Config db ntf: 20140509114500
Analyze db ntf: 20140414170000
Help db ntf: 20140509114500 / Content: 20140509114500
Windows Version: 4.0.14 :: MAC OS X Version: 2.0.45 :: Linux Version: 2.0.42
Eclipse Plugin: 2.0.4
Major Improvements: Fixed a problem where MarvelClient could freeze when changing MC_WorkingDirectory with MarvelClient itself, Fixed a problem with id file roaming and the Notes Browser Plugin, Sametime Autologin handling has been enhanced for the MarvelClient Eclipse Plugin, Fixed a problem related to view/column sorting when reading/writing desktop, Customers who use MarvelClient Roaming are advised to adjust their configuration, The bookmark management Action has been enhanced significantly, MarvelClient Upgrade now comes with a graceful shutdown and a "delta copy" component along with various other improvements, Automatic unzipping when dragging&dropping files can now be disabled for MarvelClient Zip/Unzip
General Notes | |
![]() | Supported IBM Lotus Notes releases: 5.x, 6.x, 7.x, 8.x, up to 9.0.1 including the IBM Notes Browser Plugin (Administrators need at least IBM Lotus Notes 8.x, preferably Windows) Supported client-side operating systems: Microsoft Windows XP, 2003, 2008, Vista, 7, 8, and Citrix/WTS, Apple Intel Mac OS X 10.5-10.8 (Leopard, Snow Leopard, Lion and Mountain Lion), Linux Supported server-side operating systems: any supported by IBM (operating system independent) NOTE: Support is limited for platform and release combinations not supported by IBM |
![]() | Linux & Mac OS X: Eclipse Management, Skinning, Realtime, Zip/Unzip and Attachment Blocking are not available on Linux or Mac OS X; Citrix, Linux & Mac OS X: the MarvelClient Upgrade module is only available on Windows (=not on Citrix, Linux or Mac OS X) MarvelClient on Mac OS X and Linux does not support the runtypes "After Login - After Write", "On first server access", "Background - Init" and "Background" - any such actions must be set to run at a different supported runtype, e.g. "After Login" |
IMPORTANT NOTES | This release contains select important updates highlighted in red |
Configuration Database | |
FIX | Fixed a problem where Online Update would always download new help contents even if it hasn't been updated |
ENHANCEMENT | The bookmark management Action has been enhanced significantly: |
ENHANCEMENT | Changed bookmark matching to allow separate settings for every target setting, also added options to update/delete every bookmark with same replicaid in other folders |
ENHANCEMENT | Added new regex-match option for action and URL bookmarks |
ENHANCEMENT | Unzip for drag&drop can now be disabled by setting <mz:UnzipEnabledDD> to false/0 or in the respective Zip/Unzip config Actions. |
Analyze Database | |
MC Analyze | - No Changes - |
MarvelClient Help | |
UPDATE | Updated release notes |
MarvelClient Upgrade | |
General Notes | MarvelClient Upgrade has been enhanced significantly - in order to make use of the new MarvelClient Upgrade 4.x release, ALL components must be upgraded to 4.x, including SuRunAs |
SURunAs.au3 ( | Added a new feature to perform a graceful client shutdown, allowing for upgrade attempts whilst the client is up and running. Graceful shutdown requires MCShutdown.exe and the following entry to be set in the "MCUpgrade.ini" file: GracefulShutdown=1 0 or not set = disabled --> immediate kill (not recommended) 1 = attempt graceful shutdown(s) as configured below (see MCShutdown.exe below) - recommended 2 = 1 & fallback to immediate kill (if Shutdown is not cancelled by end user) |
SURunAs.au3 ( | Added a new "MCUpgrade.ini" option: Setting PermutatedLogon=0 will logon with admin username and password pairs as opposed to all possible permutated combinations - requires that number of admin usernames and passwords match, those will then only be permutated with domains (if applicable) |
SURunAs.au3 ( | Added a new "MCUpgrade.ini" option: InstallFinishedTimeout=10 ;defaults to 0 = never timeout - automatically closes the InstallFinishedTitle/Message message box after the specified number of seconds |
