Stay up to date! The release notes show you in which version specific features, improvements and bug fixes were added.

How to find your version number
The template version of your SecurityInsider database can be found by clicking the "About" link at the bottom right corner, when the database is open in the HCL Notes client. The code version of your SecurityInsider database can be found by looking at the beginning of the most recent log document in the Processing Logs view.
Template Version: 20250127200500
Code Version: 3.0.15
Release Date: 2025-01-27
- Fixed the "export all table data" button on Group, Database, and Endpoint documents for 64-bit HCL Notes clients
- Large numbers on charts are now displayed with a thousands separator
Template Version: 20240312132500
Code Version: 3.0.15
Release Date: 2024-03-12
- Users in Deny Access groups who are included as mail-only members of a group are now properly tagged with "deny access" in the member list of Group documents
- Users in Deny Access groups are now tagged with "deny access" in their corresponding Endpoint documents
- Added translations for "unknown" and "deny access" on Group, Database, and Endpoint documents
Template Version: 20231107113200
Code Version: 3.0.14
Release Date: 2023-11-14
- Fixed a problem where endpoints representing mail group members with names of the format "name/@something.com/O=company" could get deleted and re-created every time the SecurityInsider agent ran
- Online Update has been updated to run properly on Notes 64-bit client versions 12.0.2 FP2 and 14.0
- New AND/OR/NOT options for filtering the names in database ACL and group lists
- The following new features will require you to re-run the SecurityInsider agent after you've updated the database design (it will also flag all group and endpoint documents as "changed" the first time you run the updated agent):
- Users in Deny Access groups are now flagged in database ACL and group lists as "deny access", so they can be recognized and filtered
- A field was added to Group and Endpoint documents to indicate whether or not the group/endpoint was found in a primary or a secondary directory
- A field was added to Endpoint documents to indicate the highest access they have to all databases (e.g. if an endpoint has Reader access to some databases and Editor access to others, this field will indicate they have a highest access level of Editor)
- Several new views have been added to a "DLAU" section help you understand the way your users are potentially licensed:
- Highest access level for all "Person" Endpoint documents on each server, categorized by primary and secondary directory. This allows you to easily see, for example, how many users in the secondary directory have Author access or less to all databases on a server.
- Access level of the "-Default-" entry for all databases on a server
- Name and number of groups listed in the Deny Access field of a server document, including how many names are in those groups and their subgroups. This also flags Deny Access groups that are NOT listed in this field, which will cause those groups not to function properly.
- Name of all Endpoints in Deny Access groups or subgroups on a server. This also shows all users that are in Deny Access groups but also still in regular groups.
- Name of all Endpoints in Deny Access groups that are still listed in database ACLs, either directly or from a group/subgroup
Template Version: 20230207171000
Code Version: 3.0.13
Release Date: 2023-02-07
- Online Update now supports 64-bit Notes clients on Windows.
- New languages available: ES, FR, IT, NL, JP, RU (NOTE: after updating to this release, you will need to close and reopen the database in order to see the new language selections on the Online Update form)
- Fixed a problem where opening a Change Map or a Change Backup on a Notes 12.0.x client would not work, and would sometimes display the error "SyntaxError: expected expression, got '<'"
Template Version: 20211004093700
Code Version: 3.0.13
Release Date: 2021-10-04
- Fixed a NullPointerException that could occur if a Catalog database document is not valid.
Template Version: 20210621092500
Code Version: 3.0.12
Release Date: 2021-06-21
- Updated navigator look and feel to match the MarvelClient templates. This also fixes potential scrolling issues with specific versions of the Notes client.
- New button at the top of the navigator, to easily open recently used views.
- New option on the Configuration document to treat groups and subgroups as Endpoints. This will create an Endpoint document for every group, including each group's database access and all the groups it is a subgroup of. This option is turned off by default because it increases runtime, memory usage, and database size.
- Fix for a problem where a corrupted ACL in a scanned database can cause an Out Of Memory error in the SecurityInsider agent.
- Fix for a problem where subgroups could sometimes appear as type "Person" on group documents. This was a display issue, not a data problem (a rescan is not necessary).
- If errors occur when the SecurityInsider agent runs, a summary of the first 5 errors is now included in the notification email sent to the admin.
- If the SecurityInsider license has expired and it is not configured to fall back to a Light license, a notification email will now be sent to the admin (previously the agent would exit early with no notification).
Template Version: 20201023142600
Code Version: 3.0.10
Release Date: 2020-10-23
- New "Cleanup" option in the Maintenance section of the navigator. You can use this to remove or archive documents related to servers that no longer exist in your environment. This helps keep the database smaller and easier to use.
- Fixed a problem where the Online Update form might not open properly the first time you use it after a new install.
- Fixed a problem where the navigator would scroll to the top on newer Notes clients, when expanding or collapsing navigator sections.
