Config db ntf: 20110424141500
Analyze db ntf: 20110424141500
Windows Version: 2.0.17 :: MAC OS X Version: 1.10.14 :: Linux Version: 1.10.14
Eclipse Plugin:
Major Improvements: New Action dependencies feature, Performance improvements, Run any clientside Notes tasks, Hide stack, Hide Replica from File-Database-Open, ID file certifier Monitoring, Basic vs. Standard client install type Monitoring, Several new views to audit local databases, Enhanced Analyze cleanup options, New Analyze Automailer feature
General Notes | |
![]() | Supported IBM Lotus Notes releases: 5.x, 6.x, 7.x, 8.x, up to 8.5.2 FP2 (Administrators need at least IBM Lotus Notes 7.x on WIndows or Linux) Supported client-side operating systems: Microsoft Windows NT4 (>=SP2), 2000, XP, 2003, 2008, Vista, 7, and Citrix/WTS, Apple Mac OS X Leopard, Linux Supported server-side operating systems: any supported by IBM (operating system independent) NOTE: Support is limited for platform and release combinations not supported by IBM |
![]() | Linux & Mac OS X: Skinning, Realtime, Zip/Unzip and Attachment Blocking are not available on Linux or Mac OS X; also, MarvelClient on Mac OSX and Linux does not support the runtype "After Login - Before Sync" - any such actions must be set to run "After Login" (Agents and INI Management) |
![]() | This release contains select important updates highlighted in red NOTE that many of the changes/enhancements/fixes documented for config/analyze database require a DLL update - the DLL release notes show which features have been added in which respective DLL release. IMPORTANT NOTE FOR customers running MarvelClient 2.0.x: This new release comes with a new action dependencies feature and significant performance improvents - all customers are advised to update to at least 2.0.9 in case they have an earlier 2.0.x release. Ideally, customers should update to 2.0.17 to experience all of the newly added features and enhancements NOTE that release 2.0.17 also includes several enhancements for MarvelZip customers |
Configuration Database | |
NEW | Added an option to the run program action for running any clientside notes task with any paramaters, without prompting users for a password |
NEW | Added an option to the workspace page action for focussing a specific workspace page upon client startup (NOTE: this only applies to clients < release 8 and notes 8 basic clients == does not work in Notes 8 standard clients, where the client always gives focus to the workspace page on which bookmark.nsf is positioned) |
NEW | Added an option to the desktop icon action to automatically enforce/allow/remove clustermembers in the respectively managed icon stack |
NEW | Added an option to the desktop icon action to hide the respectively managed icon stack entirely |
NEW | Added an option to the desktop icon action to hide the local replica (if applicable) from the file-application-open dialog (Hide local replica option on the Local Replica tab of desktop icon actions) |
NEW | Added new action "Advanced\JFOR. Formula Action" to use Notes formulas for computing variables - supports text, text lists, numbers and number lists Added an example to the configuration database for a Formula action (see category "Date/Time"). |
NEW | Added new action "Advanced\JESTR. Escape String" to escape results from e.g. Notes Formula or Regular Expression actions |
NEW | Added the following options to specify dependencies across actions: |
NEW | Added the runtype option "On Reference Only" to all actions (run program, run agent, ...) for which the runtype is specified on the What tab: |
NEW | Added the runtype option "Run on reference only" on the Admin tab for those actions that do not have a dedicated runytpe control option on the What tab |
NEW | Added option "execution of this action depends on the following action(s)" to the Admin tab for the majority of all actions - here, administrators can specify 0-n aliases of actions that must run (and must run successfully!) in order for the dependent action to run, too |
NEW (Windows only) | Added new action "Files\JSFD. Smart File Downloader" to download large files (for e.g. client upgrades) with configurable load balancing down to clients. This is available as a new module (requires a license file update). Customers who have licensed MarvelClient Professional (=Analyze+Migrate+Manage+Realtime+Roaming) and are on active maintenance are entitled to this module for FREE. The new module is called "Upgrade" and allows for seamless client upgrades from any current Notes release and install type into any target Notes release and install type in a single step. Detailed documentation on the Smart File Downloader is available on Detailed documentation on how to easily upgrade Notes clients seamlessly, flexibly and above all reliably is available on |
NEW | Added an additional option to the "Advanced\JXTX. Extended XML Export" action to export ID file details into a seperate XML file: |