SURunAs.au3 ( | Added a new "MCUpgrade.ini" option: InstallFinishedExec=c:\lotus\notes\client\notes.exe This should be set to F:\ullpath\ofnew\programdirectory\notes.exe |
SuRunAs.au3 ( | Added a new option to perform a smart "delta copy" of the old IBM Notes data directory to new location if the old data directory resides on a network drive -the copy will then be performed by SuRunAs before switching to the admin user: DeltaCopyNotesDataIfOnNWDrive=1 - requires MCDeltaCopy.exe - see below |
SuRunAs.au3 ( | Added checking for whether SuRunAs is already running based on an ini marker that SuRunAs maintains |
SuRunAs.au3 ( | Fixed a problem where cleanup could not remove the old program directory if SuRunAs had a handle to inside the old notes data directory |
SuRunAs.au3 ( | Fixed a problem where compiling with AutoIt instead of Scite lead to ugly icons and larger files (still, compiling with Scite is recommended) |
SuRunAs.au3 ( | SuRunAs now also supports up to 999 exec entries as follows: SuRunAsExec001=d:\autoit\MCDeltaCopy.exe SuRunAsExecParams001="%MC_UPGRADEINIFILEPATH%" "%MC_SOURCEDIRECTORY%" "%MC_TARGETDIRECTORY%" Those 0-999 programs will be executed after DeltaCopy (if applicable), before switching over to Admin. SuRunAsExecParams* are optional in all cases. Note that the above example only makes sense without enabling DeltaCopyNotesDataIfOnNWDrive - it's an example of how to *always* run the DeltaCopy before switching to Admin. (and yes, SuRunAsExecParams* support all of the above three placeholders (plus OS environment variables) |
MCUpgrade.exe ( | Initial display of progress window is now moved to midscreen+200/200 pixels |
MCUpgrade.exe ( | Added check for whether specified MCUpgrade.ini exists |
MCUpgrade.exe ( | Changed DirCopy to FileCopy with Pbar Meter info so that progress is visualized rather than just "done or not done yet" |
MCUpgrade.exe ( | Improved pbar visualizations & logging for copy/move operations |
MCUpgrade.exe ( | Fixed a problem where KillProcesses did not end wait time if no processes were left |
MCUpgrade.exe ( | Changed default for KillProcessWaitTime to 60 |
MCUpgrade.exe ( | Fixed a problem where cleanup could not remove the old program directory if MCUpgrade had a handle to inside the old notes data directory |
MCUpgrade.exe ( | Fixed a problem where MCUpgrade.log could have several blank lines at the very end |
MCUpgrade.exe ( | Added a new "MCUpgrade.ini" option: SkipNotesDataDirectoryMigration=1 (defaults to 0) If (SkipNotesDataDirectoryMigration=1 OR (DeltaCopyNotesDataIfOnNWDrive=1 (see SuRunAs) AND NotesDataDirectoryNew is on network drive)) then the migration AND possible deletion of the data directory will be skipped. |
MCShutdown.exe ( | MCShutdown.exe allows to attempt a graceful shutdown of IBM Notes clients (Basic or Standard clients) and can be used for upgrades and/or restarts of clients that are not closed and restarted in a long(er) time. |
MCDeltaCopy.exe ( | The new DeltaCopy allows to move/copy a directory structure from A to B. Sample screenshot from running MCDeltaCopy: MCDeltaCopy can be run as follows MCDeltaCopy MCDeltaCopy "F:\ullpath\toinifile.ini" MCDeltaCopy "F:\ullpath\toinifile.ini" "S:\ource\directory" "T:\arget\directory" MCDeltaCopy "F:\ullpath\toinifile.ini" "S:\ource\directory" "T:\arget\directory" 1 Used inifile defaults to "directory where MCDeltaCopy is\MCUpgrade.ini" Source directory is read from ini file if not passed via commandline Target directory is read from ini file if not passed via commandline The last commandline parameter is read from inifile:DeltaCopyMoveIfPossible (see below for details) if not passed via command line DeltaCopy will copy/move an entire directory from A to B. In case files already exist in target directory structure, a file will only be copied again if the last modified date is different(!) - means an older file will also be copied over. Supported ini variables are (important ones in the context of an upgrade highlighted in bold) DeltaCopyProgressBar1StaticText=Text to display instead of progress info - not recommended as the dynamic text is valuable imo