person document field for organizational information, please configure iDNA Applications as follows:
org_import_property_parsebottomup: id info is hierarchical default order is assumed as top down if the field holds the information bottom up like ( team\department\segment) please check this box
Important: After changing an entry you always have to click the corresponding update once to transfer the change into the configuration table. |
If your Domino Directory's person documents do not hold valid information in the department field, and there is no other field in the person document holding that information, you can disable the collection of organizational information. If disabled, the usage by department will not be available.
The changes and tweaks will be reflected in the iDNA Applications Portal after the following ETL run at 6:30 PM.