ENHANCEMENT | Added several new condition examples, especially for upgrade (e.g. checking for Notes release, physical memory, free disk space, ...) |
ENHANCEMENT | Added a "Comments" tab to location documents - this tab is not shown on end user clients, but allows for documentation of changes in a hidden "Comments" field which will be pushed into location documents as specified. |
ENHANCEMENT | Added a new option to the "Replication" tab in location documents to prompt/not prompt for wether a user wants to replicate during client shutdown |
ENHANCEMENT | Added an additional five optional lines to the "Files\Backup" action |
ENHANCEMENT | Added an additional five optional lines to the "Files\Roaming/Rollback" action |
ENHANCEMENT | Added an option to "Settings\MarvelZip\CZIP. Zip/Unzip" configuration to specify the codepage for zipped files - for international customers, the default (OS default) is recommended (==unchanged behaviour), for Japanese and Chinese clients Unicode may be a better choice; NOTE that extermal recipients may not be able to open Unicode codepage based zip files, as not all zip/unzip utilities support Unicode. |
ENHANCEMENT | Added an option to mailbased install documents to attempt automatic shutdown of the Notes client (Windows only) - if there are open documents, the user will be asked wether s/he wants to save them or cancel shutdown. |
ENHANCEMENT | Added an option to mailbased install documents to run a program at end of install (Windows only) |
FIX / CHANGE | Changed the header of the PostOpen Script calculated from mailbased install documents to document how to best integrate the script code into mail templates for standard (=Eclipse) Notes 8 clients: |
ENHANCEMENT | Added an option to Online Update to also execute a manual update by running online update from manually downloaded and unzipped files |
ENHANCEMENT | Online Update now supports updating 1-n Analyze databases - simply enter one or multiple Analyze database URLs into the field - example: |
CHANGE | Added further details to the message box being displayed when the config database claims that it requires an online update |
FIX | Fixed a problem where rollback jobs created from the Analyze database did not contain an author field for the respective end user in the configuration database rollback job document - this resulted in end users not being able to reset the rollback job once executed |
FIX / CHANGE | When opening actions in read mode, any comments entered on the Admin tab will now also display on the what tab upon document open. When switching to a different tab and back to the what tab, the comments field will not display on the What tab again until the document is closed and reopened. Comments will naturally always display on the Admin tab as before. When opening actions in edit mode, comments will only be displayed on the Admin tab as has been the case previously, too. |
FIX | Fixed various minor issues with online update - At least one of the Online Update options should now work for every customer: 1.) LotusScript with direct connect via HTTP 1.0, HTTPS 1.0, HTTP 1.1 or HTTPS 1.1 (the protocol version typically only makes a difference when using a proxy) 2.) LotusScript with proxy connect via HTTP 1.0, HTTPS 1.0, HTTP 1.1 or HTTPS 1.1 (some proxies require HTTP, other HTTPS, some version 1.0, others 1.1) 3.) Java with direct connect via HTTP 1.0, HTTPS 1.0, HTTP 1.1 or HTTPS 1.1 (the protocol version typically only makes a difference when using a proxy) 4.) Java with proxy connect via HTTP 1.0, HTTPS 1.0, HTTP 1.1 or HTTPS 1.1 (some proxies require HTTP, other HTTPS, some version 1.0, others 1.1) NOTE that Java is a requirement in Asia 5.) Manual update by downloading the update files manually and unzipping them for further "install (of a) prepared update" |
FIX | Fixed a problem with online update also reporting currently downloaded (==most recent) templates as duplicate |
FIX | Fixed a problem where online update using Java resulted in a save conflict prompt |
FIX | Fixed a problem where the postopen script generated from within mailbased install documents did not work (would not find install document in config database) |
Analyze Database | |
NEW | Added a new view "Users\by Startup/Shutdown" to show when a client was last started/shutdown by whom. Note that for the view to properly display all startup/shutdown times, you must upload config.xml "after login - after write" AND "at (end of) shutdown" (high priority). |
NEW | Added a new view "Waiting for deletion" to display soft deleted documents as a result of the cleanup feature (see details further down) |
NEW | Added a new "My Favorites" folder into which admins can pull user profiles they wish to later again revisit (this is a personal on first use folder) |
ENHANCEMENT / NEW | The "Lotus Notes\by Notes & MC release" view has been enhanced to display more details on basic vs. standard Notes 8 clients: |
