We will be updating the User Insights page soon to show an event line for Networking, device and Call quality information. It will provide a comprehensive and at-a-glance overview of a user's device activity over the last 21 days, aiming at showing you: “Everything about this user that I need to see”.
There are 3 (collapsed) main categories which one sees when opening this view
• Network
• Device
• Teams Calls
Each of them represents an aggregation of scores and metrics provided by the underlying child objects (one can expand the section to see all the child objects)
Network is at the top because it is the most critical element through out the user experience journey. It provides aggregated views for Wifi and Wired Networks. The tooltip information provides all relevant details about the network connection such as if the user is using an authenticated network. Network Events shows Bssid changes, when users change hotspots. This is going to be expanded even further in the near future with more network related change events.
The Device category shows the perspective from the hardware itself. For instance: "Are my local resources exceeeding certain levels (cpu util, memory util) and therefore do they impact my experience?". Device events are shown for all one can find update/remove/added software applications.
The last category is Teams Calls. It is a timeline view showing you which Teams calls the user participated in. There are 2 child items. Microsoft and Advanced.
The Microsoft entry depicts TrueDEM interpretations of the call records data which TrueDEM receives from the customer tenant (call records). This is an aggregation of the entire call. TrueDEM uses and analysis this data and classifies it into 4 buckets. Optimal – Acceptable – Impacted – Degraded for audio, video and screensharing quality. Keep in mind that Microsoft data shows aggregated data across the call only, and therefore shows one single status for the entire call.
It also shows the start and end times of the call (when any participant joined), which can differ from the actual participation times of the user itself and the platform the call was taken on (for instance Windows, mobile, web, etc).
The Advanced entry shows additional and more granluar data collected directly from the users device & Teams client through the OfficeExpert TrueDEM agent when the user is in calls on their device using their Teams client. Advanced represents the TrueDEM Streaming data, captured in an interval of every 30secs during the call. It provides the unique perspective at which point in time the call went bad. Status on this line is shown by segment of the call and consective audio/video/screensharing issues are highlighted. Start & end times on this line can differ from that on the Mirosoft line as the actual times the user joined/left the call are used (not general start/end times of the call).
To specify the period to look at, use the date controls in the right upper corner (up to 21 days) or focus in directly on the timeline itself by highlighting a specific period on the timeline. Use the Bin size and Zoom options to indicate the level of detail (15 minutes to 1 hour) preferred.
Note! Keep in mind that setting the bin size to a smaller size and/or the covered period to more than the default 7 days can result in a somewhat longer loading time.
We use scores to indicate potential areas of interest. The scoring is done for each of the categories with a score of 0-49 (red) indicating likely issues, 50-84 (yellow) indicating potential impacted quality that might or might not be noticable by users, and 85-100 (green) indicating no serious or noticable issues.