In order to save resources, the collection of DomLog data in iDNA Applications is limited to its essentials. Cookie and referrer data, as well as status codes 302 and 304 are not collected per default.
If you need to extend data collection to its full scope, please follow these steps:
Use the ssh client of your choice (e.g. putty on Windows) to connect to the appliance and edit the following properties file (e.g. using vim):
vim /opt/panagenda/appdata/volumes/idna/ |
Add the following settings at the end of the properties file:
Properties for access log:
domino.server.domlog.import.accesslog.exclude_cookie_data=true domino.server.domlog.import.accesslog.exclude_referer_data=true domino.server.domlog.import.accesslog.exclude_status_codes=302,304 |
Properties for domlog:
domino.server.domlog.import.accesslog.exclude_cookie_data=true domino.server.domlog.import.accesslog.exclude_referer_data=true domino.server.domlog.import.accesslog.exclude_status_codes=302,304 |
Reboot the iDNA Application appliance with the following command:
ifa restart |