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This component release is part of MarvelClient 14.0

Config DB - General

FIXThe Nomad Web Migration action previously created a secondary action called "Set viewreader_next_cleanup=replace" to force the actions.xml file to be reloaded. This secondary action is no longer needed and will be removed from all existing Nomad Web Migration actions after a successful Online Update to this version of the template.

Config DB - MC Upgrade UI

 Added a new agent (Actions\Other\MarvelClient Upgrade: Fix links and clean up) to fix and cleanup upgrade history documents and associated progress and summary emails
A new ACL role "AdminMCU" is now required to perform the following actions:
  • Seeing the Outline/Navigator entry MarvelClient Upgrade\Configuration(s)\Security Resources
  • Seeing the button "MCUR. Security Resource" in the view MarvelClient Upgrade\Configuration(s)\Security Resources
  • Creating a security resource document via the "+" button at the bottom of the Elevation tab in MCUpgrade Configuration documents
Fixed an issue where Upgrade Prediction did not honor admin&|designer conditions

Fixed an issue where Upgrade Prediction did not fully honor Who tab settings


Fixed an issue where indexing failed to properly detect 12.0.2FP5 installers