ENHANCEMENT / NEW | Similar to above enhanced detection of basic vs. standard Notes 8 client, the detection of wether users have client only or client and/or designer and/or administrator installed has been enhanced by checking for physical designer.exe and admin.exe files in the [IBM Lotus Notes Program] directory. |
ENHANCEMENT / NEW | Added various new views for local database reporting: + by NTF Inheritance shows which local databases inherit their design from which template + by NTF Master shows which local databases are which template + Sizes by User shows how much disk spaces clients consume through "local" databases in their Notes Data directory (be that local or on a network drive) + Sizes by GB shows how many databases there are in end user data directories in 0,1 GB spreadings + Sizes by Path shows how much disk space clients consume in which path + Sizes by Replica ID shows which Replicas consume how much disk space |
NEW | Added two new views for optional extended XML exports (and hence backups of these XML export files into the analyze database) of keyfile (==ID file) details: + by Act. & Expiry Date shows when ID files have been activated and when they expire + by Cert. & Issuer shows which certifier key an ID file has been issued with - this can help to detect user IDs that have been created with similar looking certifiers but different cert IDs. |
FIX | Fixed a problem where clicking on "run cleanup once now" in the "Cleanup & more" option did not save the most recent changes made prior to executing (hence the cleanup/automailer ran with the last configuration from when the form was opened) |
ENHANCEMENT / NEW | Cleanup has been enhanced as follows: Cleanup can now be configured to also automatically delete redundant profiles by a.) either notes username b.) or notes username and profile key a.) can be helpful when upgrading from e.g. Notes 7 to Notes 8 and automatically delete all but the most recent profile for each user on an ongoing basis b.) can be helpful when changing the profiling (backup) key and doing a manual cleanup once In addition, Cleanup now also allows for soft deletions - if activated, redundant profiles AND outdated documents will then show up in above mentioned new "waiting for deletion view" until they are to be deleted for good according to the number of days entered in the respective field. |
NEW | A new "Automailer" feature is now available form the analyze database: |
NEW | Added a new XSLT document for keyfile (ID file) detail reporting (see above for details on newly added views to report on when ID files have been activated, when they expire, and which certifier they have been issued with). |
CHANGE | Changed the XSLT notes_ini file to exclude any lines in notes.ini that do not express a variable=value pair (--> exclude all lines that do NOT contain an equal sign ("=")) This significantly reduces the size of the various notes.ini views in the analyze database as soon as all users have uploaded a new profile with notes.ini details and audit has run for them; To immediately update all documents for the notes.INI analysis improvements in ONE GO, please do the following: 1.) in any ONE of the Notes.INI\... views, select all documents and then run "Actions\M. Reset Checksum" 2.) Then, in the view "Users\by State & Upload Key", select all documents and run "Actions\M. Remove Updated Field <> 0" 3.) Last, in the same view as 2.), select all documents and run the "audit selected" action (or wait for the scheduled audit agent to update the local database detail documents |
ENHANCEMENT | Changed the behaviour of the "Audit selected" view action so that it will not memorize selected documents; in prior releases, after clicking on "Audit selected", all selected documents would remain selected, thereby potentially leading to accidently deleting documents that were selected for auditing along with newly selected documents afterwards. Now, the audit agent will flag documents with a clock symbol and unselected all selected documents, to then execute the audit in the background. |
ENHANCEMENT | Added details about which Notes client is installed to the user profile form: |
FIX | Fixed the problem of user profiles displaying "Windows Futurama ..." as platform details |
.DLL Updates (Windows) | |
NEW (2.0.11) - Zip/Unzip | Added an option to MarvelZip configuration to support codepages other than the default OS default - see config database release notes for details |
NEW (2.0.11) - Zip/Unzip | Unicode zip files are now supported |
NEW / ENHANCEMENT (2.0.11) | Added notes:installed_admin_validated, notes:installed_designer_validated, notes:mode_installed_validated to config. MarvelClient now checks for wether certain files (admin.exe, designer.exe) or folders (client_dir/framework) exist for the current client install. |
