The Microsoft Teams button gives access to various reports focusing on Microsoft Teams and Call analytics.

- Microsoft Teams Versions: An overview showing the users for which data is collected categorized by their installed Microsoft Teams client version as well as other device and OS specific information. This view allows you to investigate the installed Microsoft Teams environment as it is being monitored by OfficeExpert TrueDEM. Using the table and pivot options on the right side of the table, you can do further anaylsis concerning the roll out across device types and configurations. (See "Microsoft Teams Versions (Report)" for more info on how to use the report)

- Tenantwide Overview: This report gives you a summary insight into the Microsoft Teams calls in your environment made during the last 7 days (adjustable). Information includes general KPI's, call quality indicators, issue directions (send/receive) and the top ISP's utilized. It also differentiates between the area of problems (Video / Audio) and types of issues occuring.
- Network Call Quality: Shows the Call quality per ISP and per subnet (if provided). To get the subnet information included, contact panagenda support about the procedure.
- Direct Routing Report: Provides insight into the direct routing connections and concurrency on trunks. To see details for a specific country or trunk, simply click on the entry to see more details.
- EV Util & Cost Optimization: Report to give you insight into the license utilization of Enterprise Voice licenses. Additional sub reports can be accessed using the "Related" links in the right upper corner.

- WiFi Network Analysis: This report will give you insight into the readiness and performance of WiFi networks used for making Teams Calls. It provides insights into WiFi networks (both office & remote networks) that are potentially substandard for doing Teams calls on. It allows you to proactively identify these networks and the users who rely on them so you can take remediation actions or inform users. For more information please see Substandard WiFi Networks for Teams Calls.
Live Teams Call Status: This overview shows all calls taking place in your environment at the moment*. It shows the number of calls and number of users in calls as well as the number of managed networks having calls that show issues (impacted networks). The tables on the report show all calls per network. Each (managed) network shows the calls in which there is at least one participant connecting over that (managed) network. If a call has users from multiple networks, it will be listed under all of these networks. Calls shown under "External Network" are calls where any of the participants are working remotely (not through a managed network) or if any of the participants in the call is external to the organization. Further details like the participants names, call duration and issue distribution across the network can be seen by clicking on the network name. By further clicking through on an individual participant name it is possible to see live statistics for that user in the call as it is ongoing. These statistics are only available for calls made by users with the OfficExpert TrueDEM agent installed.
*Note: This report is updated every few minutes, it is possible that there is a delay of several minutes in seeing just started calls or that calls already finished still show after they've already finished until the next itteration
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