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This feature allows to supplant or replace the traditional method of roaming actions.xml via MC_NetworkDirectory.

Backup and Roaming of the actions.xml via HTTP takes place at the same point in time when we would upload or download the actions.xml from a network directory (when using MC_NetworkDirectory).

If MC_NetworkDirectory is specified in addition to HTTP roaming settings, it will take priority for download, with the HTTP target only serving as a fallback in case of failure. You can set MC_NetworkDirectory_Disabled=1 to ignore MC_NetworkDirectory for actions.xml download in this case.
However, the upload of the actions.xml will be done to both targets always.

If you exclusively want to roam actions.xml via HTTP,  you have to remove MC_NetworkDirectory (but be sure you are not using this ini variable for anything else).

In order to enable this feature, you need to set one of these three ini variables (details on how to use them further below):

  • MC_ActionXMLRoaming_HTTPMailfile - for roaming via the user's mailfile
  • MC_ActionXMLRoaming_WebDAV - for roaming via WebDAV
  • MC_ActionXMLRoaming_FTP - for roaming via FTP

Roaming via the user's mailfile

This method works through the webmail redirect and shared login. The upload happens directly to the mailfile via normal Notes access (via Notes RPC), just as a Backup action with a database target would. The download happens via HTTP before login. Because at this point the path to the mailfile is unknown, it needs the a redirect to work.

https://webmail.acme.comURL that will redirect to the users mailfile
Needs to be set to 0 or 1, depending on your webmail setup.

Roaming via WebDAV

For this method your either need a WebDAV that users can access without manually providing credentials (anonymous access or some form of shared login), or you need to provide username and password in the notes.ini.

MC_ActionXMLRoaming_WebDAVThe URL for the target WebDAV system

Roaming via FTP

For this method you either need an FTP that users can access without credentials (anonymous access or some form of shared login), or you need to provide username and password in the notes.ini.

MC_ActionXMLRoaming_FTPThe URL for the target FTP server

Additional Settings

These are all optional, and have default values that should cover the vast majority of use cases. They are only provided to help solve very specific issues or problems.

MC_ActionXMLRoaming_WebTimeoutMsOS-dependentSpecify the timeout in ms. If not specified, the timeout depends on OS settings.
MC_ActionXMLRoaming_BackupWebTimeoutMsMC_ActionXMLRoaming_WebTimeoutMsSet this if you want the timeout for backup be different than MC_ActionXMLRoaming_WebTimeoutMs

The roaming key. Important: does not support placeholders that are notes-specific (like %NOTES_USER%)

MC_ActionXMLRoaming_BackupKeyMC_ActionXMLRoaming_KeySet this if you want the backup to use a different roaming key than MC_ActionXMLRoaming_Key
MC_ActionXMLRoaming_Identifieractions.xmlThe identifier used in the target backup set
MC_ActionXMLRoaming_BackupRevisionDepth1Number of revisions of the actions.xml that are stored in the backup set
MC_ActionXMLRoaming_Viewv_uploadOnly used in conjunction with MC_ActionXMLRoaming_HTTPMailfile.
The name of the view that is used to find uploaded backup sets.


If that variable is unavailable, falls back to:

Only used in conjunction with MC_ActionXMLRoaming_HTTPMailfile.
This is the notes database location for the user's mailfile. The default should always be fine.