NEW / ENHANCEMENT (2.0.11) | Made sure that all notes:mode_xxx and notes:installed are always available (or set to string "unavailable"). Previously e.g. restricting actions using string conditions based on these values was not reliable, as the references could not be resolved at all. |
NEW / ENHANCEMENT (2.0.10) | The action "Advanced\JXTX. Extended XML Export" has been enhanced to also allow for export of keyfile (=ID file) details into a seperate keyfile.xml which can again be uploaded into the analyze database for auditing ID file details. |
NEW / FIX (2.0.1/2.0.2) | A new ECL will now be created if missing (e.g. if MarvelClient creates a new local addressbook). This can be disabled by setting the notes.ini-variable MC_ECLCheckCreateMissing=0 |
NEW (2.0.0) | Added support for action dependencies - see config database release notes above for details. |
NEW (2.0.0) | Added new action "Advanced\JFOR. Notes @Formula" which allows to run a Notes @Formula. The result of the formula can be used from within other actions by referencing the @Formula action via its alias. |
NEW (2.0.0) | Added new action "Advanced\JESTR. Escape String" which allows to escape a set of characters |
NEW (2.0.0) | Added a new option to desktop icon action to automatically add all cluster members of the primary to must-/mayhave lists |
NEW (2.0.0) | Any changes to the current workspace page layout before synchronisation now honor the page focus accordingly |
NEW (2.0.0) - Roaming | The last focussed page on the desktop/workspace is now roamed along for clients < release 8 and Notes 8 basic clients. |
NEW (2.0.0) | Workspace page actions can now set the page focus on client startup for clients < release 8 and Notes 8 basic (=Non-Eclipse) clients. The last action to run wins if multiple set workspace page actions are configured to set the focus for a particular user/client |
NEW (2.0.0) | Added various actions and options for integration of MarvelClient with GroupExplorer Automate In short, GroupExplorer Automate allows to automatically manage all or a subset of databases on end user workspaces in sync with databases and ACLs on Domino servers. This means that creation/deletion/moves/ACL changes/Group Changes/and more is automatically synchronized with client workspaces based on serverside changes == if an Admin moves a database from one server to another, GroupExplorer Automate automatically synchronizes the move with client workspaces without the having to create any action manually in the config db. Similarly, if an user is added or removed from an ACL or a group in the public names- and addressbook (NAB), the respective databases s/he now has access to are automatically added to his/her workspace, and the databases s/he no longer has access to are automatically being removed. If you are interested in further details for automating workspace configuration along with serverside changes, please contact |
NEW (2.0.0) | Added an option to desktop icon action to allow managing the "do not browse" flag in local replicas to (un)hide them from the UI (File - Open - Lotus Notes Application). Naturally this includes a "leave as is" option. |
NEW (2.0.0) | Added an option to desktop icon action to hide an entire icon stack (included local icons only, too) |
NEW (1.10.29/30) | Added a new option to the Run Program action to run Notes client tasks without end user interactions (e.g. ncompact or nconvert), including an option to wait or not wait for the task to finish as well as display a progress bar if waiting for it to finish 1.10.30: removed the MarvelZip logo from optional progress bar display |
NEW (1.10.22) | Added a new placeholder for use of OS environment variables: Use %env_ENVIRONMENTVARIABLENAME% syntax in applicable notes.ini entries (e.g. MC_NetworkDirectory) |
NEW (1.10.15) | Added a new boolean option mc:replpage_nocreate (default: false) which allows to specify wether MarvelClient should create an (almost) empty replicator page along with new locations or not. If set to false (==default), MarvelClient will create a replicator page along with newly created locations and any replicator page management actions will work in that respective run. If set to true, newly created locations will not have a replicator page on first run and MarvelClient can not apply replicator page management actions in that run. Note that if MarvelClient does not create the replicator page object, the Notes client will do so AFTER client startup AND the client will add ALL local replicas to it and enable replication for them - this is known to often create so called cutoff date problems (=replicate documents back to the server that have long been deleted). It is recommended to NOT set this config variable to true unless you really know what you are doing. |
NEW (1.10.13) | Added new variables mc:time_* to config which log the date/time of beforelogin, afterlogin and shutdown |
NEW (1.10.13) | Added os:logonsessions (incoming remote sessions) to config |
