Config db ntf: 20120521084500
Analyze db ntf: 20120521084500
Windows Version: 2.6.0 :: MAC OS X Version: 2.0.36 :: Linux Version: 2.0.38
Eclipse Plugin:
Major Improvements: Added optional progress bar display during client shutdown, Added new option to significantly optimize Eclipse client configuration backups (also fixes roaming of open composite application tabs, e.g. Mailfile, Calendar, ...), Added four new config variables, Fixed file- and directory link detection problems keeping the Cleanup Job from working, Licensing now explicitly restricts backup to fileset/network share only to licenses covering MarvelClient Roaming
General Notes | |
![]() | Supported IBM Lotus Notes releases: 5.x, 6.x, 7.x, 8.x, up to 8.5.3 (Administrators need at least IBM Lotus Notes 7.x on Windows or Linux) Supported client-side operating systems: Microsoft Windows NT4 (>=SP2), 2000, XP, 2003, 2008, Vista, 7, and Citrix/WTS, Apple Intel Mac OS X Leopard & Lion, Linux Supported server-side operating systems: any supported by IBM (operating system independent) NOTE: Support is limited for platform and release combinations not supported by IBM |
![]() | Linux & Mac OS X: Skinning, Realtime, Zip/Unzip and Attachment Blocking are not available on Linux or Mac OS X; Citrix, Linux & Mac OS X: Upgrade is only available on Windows (=not on Citrix, Linux or Mac OS X) MarvelClient on Mac OS X and Linux does not support the runtypes "After Login - Before Sync", "After Login - After Write" and "On first server access" - any such actions must be set to run at a different supported runtype, e.g. "After Login" |
IMPORTANT NOTES | This release contains select important updates highlighted in red |
Configuration Database | |
FIX | Fixed a problem with a wrong hide/when formula erroneously hiding the "Change Existing" option when either Send AND/OR Receive were not checked |
CHANGE | Removed non-supported runtimes from backup action (essentially all before login runtime moments which were displayed although not working) |
CHANGE | The [Advanced\Mailbased Installation] menu option has been re-labelled [Advanced\Installation] since it not only supports deployment by email but also using an optional PostOpen Script |
CHANGE | Changed the Eclipse Roaming backup action example to use the suggested regular expression (see 2.6.0 DLL change documentation below) |
CHANGE | The "Disable view updates as background task" was erroneously inverted (=adding the option to the enabled list would actually enable view updates, rather than disabling them); this has been fixed - Note that you must resave any user preferences management action |
CHANGE | The view [MarvelZip\Configuration] has been changed to only show configuration documents for MarvelZip/Unzip and any INI Management actions that set one or more <mz:*> variables |
ENHANCEMENT | Added an action example in the (MarvelClient) [Roaming] Category for configuring the new optional shutdown progress bar |
ENHANCEMENT | Added an action example [Delete cache.ndk (once only) if larger than 50 MB] |
ENHANCEMENT | Added an action example [Run compact for all local databases including templates for ODS upgrade in background once] |
Analyze Database | |
FIX | Fixed a problem where the HW/SW inventory agent contained test code which hardcoded the analyze (upload) database to (Local)!!panagenda\analyze_dev.nsf |
MarvelClient Upgrade | |
CHANGE / ENHANCEMENT | MarvelClient Upgrade 2.6 is now available with several enhancements - the following list of changes and enhancements only contains the most important ones:
.DLL Updates (Windows) | |
FIX (2.5.18) | Fixed a problem where a backup action would fail entirely if a file that was within backup scope could not be accessed (=existed but was locked exclusively by another process/program) |
FIX (2.6.0) | If the fulltext index directory cannot be moved along with a phyiscal replica move, the action will no longer fail entirely but log a warning into log.xml |
FIX (2.6.0) | Fixed a problem where MarvelClient claimed it detected a file or directory link in the data directory although there was none; The file- and directory link detection is now fixed - also, any detected file- and/or directory links are now logged into log.xml. Note that in many customer environments, the cleanup action [Advanced\JCL. Cleanup] did not work at all prior to this fix. |
FIX / CHANGE / ENHANCEMENT (2.6.0) | The newly introduce ZipRegex option to zip files based on regular expressions from within backup actions (2.5.17) has been changed to not only compare filenames, but the full remaining path underneath the respective source directory. Standard client MarvelClient Roaming customers are advised to take the following regular expression into consideration (for<notes:data_directory>\workspace\.metadata] being the source directory of the eclipse configuration): ==================== ^(?!.*\\cache.*)(?!.*\\com\.ibm\.collaboration\.realtime\.palettes.*)(?!.*\\org\.eclipse\.pde\.core.*)(?!.*\\org\.eclipse\.ltk\.core\.refactoring.*)(?!.*\\com\.ibm.rcp\.toolbox\.prov\.provider.*)(?!.*\\com\.ibm\.rcp\.search\.ui.*)(?!.*\\com\.ibm\.rcp\.bizcard.*)(?!.*\\org\.eclipse\.core\.resources.*)(?!.*\\wsdls\\.*)(?!.*\.eml$)(?!.*\.bak$)(?!.*\.jvm_G\d\d$).