Config db ntf: 20111213083000
Analyze db ntf: 20111213083000
Windows Version: 2.5.6 :: MAC OS X Version: 2.0.36 :: Linux Version: 2.0.38
Eclipse Plugin:
Major Improvements: Fixed a problem with multiple actions having same timestamps, Fixed a Location and a Connection management problem, Added in-place "open" buttons to edit templates/referenced actions from within other actions, Fixed/MC now prevents a problem with IBM Lotus Notes and compact of large desktop files
General Notes | |
![]() | Supported IBM Lotus Notes releases: 5.x, 6.x, 7.x, 8.x, up to 8.5.3 (Administrators need at least IBM Lotus Notes 7.x on Windows or Linux) Supported client-side operating systems: Microsoft Windows NT4 (>=SP2), 2000, XP, 2003, 2008, Vista, 7, and Citrix/WTS, Apple Mac OS X Leopard & Lion, Linux Supported server-side operating systems: any supported by IBM (operating system independent) NOTE: Support is limited for platform and release combinations not supported by IBM |
![]() | Linux & Mac OS X: Skinning, Realtime, Zip/Unzip and Attachment Blocking are not available on Linux or Mac OS X; MarvelClient on Mac OSX and Linux does not support the runtypes "After Login - Before Sync", "After Login - After Write" and "On first server access" - any such actions must be set to run at a different supported runtype, e.g. "After Login" |
IMPORTANT NOTES | This release contains select important updates highlighted in red |
Configuration Database | |
FIX | Fixed a problem where bulk en/disabling documents (=en/disabling multiple actions from the view level) could apply the same timestamp to multiple actions, resulting in actions.xml update problems. Customers are advised to open the view Advanced\Download View once... ... and perform a health check |
FIX | Fixed a problem where Disabled Ports were not managed in Location documents, potentially resulting in the same ports being disabled that were specified as enabled in location management actions. |
FIX | Fixed a problem where the field PhoneNumber was not properly managed in Connection documents, resulting in clients not being able to connect to a server using the connection document. |
FIX | Fixed a problem where GroupExplorer synchronisation could apply the same timestamp to multiple actions, resulting in actions.xml update problems. |
FIX | Fixed a problem where GroupExplorer synchronisation did not sync changes to certifier memberships (e.g. if using */Legal/Acme in restrict or exclude fields or access definitions). |
FIX | Fixed a problem where saving a desktop icon action managing the mailfile would state that it could not resolve the bookmark from servername!!<notes:um_path> - notes:um_path is now properly resolved from the user who is saving the desktop icon action. |
ENHANCEMENT | Added a new option to leave the en/disabled state of a replicator page entry as is for existing entries (this option has been added to replicator page entry templates) - requires DLL 2.5.6 |
EHANCEMENT | Added an "Open" button to various actions where other actions/templates are referenced, e.g. to directly open the currently selected replicator page entry template from within a desktop icon action, or to directly open a notes.ini filter from within a backup or roaming action. |
Analyze Database | |
FIX | Fixed a problem with the cleanup / automailer agent not flagging documents as "deleted since last run" if the person document was missing in the public addressbook. |
FIX | Clustermember names are now also added to the author fields in the analyze database in case a cluster server only has author rights. |
ENHANCEMENT | The target for rollback actions created from the analyze database can now optionally be adjusted from within the cleanup & more configuration form. |
.DLL Updates (Windows) | |
FIX / CHANGE (2.5.1) | <mc:fsac_thread_servers> now defaults to <mc:configdb_server> which means that on first server access does not require any special configuration if the config database server corresponds to each users mailserver. |
FIX (2.5.2) | Fixed a bug in smart file downloader where missing directories were not created. Also, logging has been improved in case the smart file downloader encounters problems. |
FIX (2.5.2) | The license file is now also parsed during client shutdown - this is helpful for when no valid license was found after login. |
FIX (2.5.3) | The client ECL was not exported for users where the username contained special characters. |
FIX (2.5.3) | A location change before login was falsely reported as in error in log.xml; the confusing log line has been fixed. |
FIX (2.5.4) | notes.ini filters set to prefer include weren't working properly; this has been fixed. |
FIX / CHANGE (2.5.6) | The compact desktop action will now no longer compact desktops with more than ~800 icons - due to a bug in IBM Lotus Notes, a desktop compact will result in the client hanging forever during client startup |
CHANGE (2.5.1) | MassChanges will now also change the path of a desktop icon pointing to a server database if the path casing is different (=MassChanges are now case sensitive for server icons) |
CHANGE (2.5.1) | The realtime engine (relocate/restrict) no longer logs to the RR_Logs subdirectory within the Notes data directory, but to MCs log.xml. |
CHANGE (2.5.1) | The realtime engine will display relocations in the Notes client status bar as "Relocated ... to ..." |
ENHANCEMENT (2.5.2) | The enhancement added with the configuration database update 2011-10-30 is now supported by MC DLLs >= 2.5.1: "Added a new action "Settings\CID. ID-File Settings" which allows to enable/disable the "Don't prompt for a password from other Notes based tasks" setting under "File\Security\User Security ..." |
ENHANCEMENT (2.5.2) | The information whether Single Sign On is enabled is now available from within keyfile monitoring (see Advanced\extended xml export; the resulting keyfile.xml can be added to backup actions uploading into an analyze database and hence reported on in the respecitve ID file monitoring views). |
ENHANCEMENT (2.5.4) | The viewreader (=component that downloads new/changed actions) now sets several config variables when updating from view: mc:configdb_usedfallback (bool) - not new, but now always set; 1 if we tried to open fallback mc:configdb_opensuccessful (bool) - always set; 1 if db could be opened, 0 if not; mc:configdb_timeoutencountered (bool) - always set; 1 if a timeout was encountered when opening config database This may be useful to prevent any further server access if <mc:configdb_timeoutencountered>=1 by creating a corresponding condition and assigning it to e.g. Collect Location.& Connection and HW/SW inventory agents. |
ENHANCEMENT (2.5.6) | A new option has been added to use a new, much enhanced relocator engine - this can be enabled by setting <mc:relocator_new> to true|1|yes. The new relocation engine will NOT change the icon on a users desktop anymore, but only display redirects in the Notes client status bar. The only drawback to this approach is that e.g. formulas like @servername are then not aware of the relocation/redirect any more as opposed to the old relocator engine. However, the real location of a relocated databases can now be queried via script: NotesSession.GetEnvironmentString("RR->path", True) where path would be the path of the current database in the format of "CN=server/O=acme!!dir\filename.nsf" (without quotes); the query will then return the actual, relocated path. |
ENHANCEMENT (2.5.6) | MC 2.5.6 now supports to leave the en/disabled state of replicator page entries as is if an entry already exists (defaults to NOT leave an existing as is = always set the en/disabled state as to ensure the same behavior as in previous releases) |
.dylib Updates (Mac OS X) | |
ENHANCEMENT (2.0.36) | Due to a customer reporting "wrong" computer names being shown in the analyze database, we have added <os:computer_name> and <os:computer_hostname> to config.xml on Mac. Both are read from /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/preferences.plist (System/NetWork/HostNames/LocalHostName and System/System/ComputerName) - if customers experience wrong computer names being reported back into the analyze database, please check whether any of these added variables are correct - and contact, please. |
.so Updates (Linux) | |
FIX (2.0.38) | The database/replica manager now properly supports databases > 2 GB; previous releases would not detect databases > 2 GB. |