DeltaCopyProgressBarTitle=panagenda DeltaCopy DeltaCopyProgressBarText=Copying %MC_SOURCEDIRECTORY% TO %MC_TARGETDIRECTORY% ... ;supports those two placeholders and OS environment variables DeltaCopySourceDirectory=... DeltaCopyTargetDirectory=... ;Source and Target dir are either BOTH to be specified via command line OR inifile DeltaCopyMoveIfPossible=1 ;defaults to 0 = files will always be copied - if set to 1, files will be moved if source and target dir are on same disk DeltaCopyDeleteSourceAfterCopy=0 ;defaults to 0; set to 1 to delete files that were copied (not applicable if DeltaCopyMoveIfPossible=1 AND source and target are on same disk) DeltaCopyAllowCancelTimeout=600 ;defaults to 0 = shows cancel button immediately - 600 = after 600 seconds (=10 minutes), show cancel button ;for the time being, I have not implemented any particular handling for when cancel is clicked (other than cancelling the copy process ;-)) ;0 as default makes sense if one wants to use MCDeltaCopy via command line for the fun of it ;I implemented this as I'm a bit worried about users sitting in front of their machines and such a copy taking ages due to e.g. bad network connection ;The copy process knows average B/KB/MB per second being transferred - we could also implement an auto-cancel if the B/KB/MB throughput is below a certain threshold - atm no handling/fallback of cancel is implemented (nor is any kind of auto-cancel) DeltaCopyKillProcesses=1 ;defaults to 0 - if set to 1, DeltaCopy will iterate through the KillProcess* configuration of the inifile to make sure that all relevant tasks are closed before carrying out the copy/move (this is to prevent corrupt / not yet flushed files from being copied) ;note that I'd recommend to set the KillProcessWaitTime to at least 120 or even 200+ seconds - my machine needs ~50 seconds to close notes and all relevant processes - non-SSD machines can easily need up to 2 minutes. |
Eclipse Plugin | |
FIX (2.0.4) | We now attempt to initiate Sametime autologin in the background when the default community's autologin setting is changed to true in a MarvelClient action, and we set the Eclipse preference for autologin where appropriate |
.DLL Updates (Windows) | |
FIX (4.0.14) | Fixed a problem where MarvelClient would freeze during client startup when changing the MC_WorkingDirectory during client startup with MarvelClient - this issue was introduced in MC 4.0.11 |
FIX (4.0.14) | Errors when dealing with view sorting/column positions will no longer lead to icons not being read/written |
FIX (4.0.14) | Notes Browser Plugin: When roaming into an existing data directory with an existing id file of the same name (e.g., previous releases prompted for the previous user's password due to caching by the IBM loading wrapper - this issue is now fixed. |
FIX (4.0.14) | Fixed the german default string for blocking emails using MarvelClient Mail Blocking ("Das Senden einer Mail an folgenden Empfänger ist nicht erlaubt: %RECIPIENT%.") - the string was displayed in english in previous releases. |
ADVICE | Customers who use MarvelClient Roaming and MarvelClient >= 2.9.4 are advised to change the backup instruction for as follows: For copy/paste reasons: 1.) change backup type from Zip to Zip (RegExp) 2.) change the files to <^notes:names_path$> user\.dic <^notes:journal_path=notebook.nsf$> |
CHANGE (4.0.14) | MC_WorkingDirectory is now excluded from notes.ini by default when using MarvelClient Roaming |
CHANGE (4.0.14) | MC_NetDirLastModified is now always excluded from notes.ini when using MarvelClient Roaming |
ENHANCEMENT (4.0.14) | Changed bookmark matching to allow separate settings for every target setting, also added options to update/delete every bookmark with same replicaid in other folders |
ENHANCEMENT (4.0.14) | Added new regex-match options to action and URL bookmark |
ENHANCEMENT (4.0.14) | Unzip for drag&drop can now be disabled by setting <mz:UnzipEnabledDD> to false/0 or in the respective Zip/Unzip config Actions. |
.dylib Updates (Mac OS X) | |
.dylib (2.0.45) | - No Changes - |
.so Updates (Linux) | |
.so (2.0.42) | - No Changes - |