NEW (1.10.13) | Added new variable os:citrix_no_logonsessions; bool; is true when (os:citrix == 1) AND (os:logonsessions <= 0) |
NEW (1.10.13) | The path to MarvelClient dll is now available in config as mc:addin_path, mc:addin_directory, mc:addin_filename |
NEW (1.10.9) | Added new config values for notes section: installed_admin (0/1), installed_designer (0/1), mode_installed (basic, standard, nomad_basic, nomad_standard), mode_running( basic, standard) |
CHANGE / FIX (2.0.0) | If newly created, the "do not browse" flag is now set for mc_localstore.nsf to hide it from File - Open - ... |
CHANGE (2.0.0) | Changed hidestack for unstacked desktops; now unstacked stacks will always get unhidden if hidestack is set to false (or not set at all) - after all, if an action wants to handle an icon stack, hidden icons should not exist for it. |
CHANGE / ENHANCEMENT (2.0.0) | Changed merge/unmerge in config notes.ini & variables action to now compare trimmed values (leading/trailing whitespace is removed prior to checking for entries to be merged/unmerged); also comparison has been improved to now being case-insensitive |
ENHANCEMENT (2.0.17) | Improved inplace editing of single file zips |
ENHANCEMENT (2.0.17) | Added mc:last_fs_roaming_failed to config - this is "1" (otherwise==default "0") if file system roaming failed to access root folder during client startup - this can be useful to restrict (==prevent) a backup at shutdown |
ENHANCEMENT (2.0.9) | Added a new feature which automatically handles configuration database replica changes - clients now memorize in actions.xml which replica ID the actions were last downloaded/updated from. If a user is switched to a different replica, the entire actions.xml is recreated from scratch (=deleted and recreated according to all relevant actions of the new replica ID). |
ENHANCEMENT (2.0.8) | Opening of local databases that need a fixup can now be turned off via mc:db_checkfixup (bool, optional, defaults to false). If a database is detected that needs a fixup it can still be opened if it is below a size limit. mc:db_checkfixupsizelimit_mb (size in MB, optional, defaults to 0 - means any db that needs fixup will not be opened if mc:db_checkfixup is true). Using this variable you can e.g. prevent significantly prolongued startup times for consistency checks of large local database (e.g. mail file replicas) - NOTE, however, that this will prevent the local replica from being managed in that respective run (since, if MarvelClient is not allowed to open the database, it cannot manage it). |
ENHANCEMENT (2.0.8) | Writing databases.xml will now only collect additional details from an open database if an extended xml export is used (in previous versions it has written it for all databases that were open at the time of writing) - this should also improve startup times noticeably |
ENHANCEMENT (2.0.8) | The local database scanner now ignores several directories in the Notes data directory by default (%DATA%\domino, %DATA%\workspace and %DATA%\IBM_TECHNICAL_SUPPORT). Optionally, this can be controlled via mc:db_scan_excludedefaultdirs (bool, optional, defaults to true). For Eclipse clients, this should result in significantly faster client startup times as we no longer scan ~20,000 files but only a few hundred. In addition, scanning for local databases can now also ignore additional paths: +) mc:db_scan_unc (bool, optional, defaults to false == by default, MarvelClient will NO LONGER scan databases pointed to on the workspace/in bookmarks through UNC paths!), +) mc:db_scan_otherdrives (bool, optional, defaults to true), and +) mc:db_scan_datadirdrive (bool, optional, defaults to true) to control. mc:db_scan_unc controls scans on paths starting with "\\", mc:db_scan_otherdrives controls scans on paths on drives other than the one the data directory is on, and mc:db_scan_datadirdrive controls scans on paths that are on the same drive as the data directory. Typically only Administrators have icons/bookmarks pointing to UNC paths (e.g. \\192.168.x.x\... or similar), and excluding them should not affect creation of local replicas and similar - in case you do create local replicas for end users on UNC paths, you MUST explicitly enable mc:db:scan_unc! |
ENHANCEMENT (2.0.1) | Skinning now supports resolution-specific backgrounds - if during client startup, we find a def_background_XxY.bmp (where X and Y are width/height of current resolution) in the skinning directory (defaults to %DATA%\skinning), MarvelClient will load that background, otherwise it will fall back to def_background.bmp Example filename: def_background_1920x1200.bmp |
ENHANCEMENT (2.0.0) | The desktop icon action now allows to specify a list of servers in musthave list |
ENHANCEMENT (1.10.24) | If for - e.g. testing purposes - the config database is on local, MarvelClient will now resolve %LOOKUP_*% values for location documents from the users mail server (previously, location management would fail to resolve any such values with a config db on local) |