*$ ==================== The above regexp includes all files in the .metadata directory except for any directories and files that contain the string [\cache] any directories and files that contain the string [\\.palettes]; if missing, this will be reprovisioned as soon as sametime initializes any directories and files that contain the string [\org.eclipse.pde.core] - this *should* only be relevant for developers but first testing showed that excluding it did not affect the roaming experience for developers; however, we did not go to great lengths in testing this any directories and files that contain the string [\org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring] - same comments apply as for org.eclipse.pde.core any directories and files that contain the string [\] - this seems to hold an informational history of providers; first testing showed that excluding it did not affect the roaming experience; however, we did not go to great lengths in testing this any directories and files that contain the string [\] - this seems to hold a history of search terms used in the client; we found backing up this data being questionable and decided to exclude it with our recommendation any directories and files that contain the string [\] - this seems to hold business card details for caching / performance reasons any directories and files that contain the string [\org.eclipse.core.resources] - this seems to hold caching and history data; first testing showed that excluding it did not affect the roaming experience; however, we did not go to great lengths in testing this; since most customer configurations either backed up *.xml & *.properties or *.* (=any files containing a dot), almost all data in this directory was excluded, too, since most files in these directories do NOT containt a dot / end on xml/properties any directories that contain the string [\wsdls\]; these are reprovisioned when e.g. opening the mailbox/calendar and similar any files ending on .eml (we found some eml files in the directory which we think shouldn't be there in the first place) any files ending on .bak any files end on jvm_G##, being cache files created by Notes releases < 8.5 (which are not cleaned up when upgrading from 8.0 releases to 8.5) Again, since most customer configurations either backed up [*.xml & *.properties] or [*.*] (=any files containing a dot), almost all data in the above directories was excluded up until today, since most files now explicitly excluded do NOT containt a dot / end on xml/properties. Using the above backup configuration also fixes the problem of saving the window state on exit and roaming with open mailbox/calendar (or rather any composite application) - in previous configurations, re-opening a roamed open composite application tab lead to an empty frameset being displayed. |
CHANGE (2.5.18) | The backup to fileset (=network share/drive) action has been changed to only work for customers with a valid roaming license. If you are a MarvelClient Roaming customer, please make sure that your current license document includes roaming before upgrading to MC 2.6.0! |
CHANGE (2.6.0) | For trials/evals of MarvelClient, the zip checkbox is now disabled by default when attaching files |
CHANGE / ENHANCEMENT (2.5.18) | The availability of notes:um_server / notes:umserver has been improved; in case no details are resolved from the public addressbook using a location action, these variables now fallback to ini:MailServer |
ENHANCEMENT (2.5.18) | Added a new config variable resulting in the current OS language locale according to |
ENHANCEMENT (2.5.18) | Added three new config variables , , to allow for easier platform conditions (e.g. a numeric condition [ >= [6] would query for Windows 7 and up; to be precise, this would also include Windows 2008 and 2008 R2); for further details on operating system versions see |
ENHANCEMENT (2.5.18) | Added support for Windows 8 detection (<os:version_string>, <os:build>, <os:major>, <os:minor>) |
ENHANCEMENT (2.5.18) | Improved logging for DLL updates; in case a DLL update fails, log.xml will now contain further details |
ENHANCEMENT (2.6.0) | Added seperator lines into log.xml for easier reading of runtimes (durations) and end of log sections; the following screenshot shows an example: |
ENHANCEMENT (2.6.0) | If a duplicate URL in desktop (workspace) prevents an icon from being created or read, MarvelClient now logs a warning into log.xml |
ENHANCEMENT (2.6.0) | Added a new variable <notes:version_number> which consists of MajorVersion*1000000 + MinorVersion*10000 + QMRNumber*100 + QMUNumber This new variable allows for easier numeric conditions quering notes versions, e.g. 8050301 = 8.5.3 FP1, whereas 8050300 = 8.5.3 |
ENHANCEMENT (2.6.0) | Added optional progress bar display when shutting down Notes: <mc:pbar_shutdown_enabled> = true|1|yes enables progress bar display upon client shutdown; this is particularly valuable for MarvelClient Roaming customers to visuaize backup progress; by default not progress bar is shown during client shutdown If enabled, the following screenshot shows the default progress bar configuration displayed during client shutdown: The first progress bar shows a section counter - in essence, processing of actions in each runtime moment is spread out across "sections" (for example reading files/objects, processing actions, writing files/objects); these do not translate to runtime moments or similar, just in case you start counting and comparing with something familiar ;-) The second progress bar shows number of executed actions (including conditions); note that even though the progress bar is currently only available at shutdown, it shows the processed and total number of actions from starting the client until shutdown, not just number of shutdown actions. The third progress bar shows the number of subactions within each currently processed action; for a backup action this would be a subaction as per backup "line" (~"for each source directory and filepattern"). Note that the title of the progress bar can be customized as follows: <mc:pbar_shutdown_header> = Your Titlebar Text By default the progress bar is titled "Please wait..." In addition, the progress bar can be further configured as follows: <mc:pbar_textshow> = true|1|yes shows section/action/subaction details as text - note that this text can NOT be customized. <mc:pbar_limitlevel> = 0|1|2... limits the number of progress bars being displayed (offset being 0!); the default is not set (=display all progress bars, which might change from the current 3 in the future). You can reduce the number of progress bars being displayed to e.g. 2 (by setting mc:pbar_limitlevel to 1) or 1 (by setting mc:pbar_limitlevel to 0). |
.dylib Updates (Mac OS X) | |
- No changes - | - No changes - |
.so Updates (Linux) | |
- No changes - | - No changes - |