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panagenda MarvelClient is the world's fastest and leading client management solution for Notes and Nomad, supporting

  • HCL and IBM Notes on Microsoft Windows
  • HCL and IBM Notes on Apple macOS 64 bit
  • HCL and IBM Notes on Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI), like Citrix and Windows Terminal Server
  • HCL Nomad on iOS mobile devices
  • HCL Nomad on Android and Chromebook devices
  • HCL and IBM Client Application Access (IBM and HCL CAA)

On HCL Domino Servers, MarvelClient only consists of two databases, which are operating system independent.

As of today, customers in over 70 countries run more than 12 million licenses of panagenda MarvelClient.

Since every customer is different, MarvelClient can be licensed with different feature sets as outlined below.

Upgrading MarvelClient - including MarvelClient Essentials - is easily done from within the MarvelClient Config database upon successful purchase.

For further details, please visit our website.

Customers can choose from various Modules and Editions of panagenda MarvelClient:

Module / Edition

Free or Optional Upgrade

Major benefits

MarvelClient Essentials


Included in IBM/HCL Notes and Domino since 10.0.1

Separate Download available for earlier releases

See MarvelClient Essentials

HCL Nomad Mobile


See MarvelClient Basic

HCL Nomad Web


See The Domino Directory Nomad Web Migration Action

MarvelClient Basic

Optional Upgrade

Manage desktop / workspace icons, bookmarks, local replicas, replicator pages, location and connection documents, preferences

Reduce helpdesk tickets by up to 80%.

MarvelClient Eclipse

Optional Upgrade

Manage Eclipse (Standard clients) settings and plugins, configure Sametime and Connections in Notes

MarvelClient Automate

Optional Upgrade

Automatically add, remove and update icons and bookmarks for all your users in synch with ACL and group changes, as well as when databases are created, moved or deleted on Domino servers

MarvelClient Realtime

Optional Upgrade

Prevent creation of databases outside of the Notes data directory, or even therein

Automatically connect travelling users with nearer servers

MarvelClient Roaming

Optional Upgrade

Roam and backup entire Notes client configurations with as little as 2 MB per client

Reduce Notes backup volume by up to 95%

Reduce network traffic by up to 98% compared to Notes data directories on network drives

Ensure best possible client startup times

MarvelClient Upgrade

Optional Upgrade

Upgrade your Notes Windows and Citrix/VDI clients easily

Perform Notes client upgrades within days, not months


Significantly reduce upgrade error rates, end user downtime and support efforts

MarvelClient Zip/Unzip

Optional Upgrade

Reduce attachment sizes and simplify handling of zip files

(Windows only)

MarvelClient Attachment Blocking

Optional Upgrade

Prevent unwanted attachments or attachment sizes

MarvelClient Mail Blocking

Optional Upgrade

Prevent unwanted email volume (email size multiplied with number of recipients) and disallow sending to certain groups or people

Supported Notes and Domino releases and Operating Systems for panagenda MarvelClient modules

Operating System /
MarvelClient Module

Supported byNotes and Domino

Microsoft Windows



macOS 64 BitiOS

Android and


included out of the box
beginning with 10.0.1

Windows 7+



macOS 10.12+

See Basic

See Basic



(HCL for iOS, Android and Chromebook)


Windows 7+



macOS  10.12+

Built into
HCL Nomad
via AppStore
Built into
HCL Nomad
via Google
Play Store


Windows 7+



macOS  10.12+n/an/a
Automatepanagenda6+*)Windows 7+YesYes

macOS  10.12+




Windows 7+






Windows 7+



macOS  10.12+




Windows 7+






Windows 7+




Attachment Blocking


Windows 7+




Mail Blocking


Windows 7+




*) For full functionality, administrators need at least Notes 9.0.1FP7

**) Please note that support is limited on operating systems and/or for Notes and Domino versions not supported by HCL or the respective manufacturer.