ENHANCEMENT (1.10.22) | If there is an error accessing the MC_WorkingDirectory as specified in notes.ini, MarvelClient now falls back to default working directory location |
ENHANCEMENT (1.10.22) | Improved logging for field changes in location and connection documents |
ENHANCEMENT (1.10.20/21) | Enhanced fallback for config notes:homeserver - if %notes_homeserver% cannot be resolved from the current location, MarvelClient now uses ini:MailServer |
ENHANCEMENT (1.10.18) - Realtime | Relocation actions now support <rel:mailserver>, <rel:mailpath>, <rel:maildirectory> and <rel:mailfile> (based on notes.ini MailServer & MailFile entries) |
ENHANCEMENT (1.10.17) - Zip/Unzip | Added helper text to pwd / pwd confirm fields |
ENHANCEMENT (1.10.17) - Zip/Unzip | Default value of encrypt check box can now be configured from config "Settings\MZip. ..." |
ENHANCEMENT (1.10.11) - Roaming | Improved logging for roaming |
FIX / ENHANCEMENT (2.0.13) - Roaming | MarvelClient will now no longer export/roam duplicate entries - in addition, entries with name longer than 79 bytes will not be exported/roamed, as the client cannot cope with notes.ini entries where the name is > 79 characters. |
FIX (2.0.17) | Fixed broken drag & drop of encrypted zip file attachments for Notes releases >= 8.5.x |
FIX (2.0.16) | MarvelClient will now properly report on the exact Windows 7 and 2008 releases (previously MC would report "Windows Futurama") NOTE: if you have conditions set to compare the windows platform with "Windows Futurama", you must change your existing conditions accordingly! |
FIX (2.0.16) | Fixed a problem where for one user out of so far several 100,000 %OS_USER% could not be resolved using Windows API calls - MarvelClient now falls back to env:username in such a case |
FIX (2.0.5-2.0.7) | Fixed a problem with waiting for a Notes task to finish (previously, MarvelClient would not detect wether the task is still running under all circumstances) |
FIX (2.0.4) | If there is no desktop during client startup and MarvelClient is set to not create an empty desktop (default is autocreate if missing), MarvelClient will not write an empty desktop.xml |
FIX (2.0.3) | When enforcing a path for a local replica to a new position within the data directory we used a relative path the function to check for free disk space could not use; this lead to "could not get free space" errors in log.xml and is now fixed |
FIX (2.0.0) | Managed pages (=move/remove unmanaged icons option on workspace page action) now also work for unstacked desktops/workspaces |
FIX (2.0.0) | Fixed Citrix detection to exclude inbound logon sessions (in previous releases, a citrix session was wrongly assumed if screen sharing was done remotely into a client) |
FIX (1.10.25) - Process additional actions.xml files | When processing additional actions.xml files with actions that are set to "retire delete", the code for deleting an empty actions.xml (if applicable) is now smarter and will detect if it cannot delete the file (and will now write an empty xml file instead) |
FIX (1.10.24) - Roaming | Fixed a problem where a roaming action would fail if ini:MC_LastProfilingKey_Conv was empty |
FIX (1.10.21) | Fixed a problem when opening notes (==documents) with OPEN_RAW_MIME flag(s) in local names- and addressbook. |
FIX (1.10.17) - Zip/Unzip | Removed cancel button in wrong dialog (cancel could be used to skip encryption) |
FIX (1.10.16) - ZapNotes | Added exception for new 8.5.2 preloader task (nntspreld.exe) |
FIX (1.10.13) - Roaming | Fixed a problem in backup action with zipping names.nsf on citrix |
FIX (1.10.11) - Zip/Unzip | Fixed a wrong description for encryption option |
FIX (1.10.10) - Zip/Unzip | Fixed Japanese translation for Zip/Unzip dialog |
FIX (1.10.9) - Roaming | Occasionally outdated files were roamed if the working directory contained %notes_user% placeholder. Roaming files are now deleted every time the working directory changes |
FIX (1.10.9) - Zip/Unzip | Fixed a problem where the filename field in file save dialog in >= 8.5.1 was not grayed out when unzip flag was checked |
.dylib Updates (Mac OS X) | |
FIX (1.10.14) | Hotfix for proper handling of desktop icon urls with with windows UNC paths on mac/linux |
FIX (1.10.12) | Fixed file based roaming problems on unix platforms. Roaming now properly uses platform specific separators for filesystem operations (/ vs. \) |
FIX (1.10.8) | Fixed a problem where the wait cursor would display during client startup and MarvelClient synchronisation |
FIX (1.10.7) | Fixed a problem where Notes would not start when MarvelClient would attempt to open a database that required a fixup |
.so Updates (Linux) | |
FIX (1.10.14) | Hotfix for proper handling of desktop icon urls with with windows UNC paths on mac/linux |