Template Version: 20200708125900
Code Version: 3.0.10
Release Date: 2020-07-08
Template Version: 20191125083400
Code Version: 3.0.10
Release Date: 2019-11-26
- Fixed a rare error that could happen on document save if a group contained an extremely large number of circular references
Template Version: 20191104132400
Code Version: 3.0.8
Release Date: 2019-11-04
- Fixed problem where Configuration document had no labels if SI_Language was not set
Template Version: 20190729102300
Code Version: 3.0.8
Release Date: 2019-07-29
- Fixed a problem where users with Reader access would get an error and a blank page when clicking the “Open Source Group” button on a group doc
- Fixed an error that occurred when clicking the “Categorize” button in a view
- SecurityInsider now uses the notes.ini variable SI_DB_Language to specify which language the template uses; previously it used MC_DB_Language
- Updated multi-language handling code to work the same way it does in the latest MC templates
Template Version: 20190423155100
Code Version: 3.0.8
Release Date: 2019-04-23
- Fix for rare Java sorting error that can occur in Domino 9.0.1 FP8 and higher
- Online Update form now allows language document selection
Template Version: 20181017160500
Code Version: 3.0.7
Release Date: 2018-10-17
- Updated design to match new MC Analyze look and feel
- New JavaScript charting library (same as the new library used with MC Analyze)
- New scheduled agent for change backup archiving (settings are on the Configuration document)
- New “Change map” visualization for databases/groups/endpoints, to see all changes over a specific time period
- Fixes for Notes 10 client
Template Version: 20180507085000
Code Version: 3.0.7
Release Date: 2018-05-07
- Fixed Online Update for customers who don’t have MC licensed
- Fixed a problem where database docs were logging that the database type and template fields changed every time a change backup was created
- Fixed a problem where the Change Backup Archive agent could ignore the end date specified by the user
Template Version: 20180328084800
Code Version: 3.0.6
Release Date: 2018-03-28
- Added button to change backup views that allows you to copy/move change backups to an archive database, based on a date range.
- Speed and performance enhancements for directories with 100k+ users.
- Added server name to all document nodes in the changeData XML for better parsing and readability.
- Fixed a problem where very large change log fields on backup documents could be empty (change log XML still contained full data). Change log info in backup documents is now split across multiple fields when it gets too big.
- Fixed a problem where wildcard groups would contain duplicate names if the same user was in both the primary and the secondary directory.
- Fixed an error parsing licenses for customers who use country codes in their hierarchical names.
- Prevent database documents from incorrectly reporting field changes if the database is unreachable.
Template Version: 20171219091900
Code Version: 3.0.5
Release Date: 2017-12-19
- New “Change Backups by Name” view, to make it easy to find all the changes for a specific user/group/database.
- New views for MC Automate to display databases by category and by template, and a “Categorize” button was added to several database views to add custom categories.
- New “Explicit Unknown” section on database XPage.
- New “Original ACL” tab on database XPage.
- No-access users are now displayed in the database member list.
- Fixed a problem where the deleted database/group/endpoint document count was always displayed as 0 in the log, even when deletions occurred.
- Fixed a problem where duplicate docs could be created if the server doesn’t have proper ACL roles assigned. Also added more explicit warnings in the log about this condition, and we now automatically delete any duplicates we find.
- Improve runtime speed when extra logging is enabled.
- Fixed a problem where mail aliases were being displayed as “unknown” in server groups, instead of “mail-only”.
- Fixed a problem where change backups were not created if XML change logging was disabled (disabling XML change logging is not recommended if you want to track changes, but it’s possible).
Template Version: 20171002085800
Code Version: 3.0.4
Release Date: 2017-10-02
- Added a column in the ACL table to list the actions each user has in a database (create documents, delete documents, etc.).
- Reduced the font size for XPages when displayed on certain Windows resolutions.
- Fixed a problem where explicit unknown ACL groups were displayed as members of themselves instead of <named directly>.
- Fixed a problem where the primary directory database reference could get recycled if it was also specified as the secondary directory.
Template Version: 20170912083300
Code Version: 3.0.3
Release Date: 2017-09-12
- New “group map” charts for groups and databases. If you click the “group map” button on a group or database document, it will open a hierarchical chart that shows all the groups and subgroups that are members of that group or database, including all nested group memberships.
- New change backup chart summarizes the number of change backups that were made for each document type (group, database, endpoint) in the past 4 months.
- Fixed a problem with license counts when the database has duplicate docs.
- Fixed problem where if a person was a member of an ACL via multiple groups, only the first group link on the XPage would work.
Template Version: 20170815162000
Code Version: 3.0.2
Release Date: 2017-08-16
- Workaround for XPages bug in Notes client version 9.0.1FP8 that caused links not to work.
http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg1LO92430 - Better identification of groups and subgroups in group member lists.
- The shortname field on a Domino person document is now treated as a valid email alias.
Template Version: 20170707021700
Code Version: 3.0.1
Release Date: 2017-07-10
- Fixed an error that occurred if a group in the Domino Directory had no name.
Template Version: 20170614094700
Code Version: 3.0.0
Release Date: 2017-06-14
First release of SecurityInsider. Previous versions of this product were called GroupExplorer. The final version of GroupExplorer was template 20170404163200, JAR file
New Features
- Change logging. Changes to group, database, or endpoint documents can now be saved as backup copies of the document, or logged to an XML file, or both. This can be controlled in the Configuration document.
- There is now a set of default charts, giving you a summary of certain information in the SecurityInsider database. These are available by clicking the “Charts” link at the top of the left hand navigator.
- Java applets have been replaced by XPages. Information on the group, database, and endpoint documents is now displayed using an XPage embedded in the Notes client.
- Group names, database names, and user names on the XPages are hyperlinks that can be clicked in order to open the group, database, or endpoint that is associated with the name.
- Circular references in groups are now detected and displayed on the group documents where they occur.
- New option in the configuration document to use the catalog database to perform database scans, instead of accessing the databases directly. This can eliminate error notifications on the server console if the SecurityInsider database doesn’t have access to all databases, and also provide information about databases that the SecurityInsider database doesn’t have access to.
- If there are specific databases you don’t want to scan with SecurityInsider, you can now use database filters on the Configuration document to exclude these databases from a scan.
- The Configuration document also has an option to disable the SecurityInsider agent, so it won’t run on one or more servers.
- The SecurityInsider code that performs the scan of directories and databases has been completely rewritten to make it faster and use less memory.