Host Software

panagenda iDNA Applications comes as a virtual appliance including its own operating system based on the popular CentOS Linux distribution. No operating system needs to be prepared for the installation on the virtualization software side. 
Virtual appliances are available for:

The underlying hardware and OS need to have VT-x support enabled (in BIOS). This is mainly relevant in scenarios where Workstation act as host software. Detailed information about operating system requirements can be found on the respective product pages:

Virtual Hardware

Minimum hardware requirements for production environment:

Adapting virtual hardware to the environment size:

Most system requirements scale with the collection period and environment size. CPU is the exception, where the four cores are adequate for most customer sizes. 
Baseline Requirements:

Amount of Users


Disk Space (1 year)

Up to 5k (minimum)

8 GB

120+ GB

Up to 25k

16 GB

200+ GB

Up to 50k

32 GB

250+ GB

Up to 75k

48 GB

300+ GB

100k and above

64 GB

~5+ GB per 1k users

Disk Space per Application:
In addition to the baseline requirements, the appliance requires 75MB of disk space per database.

Partitions and disk growth:

The virtual appliance consists of several partitions for the operating system, applications, log files and the database. The database partition /opt/panagenda/pgdata is the only one where usage will continuously increase over time.
The application partition /opt/panagenda/appdata will fill quickly during the initial design collection, but usage will hardly increase after that phase. 
Accordingly, disk space should be assigned as follows:

See Extending Disk Space (Alma Linux) for instructions.

Best Practice: Leaving 10-20 GB of disk space unassigned offers a certain amount of flexibility and can help speeding up database recovery times significantly.

Deployment Example: 40k user environment with 10k database instances

Access and Permissions

HCL Domino Notes:

The following access to the Domino environment is required:

Domino server requirements:

Network (Firewall/Ports):

Connections to and from the appliance need to be allowed for the following services:
Outbound (originating in virtual appliance):

Inbound (accessing virtual appliance):

It is recommended that the iDNA Applications owner has access to the console of the virtual machine (e.g. via vSphere client).
Internet access for the appliance is not mandatory, but it is recommended to grant at least proxy access to * and your defined CentOS repository for security and application updates.

 iDNA Applications requires the following network segments for internal communication:

These two IP address ranges MUST NOT be routable in your production network! Please see Customize Docker IP Settings if they are in use in your network.

Client System Requirements

Hardware, Operating System and Software Requirements:

The panagenda iDNA Applications web interface is based on HTML5 and therefore accessible on any HTML5 capable device.

Browser Security and Network Access:

No special web browser security settings are required to run the panagenda iDNA Applications web interface.
To access the web interface, you need to have access to the panagenda iDNA Applications appliance via TCP/IP, Port 80 (HTTP) and Port 443 (HTTPS).