panagenda is proud to announce this new release of iDNA Applications. Whether you’re in a Notes/Domino modernization or migration project, iDNA gives you the knowledge to deliver the most difficult projects efficiently, on time and on budget. This new version is a maintenance release with a significant bug fix.

Compatibility Warning

Our previous operating system CentOS Linux 7 has reached end of life (EOL) on June 30, 2024. Please see the official announcement by Red Hat for more details.

panagenda provides new virtual images based on Alma Linux 9, a RHEL based open source Linux distribution. We encourage all customers to migrate their installations to the new virtual image.

Compatibility Warning

From version 3.0.0 onward, iDNA Applications upgrade packages will not be backward compatible with the previous CentOS-based appliances. Please deploy a new v3 Alma Linux appliance to continue benefiting from iDNA's latest and greatest features!

For a how-to on migrating your existing system and data please visit our iDNA Version 2 to Version 3 Migration Guide.

Bug Fixes

Code Analysis: An issue was fixed that would lead to issues with de-compiling Formula code. Formula code processing in general was not impacted, but was limited to the relatively rare situations when Formula code is exported in compiled format by the DXL exporter.

Database design needs to be re-scanned to benefit from this bug fix!

This fix affects new design scans going forward, but previously processed data will not be affected retroactively. Please note that data does not need to be re-collected from servers if the design has not changed since the previous collection, so this process should not create load on the network or Domino Servers.

A re-scan of databases can be triggered manually by the menu item [Settings] > [Design analysis status]

Structural Changes / Upgrade Path

Upgrade Procedure: Container Installer

Details on how to update to this new version can be found in the knowledge base article Upgrading iDNA Applications.

Visit our site to start your evaluation right now!